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Cardassian Influence (Part I of III)

Posted on Thu Jul 4, 2019 @ 9:48am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Miral Annhwi & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,503 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: VIP Dining Hall - Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD 10 1930
Tags: Cardassia, diplomacy


The staff of the Cardassian Embassy was quite efficient when it came to putting on formal events. They took pride in the amount of effort and dedication that was put into the placement of every dish, every chair, even down to the detail in craftsmanship of the silverware that was set out for each guest.

Ambassador Hydel Turvan understood the importance of such events better than any other person. A strong part of diplomacy was being able to demonstrate your culture and sophistication through subtle and non-aggressive means. What better way then surrounding an adversary in the finest linens and culinary that the Cardassian Empire could provide. It was not enough to merely think you were better than your opponents, you had to show them why you were more sophisticated than they were.

"Ambassador," His young assistant, Sanora, said to him. "Security has informed me that our diplomatic guests have arrived." She said.

"Then by all means, show them to the dining hall and have them seated." Turvan said as he straightened the collar on his dress tunic. "Tell Gul Meran to inform Embassy Security that we are not to be disturbed during our meal." He said.

"Yes, Ambassador" the young woman said as he turned and relayed the directives.

Miral Annhwi was pleased at the opportunity to meet the other diplomats so soon after arriving. She'd read as much as she could, but she much preferred getting someone's measure face-to-face. Diplomacy was often the fine art of telling only what truths you chose to tell to give the image you chose to portray. And so she dressed in a deep purple gown that highlighted her assets while still giving her an air of sophistication and made her way to the banquet.

She bowed when she saw the young woman. "Greetings. I am Ambassador Annhwi."

"Greetings, Ambassador," Sanora responded. "If you would follow me please, I will show you to your designated seat." She said as she turned and made her way into the grand dining area. She walked towards the designated seat and gestured towards the appropriate chair. "If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to ask." The young Cardassian girl said.

Miral bowed again and followed the woman. "Thank you," she said, taking the seat assigned to her.

The next individual to enter the room was the Gul Kalena Vashur, Commander of the 127th. She was dressed in traditional Cardassian formal attire with her hair done appropriately for the occasion. Since being promoted to her new role within the unit she had found herself engaging in numerous such dining affairs with the Ambassador as well as other Cardassian officials. It was becoming almost routine for her, laugh at this joke, nod affirmatively at this statement, on and on and on. She feared that she was becoming too used to the life of a politician and not that of a military leader.

She walked casually into the room and took her seat. It was Cardassian custom that the highest ranking military leader was to be seated on the non-dominant side of the highest government official. The traditional belief was that in a moment of battle, the military leader would be able to cover the government official from any attacks on his non-dominant side while the official either drew his own weapon or fled the area. It was an outdated custom; however, Gul Vashur knew better than to argue with the Ambassador on customs and traditions.

"Good evening, I am Gul Kalena Vashur." She said to the Romulan seated across from her as she extended her hand.

"Miral Annhwi," the Romulan said, taking her hand. "I only recently arrived."

Zariyah Lim didn't know what Turvan had up his sleeve for this invitation, but it would be interesting to observe, that was for sure. "Welcome to Cardassia, Madam Ambassador. Legate Turvan will be here shortly. I trust you had a pleasant journey to the station."

"It was...uneventful," Miral replied. There really wasn't anything to say about the trip other than that.

"Welcome one and all!" Ambassador Turvan said as he entered the dining hall with his typical flair. "I trust that you all did not have too long of a wait?" Hydel said insincerely. Frankly, he made it a habit to make his guests wait for a considerable amount of time for him to arrive. He looked at the room and observed his guests already seated in their appropriate seats. He nodded to his assistant to begin serving the first portion of the meal as he took his seat at the head of the table.

"I trust that you all are familiar with the head of Embassy Security, Gul Denat Meran." Hydel said as he took his seat and gestured towards his trusted Commander.

Gul Vashur nodded to the fellow Officer. It was obvious that Denat had acquainted himself in his role as the Ambassador's go-to-Soldier for all things Embassy related. He certainly had his work cut out for him considering the series of attacks that took place against the Cardassian Embassy. Additionally, there was the growing threat of the Human Fanatics controlled by the Raddon family. All in all, Gul Vashur did not envy his increased responsibilities. She certainly appreciated being detached from the insanity of the station through her duties as Commander of her deployed unit.

"Good evening," Gul Meran said with a nod to both Gul Vashur and Pro-consul Lim. He turned towards the Romulan Ambassador and extended his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Madam Ambassador. I hope that your time onboard has been quite fulfilling." He said.

Miral took his hand. "As I have only recently arrived, I cannot say, but I hope it will be beneficial."

"If you would like, I'd be more than happy to meet with your Embassy staff and brief them on station security protocols---" Gul Meran said.

"-- or lack thereof." Ambassador Turvan interjected.

Gul Meran smiled as he continued. "protocols and other relevant issues." He concluded with a smile.

"Indeed?" Miral raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps I should learn what the station did not tell me." She smiled at the Gul. "I accept your assistance." It would be advantageous to hear what he had to say.

"So. . .madam Pro-consul. . ." Ambassador Turvan said, "I take it that you have been enjoying your time with our Federation colleagues?" He said with a smirk. "I'm fascinated to know what it is you all discuss in your little meetings." He said.

Lim looked at him, shocked. Was he really going to show someone who could turn out to be the enemy the divisions in their house? Let them see weakness? And why would he even imply he didn't know what was going on in his own embassy? He couldn't be that stupid, could he? And the answer would need to be careful, or risk sounding petty, or emphasizing their division. What the hell was he playing at? "Its been an interesting few weeks. Thank you for the opportunity."

"Oh, I'm quite sure it has been." Hydel said in response as the first portion of the meal was delivered to the individuals. "That is what I have devoted my service and career towards, providing opportunities for our people." He said while maintaining eye-contact with the fellow Cardassian. He shifted his gaze towards the Romulan and continued. "I look forward to providing opportunities to your people as well." He said. "Economic, cultural, and even militarily." He said as he began to eat.

Did he actually offer military assistance to a Romulan? "What sort of opportunities can you offer the Romulan Star Empire?" She was curious to see what sort of help he thought her people needed.

Turvan chuckled as he took a sip from his glass. "You would be quite surprised to learn just how much the Cardassian Empire has progressed since our last joint-venture at the Battle of Cardassia." He said as he addressed the entire table. "Our entire military institution has become stronger and much more efficient because of the bold leadership of young leaders such as Gul Vashur and her contemporaries." He said, gesturing towards his military commander.

"They have done such much, for so many, with so little, for so long. . ." Ambassador Turvan said solemnly.

"The aftermath of the Dominion War gave Cardassia a chance to re-invent itself. We were forced to develop innovative solutions in order to secure our borders and to protect the welfare of our citizens both within our home system and other territories." He continued. "I'm confident there is much the Star Empire could gain from a cooperative relationship with us." He said.

To Be Continued...

Zariyah Lim
Pro-consul, Cardassian Embassy.
[NPC by Soran]

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
[NPC by Wells]

Hydel Turvan
Ambassador, Cardassian Embassy
[NPC by Thom]

Denat Meran
Gul, Cardassian Embassy
[NPC by Thom]

Kalena Vashur
Gul, Cardassian Embassy

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
[NPC by Lasuma]


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