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Affairs can be a messy business

Posted on Wed Feb 18, 2015 @ 4:19am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,168 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Cardassian Embassy - Front Foyer
Timeline: MD02 1230

Hydel Turvan exited the turbolift with a bundle of items in his hands. He strode across the distance of the foyer towards the woman with a smile on his face. He came to a stop before her with the items still resting in his arms.

"I figured these items belonged to you or one of his other consorts." The Cardassian said as the woman reached for the items. Just as she did, he unceremoniously dropped them to the ground.

"Oh forgive me. . . " he said with as much sincerity as he could feign.

Yolanthe turned apricot, then cadmium yellow. Such rudeness was uncalled for. Especially from a man. And other consorts? Was he trying to get a rise out of her? Cheeky sod. Picked the wrong subject thought. Sharing men was what her species did, she never assumed Tharek had been monogamous. Monogamy was unnatural. "Don't worry about it." She crouched down to retrieve her cosmetics and clothes. She half smiled when she saw the dress. They'd gone to the pit fights in the lower decks when she'd worn that. Tharek hadn't fought that time, and they'd both got rid of pent-up frustrations in the turbo-lift afterwards. "Its not a problem."

Hydel observed the wheel of colors her body went through with some form of fascination. He still was unsure as to what color represented which mood. Perhaps that was what attracted Tharek to the commoner, morbid fascination.

"I'm glad to hear that." He said through a forced smile. "By the way, I noticed that some knife was accidentally dumped in with your pile of belongings. Don't worry about it, though. . .I made sure to remove it." He said. "I'd hate for you hurt yourself due to our negligence." he added.

The cadmium yellow paled to a lemon. Trying to taunt her was one thing, but withholding a gift was infuriating. It was just a knife.. She stood up and tried not to glare at the Cardassian, just in case he'd made a genuine mistake. "That's alright, Tharek said he was leaving it with me. A memento."

"A memento? Something so dangerous? You could've hurt yourself!" Ambassador Turvan said in a patronizing tone. "I think it is better for all parties involved if I just dispose of it. I mean. . .I'd hate for you to have to go through all of that unnecessary government paperwork for some knife. I'm sure a woman of your. . .talents has a line of potential suitors just waiting to be called upon for a visit." He said insultingly.

It was one thing for Tharek to share his bed with the barkeep, but it was something entirely different to give her gifts of sentimental value. Yet another example of the man putting his base desires before the image and reputation of his own people.

"I'm sure you're familiar with the way out." He said as he began to turn and walk away.

The lemon became even paler. "Wait!" she grabbed his arm to stop him leaving. "I don't know what your problem is here. It's Tharek's private knife, from his own collection. And he gave it to me. I want to keep it. It, he, I mean Tharek, was special to me. What's it to you if he gives me a gift?"

Ambassador Turvan stopped and looked back at the arm that had grasped his. Although his race always maintained its definitive color, anybody who saw his face could see that his mood was certainly not "pleasant".

He jerked his arm away from the woman forcefully and turned around to face her.

"I don't know what you thought you had with the former ambassador, but it is over. He is gone and your temporary services will no longer be needed by any Cardassian assigned to this Embassy." He said in a deliberate tone.

Hydel had seen this before during the withdrawal from Bajor. Comfort women to the various Cardassian Officers found themselves alone and without any form of support. A tragic portion actually believed themselves to actually be in a "relationship" with the respective officer.

"If you miss him so much go use one of your lascivious holdecks in that bar of yours." He said dismissively.

She blinked, not sure he had actually heard his insults. "You don't know anything about me or my relationship with Tharek, you sapless tarse!" Yolanthe's hair had gone white, and the yellow was leeching from her skin. "That knife costs you nothing. What is wrong with you that you get so petty over it?!"

Turvan stood up straight and looked directly into the center of the infuriated woman's eyes. "You stupid little girl. . ." he said while emphasizing every word.

"You stand here and speak to me as if we are equals and ask me why I am being petty?" He asked rhetorically.

"You are a mere barkeep that Tharek decided to keep time with, but you've deluded yourself into thinking that such a charitable act meant anything to anybody other than yourself." He continued.

"Tharek's heart could never be with you or anyone of your sort." Hydel said, his words stumbling as they made their way from his mouth.

His own anger rising as he thought of how shallow of a comparison Yolanthe was compared to the adored essence of Imanil. To make matters worst, Getal had besmirched the memory of Imanil by actually allowing this barkeep to believe that she was actually someone important.

The irony was not lost on Hydel: Here stood Yolanthe, furious and emotionally wracked with sadness at the sudden and unannounced departure of her lover. Very similar to Tharek when he learned that the Vorta had removed his wife and children unexpectedly and without any warning.

It was Imanil who had made the fatal error in selecting Getal over Hydel. Unfortunately, she had to suffer the consequences of believing that Getal could be actually be a worthy protector.

Turvan's attention returned to the present as he realized that the poly-chromatic woman was still speaking.

"You spiteful little cuss." The insult came easily enough, but now the white of anger was giving way to grey. He was just jealous, that was the explanation. But his words cut her more deeply than a knife. Not the thought that Getal had just 'kept time' with her, but being dismissed as a mere barkeep? That stung, only because it reminded her all she had left behind, all that her time with Tharek had helped her start to put aside. "Well, you've got your revenge now. I hope you choke on it."

Hydel didn't respond to the woman. He just merely turned and began to walk away from her towards the turbolift that would guide him to his office. Little was she aware that Hydel had already taken his revenge against Getal before, and it had cost both of them Imanil.


Hydel Turvan
Ambassador to the Cardassian Union

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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