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Trade Alliance Part one

Posted on Tue Feb 17, 2015 @ 8:10am by Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III & Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Hydel Turvan

2,012 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Conference Room BII Offices DS5

Wayne surveyed the conference room that he setup for the trade conference. The table was an octagon shape with each side exactly equal to the millimeter. Each side was draped in each empire’s flag. The Klingons were on his right with a tray of blood wine and a platter of gahg. On his left were the Tholians. Their area held what he was told were delicacies in their empire, though he had no idea what the food actually was. The Cardassians had some kanar and a platter of some type of meat in front of them. Lastly he looked at the Ferengi side, and while he could not understand how they had exactly gotten into this conference, they were coming, so he did his best. There was a pitcher of liquid for them to drink and a tray of mashed food for them to eat. Lastly, in front of his own seat, there was a bottle of aged Scottish whisky and a plate containing some steak fingers. Wayne looked over at his eldest son who would also be his aide for this meeting.

"Well, son, it looks like everything is as ready as we can make it. Let’s hope the other guests see things the way we do," said Wayne calmly to his son.

"Well, Dad, most of the empires that are coming here would be a fool not to take this offer, but, well, the Ferengi, one can never tell what they will do," said Wayne Jr. in a hushed whisper as they waited for the others to arrive

Irakane, Ambassador of the Tholian Assembly, arrived exactly on time, to the second. Its attaché, Ergohol, scuttled in behind. Both were clad in their environment suits. The air around them shimmered with heat. "Mr Bradshaw," Irakane's voice was clipped, "please do not waste my time. I want to hear this proposal."

"Ambassador, please sit down. I know you and your aide came for the conference and to hear the proposal I am offering; however, until all parties arrive I will not be discussing it or telling any one person. I want to tell everyone at the same time so that there can be no chance that one person or group can misunderstand what I say and what I mean," said Wayne calmly. He would not spill anything until he was good and ready, no matter who was demanding it.

The heavy steps of the Klingon ambassador and his body guard and aide could be heard some time before they entered the room, both in full ceremonial armor, and while he carried and prominently displayed both a d'k tahg and a pu'HIch, a Klingon disruptor pistol, Tu’rocK also had a ceremonial yan. As they entered the room Tu’rocK looked around, his many awards and decorations for bravery and valor in battle hanging off his shoulder and baldric, the leather eye patch bolted to his skull and scar visible above and below the eye patch.

"Mr Bradshaw, the Klingon empire does not take kindly to having its time wasted and my patience is limited, so I suggest you make your proposal as quickly as possible and get to the point," Tu’rocK’s voice boomed as he turned to Tholian delegation. He nodded to them. "It is an honor to meet representatives of the Tholian Assembly. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Tu’rocK Son of Mek, of the House of Onnak, ambassador of the mighty Klingon Empire, and this my bodyguard and aide Valkris of the House of Inagh, a formidable warrior and skilled diplomat in her own right,” Tu’rocK said with typical Klingon flare.

"Now, Ambassador Tu'rocK, you know as well as anyone that it would be a bigger waste of time to repeat oneself several times, or have the years away from the battle started to addle that sharp mind I came to respect both as an honored enemy and an ally?" said Wayne calmly. He was still waiting for two other members of the conference to arrive

The doors to the turbolift parted as the Ambassador for the Cardassian Union, Hydel Turvan, stepped off along with his attache Glinn A'Dan Galen. In typical Cardassian military fashion the senior officer walked to the right while the subordinate stayed one step behind and to the left. As they entered the conference area they could hear the various parties that had already arrived going back and forth with one another.

Turvan paused and listened for several moments before he finally spotted the designated area for Cardassia. While he and Glinn Galen took their respective seats they continued to listen to the Klingon speak…or roar...or whatever it was their kind did to communicate with others.

"Welcome, Ambassador Turvan, please enjoy some refreshments and feel free to mingle. We are still waiting for one final member to arrive before we can get this conference underway," said Wayne in a calm but friendly tone. After all, he had dealt with the Cardassian before and likely would do so again if he hoped to get the station that he was shooting for.

Tu’rocK looked at Cardassians. Honorless dogs, he thought to himself before making his way to the area for himself and his aide and pouring a flagon of bloodwine and digging into gahg in true Klingon style. After few moments his aide joined him, drinking and devouring the gahg in front of them.

"Look at how they stalk their prey," Ambassador Turvan said in a mimicking fashion to his aide. "Look at how they use their superior intellect to out maneuver their crafty foes!" Ambassador Turvan said in a low tone while trying not to laugh aloud.

Wayne looked around the room. True, there was one more party that was supposed to be arriving, but as they were not here yet and everyone else was ready he decided to move things ahead. "Ambassadors, let us begin this conference like civilized people with a meal a toast," said Wayne calmly he stood and raised his glass. "To a profitable conference and to opening the doors of trade and commerce between our races," said Wayne calmly as he took a drink and sat back down. Truth be told, if the Ferengi did not show up they would not be missed, but if they did show up they would be made welcome, or at least as welcome as one could make them.

Qinee swept into the room, fashionably late as ever. As usual, she wore the height of fashion, as well. And for a female Ferengi, that was quite unusual! A low cut Tholian silk dress draped an unusually curvaceous body for a Ferengi. Rings and necklaces glistened and there were even a few earrings clipped (carefully) to her lobes, rather large lobes considering she was a female. Behind the Ferengi ambassador came her minion Nazl, the large-lobed male scowling as usual as he carried in an expensive cushion brocaded with gold thread. He settled it on the chair and set down an equally ornate stool. She grabbed his lobes for support, causing the male to wince in pain, as she stepped up into her seat at the table, the cushion raising her to more or less equal level with the others, though it was hard for her, of course, to reach the stature of a Klingon or Cardassian.

“I am so sorry I am late!” Qinee said in a breathless voice. “SOMEONE forgot to wake me from my midday siesta.” She gave Nazl’s lobes a twist, causing the male to squeal. “My apologies.” She flashed a snaggle-toothed smile.

"Not a problem ambassador we were just sitting about to start the conference so you really have not missed anything." Accept the chance to actually meet your fellow ambassadors. thought wayne calmly

"Now that we are all properly fed and relaxed let's get down to business shall we." Said Wayne calmly he rose from his seat and walked over to a large map showing the locations of the various empires. "As you can see here for the most part we are scattered about with no real direct boarder to boarder chances for trade." said Wayne as he showed the map on the screen.

"What I am proposing is this using my company and for the most part my ships I believe that we can increase trade between our respective empires. This would do two things almost at the same time one it would make each of us a decent amount of money and two it would open new markets for the products that we each have been forces to keep local. A third aspect of this would also be that there would be a backwater channel opened up between the four of you, should the need arise where you find yourself unable to handle a situation on your own but politics would not allow for you to ask for direct help from an outside source." Said Wayne firmly he just hoped that the others could see the profit and the possibilities such a setup would have.

“You have my attention Mr. Bradshaw, I could always use more wealth and resources for day I take my seat on the High council, however I have studied human and wealth alone does not drive humans unlike our Ferengi…… counterpart no humans seek power and knowledge so which do you gain from endeavor or is it both you seek.” Tu’rocK said firmly.

"In a way you are right and in a way you are wrong Tu'rocK I seek power, knowledge, and wealth. Though the later is normally a result of the former two. The other thing that I seek though and to me is more important or can be tied directly to the others is the contacts that such a trade aliance would allow me. I have wealth, power and knowledge to spare but without the contacts to use it such things are a waste of effort." Said Wayne firmly

“Friends in high places, I believe is the human term, it is wise to cultivate such alliances, I presume you have some basic terms for this agreement, and I want to hear them but I must ask what other than increase in trade and my own political contacts how the empire would benefit from this, and certain of the empire’s exports require….Unusual handling I will need assurances that your people are cable handling such goods.” Tu’rocK said before gulping down another flagon of blooddwine.

"If this conference is successful and we can open the needed doors each member would find that they would have a much wider market for their goods. I ask you all to imagine this and please do not take offence. What if as a result of this conference we were to find that Tholian silk for example had a huge use in the klingon empire. The tholians have a new market, the klingons get a better product and my company would have the shipping contracts. It is a win for all of us. Please do not take this the wrong way madam ambassador but the ferengi while driven by profit, you must admit that they would be just as likely to shave some product off the top and sell for their own profit. hence why I would recommend my company do the shipping.

Though back to your question Tu'rocK their is another way that the empire would benefit. My company would be looking to expand it's fleet of ship and we would be in the market for ships from the other members of the aliance." said Wayne calmly hoping that what he was offering each of the members would be seen as benefical to all of them

“I see the potential, Bur I and I presume my Cardassian counter at the least would be in agreement that we would need the full terms and details before signing off this agreement.” Tu’rocK said his gaze locked squarely the Cardassian ambassador.


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