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View Halloo (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Jun 10, 2019 @ 9:11am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

846 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade Security Office
Timeline: MD05 1200

As requested, Yolanthe arrived at security at noon, ready to identify the Trill she had spoken of to Caleb Ryan. She was fresh from a post workout shower and was hoping he'd be quick so she could head on into the Box.

And that he'd bring his daughter. Maybe seeing she really was being hunted would loosen her stubborn tongue.

Caleb and Aleczandra were waiting at Security, chatting in an easy way with his old department. No one seemed fazed by the fact that he was on suspension. Caleb looked up when the flash of color that was Yolanthe entered. He nudged Zandy from her face in her Social and walked over.

“We have the back room set up for us,” Caleb said, gesturing toward a long corridor containing interrogation and observation rooms, but also some conference rooms.

Yolanthe followed him into the back room. "Hopefully this will be quick. I'm not exactly hard to spot. If you can find me, you'll see her."

“We already fed ya into facial rec to pull out all the footage you appear in to save time,” Caleb said, pulling a chair out for Yolanthe. Then he put a chair next to her for Aleczandra, with himself on Yolanthe’s other side.

Aleczandra wasn’t too sure about sitting this close to the large Bokkai woman. After all, they’d come to blows over this stupid Ahjess thing. She sat back in her chair with typical teenage diffidence, closed off. She couldn’t help but note the scent of Yolanthe’s fresh soap, giving the buxom woman a bit of a side eye checking out. For a giant Amazon, she was pretty hot.

The first frames flashed up, Yolanthe approaching the cargo bay, then switching to another camera as she came through the doors, and then it panned as the bokkai moved to the side. The current view followed Yolanthe, so it only got the back of the Commerce official's head. Yolanthe frowned and went a dark gold. "That's her. Is there another camera in there?"

“Let me check,” Aleczandra said, reaching for the controls.

Caleb blinked and looked at his daughter. “How do ya know how ta work the security system?”

Aleczandra realized her mistake and covered well. “I don’t, Daddy. I just know computers.” She shrugged and gestured for Caleb to continue. He shook his head and leaned over to type in some commands.

Yolanthe raised a meaningful eyebrow at Caleb, wondering if he was starting to get it into his head that there was something off about his daughter.

The screen flicked through to a second angle, this giving a sideways view of the bokkai and a much clearer look at the commerce rep, Trill spots and all. "That's her, zoom in on that padd."

Caleb and Aleczandra stared. “That was our waitress at Gino’s the other night,” Aleczandra said with surprise.

“Yeah,” Caleb agreed. “Let’s see where else she’s been.” He fiddled with the controls some more to get a good shot of the Trill’s face. Then he started two programs running. The first would do facial recognition through the security feeds to try and find her. The other would do the same in the Federation databases to try and identify her. “This could take a while,” he admitted to Yolanthe. “Can Ah get ya anything?” Caleb offered.

"Protein and kale smoothie?" She didn't know what the replicator would produce, but it was worth a shot. "So she’s not a commerce rep or a waitress. What is she really?"

Aleczandra stared at Yolanthe. “Protein and kale? Really?” She looked up at her dad. “Can we order in, Daddy.”

“Yes, sure,” Caleb said. “But don’t forget the smoothie.”

Zandra made a face, but pulled out her Social to call up the menus of the local restaurants on the Promenade. “Any place you really like?” she asked Yolanthe.

Caleb straightened and stared at the picture of the woman. “Ah don’t know what she is really,” he said. “But hopefully our searches will give use something. A name, maybe who she is really associated with, and when she arrived on the station an’ who she’s been speakin’ to. An’ why she got a job at Gino’s. Hell, why did Gino even hire a live person? He can run any number of Charlenes he wants.”

"You’d have to ask him," Yolanthe replied. "And wherever does kale and protein smoothies." Then she gestured Caleb to look closely at the screen. "See the picture on the padd?" It wasn't particularly sharp at the level of magnification, but it clearly showed Aleczandra and Ahjess. Kissing.

Caleb stared. “Aleczandra Diawdra…” he said in his menacing father voice.

“What? Dad, I’m ordering,” Zandra said, glancing over. Then she stared.

“Oh, shit!”

“Yeah, oh, shit,” Caleb growled, glaring at his daughter.

She stared back.

“Care to explain?”

“Ah, I...that isn’t me!”

Caleb folded his arms.


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Aleczandra Ryan
Civilian dependent


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