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Past Prologue, Part 9

Posted on Thu Mar 14, 2019 @ 9:14am by Commander Caleb Ryan

1,772 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: USS Winchester/The Borderlands/Omicron Nebula
Timeline: FLASHBACK: 2375/Toward the End of the Dominion War

“This way,” the Orion said, gesturing with his rifle toward an open portal off the landing bay. They were led through narrow corridors until they came to a set of wide doors that led into a large natural cavern. The ceiling vaulted above them like some cathedral, some kind of gemstones glistening in the rock as they reflected the light from some kind of natural bioluminescent fungi or moss that clung to the walls. The room was thick and humid, clouds of steam floating low across the ground from what looked to be a large natural hot mineral spring to one side of the cavern. Naked Orions lounged in the large pools, eying the outsiders with interest.

A raised dais stood in the back center of the room supporting a large throne. Around the throne lounged more humanoids on soft pillows and rugs, Orions and others, all dressed in minimal attire. Gold bands around their necks indicated their slave status. On the throne sat a hulking Orion brute of a male with a thick neck and the scarified tattoos of a warlord covering his huge, muscled body. He wore only a loincloth. A large, serrated falchion lay across his knees, one hand holding the jeweled hilt in readiness.

His other hand held a gold chain. The chain led down to the collar of another slave, a beautiful Orion female with long, thick black hair that cascaded in waves down a voluptuous body clad only in a gold metal bikini. She lounged on a large pillow, and in front of her sat a young Orion male. He had only a loincloth, as well, and also the gold collar of a slave. He was big, but young. Artemis saw the scar of a slave brand on his right breast, tattooed black against his green skin. The beginnings of a black ritual scar tattoo had begun to branch out from it, indicating that at even that young age he had already killed.

“I am Honerra Kenris,” the Orion’s deep bass voice rumbled, “First Warrior of Clan Tejera.”

First Warrior, and Keesmaat could see why, by the man’s bulging muscles, and that loincloth didn’t hide much! First Warrior indeed!

“We are here to speak with Warlord Deneia Tejera,” Artemis said.

“I speak for her!” Kenris bellowed.

“No doubt,” Artemis said dryly. He glanced over at Natalya. She was already rubbing her temple against the beginnings of a headache from the Orion female pheromones. Artemis couldn’t blame her. Despite the inoculation, he could feel his mind wandering, feeling more…amenable and agreeable. He felt the touch of Keesmaat’s hand on his, reassuring him and bringing him back into focus.

“I will say again, we are here to treat with Deneia Tejera,” Artemis repeated.

Kenris bolted from the throne, his wicked falchion slicing the air as he stormed down the dais. Ensign Yamit jolted into action, stepping forward, until Artemis put out his hand and shoved her back even as the large sword nicked across his throat and settled against his chest, the Orion’s angry eyes boring into his.

“If you were authorized to kill us, we would already be dead,” Artemis said. “The fact that we stand in this throne room indicates that Tejera is at least interested in hearing what we have to say.”

Ignoring Kenris, Artemis stepped around him and swept his eyes over the throne room, studying the Orion women. They all looked on with amusement. Artemis cursed Starfleet Intelligence’s lack of information on Tejera, including a lack of holopics. If Tejera was even here, and not elsewhere, perhaps watching remotely in some other inner sanctum.


Artemis looked with surprise over at Ensign Mira’ni as she stepped forward, her eyes locked toward the woman at the foot of the throne. “You are Deneia Tejera.”

The woman raised a delicate eyebrow. “Me?” she asked with a laugh. “I am merely one of her slaves, Kenris’ pet,” she protested, sitting up. As if to prove the point, Kenris gave a yank on her chain.

Kees smiled. “I know a dominant female when I see one,” she said smartly, crossing her arms over her chest.

The woman studied Kees closely. “Rowa’ni,” she noted. “Very good.” She smirked and stood with a sultry grace. Her delicate hand reached out and yanked back on the chain, bringing Kenris to heel. “Sheathe your sword, or lose your other,” she told him, and was immediately obeyed.

Deneia sauntered seductively up to Artemis and ran her finger over the bloody nick at his throat. “My apologies, captain,” she said, studying the deep red blood on her deep green finger. Her delicate tongue flicked out, tasting it, and she popped it into her mouth, full lips wrapping around it in a decidedly blatant innuendo.

Artemis felt his breathing pick up, his body responding. His head throbbed from the assault of pheromones against his will. This was very different from Keesmaat. The physical response was similar, but there was a decidedly twisted, sinister dimension as the pheromones struggled against his inoculation, trying to claim his will as Deneia’s own.

“I believe we have business to discuss,” Artemis said, stepping back.

Deneia pouted. “Oh, pooh, Captain!” she said. “Pleasure before business, I always say!” She clapped her hands and several of the slaves scattered toward doorways hidden behind tapestries.

“We didn’t come here for pleasure, Warlord,” Pierce said.

Deneia smirked. “No, of course not. You could have plenty of that aboard your own ship with your little Rowa’ni.” She glanced over at Keesmaat.

Artemis bristled. “Ensign Mira’ni is a valued member of my crew and a skilled pilot—“

“I know just how skilled she is,” Deneia agreed. “I watched your flight inbound,” she pointed out. “But I also notice the way you two look at each other, how protective you are.” She glanced between them.

For her part, Keesmaat managed to keep a straight face. Artemis hoped he was as successful, but it was taking all his focus to fight back Deneia’s pheromones.

Natalya broke the standoff. “Gods above! Can we get this over with?” she snapped. “I really need an analgesic.”

Deneia laughed. “Yes, of course,” she said. “I so rarely get visitors. You have proven most amusing.” She sauntered up to the dais and Artemis found himself watching her hips sway until Keesmaat stomped on his foot. He glared at her, but was grateful for the pain throbbing in his lower extremity that helped him refocus.

Kenris maintained his hold on the golden chain, but it was Tiadra who draped herself on the throne with the big warrior standing behind her. “Tan’ato,” she cooed sweetly.

The little boy she had been caressing on the dais scrambled to his feet and climbed up into her lap, where she resumed her tender caresses and fondling.

“That’s a good boy,” Deneia cooed, kissing him. “Present your case, Captain Pierce,” she finally said with a diffident wave of her delicate hand. “I am listening.”

“Our intelligence sources indicate that you are providing facilities and protection, as well as resource acquisition, for a secret research base in the Omicron Nebula, on behalf of Starfleet Intelligence,” Pierce began.

“Correct. I like to…do my part for the war effort.” Deneia smiled. “For a price.”

“This operation is illegal and off the books,” Artemis replied.

Deneia laughed. “Captain, everything I do is illegal and off the books!”

Pierce shook his head. “What I mean is that whatever research they are doing is rogue. It was never authorized by Starfleet Intelligence.”

Deneia raised an eyebrow. “Well, that is interesting,” she said. “Trouble at home, Captain?”

Artemis smiled grimly. “You could say that. What I need from you, Warlord, is access to the facility so I might conduct an investigation and shut the facility down.” He bent the truth only a little.

Deneia studied Pierce carefully. “You are asking me to eliminate a steady source of income, and for what, Captain?” she asked. “The sum your Starfleet Intelligence has been paying me for my aid and silence isn’t insubstantial.”

“We have not come begging charity,” Artemis said, stepping aside. Natalya stepped forward with the large black case and set it on the dais before opening it. The bars of gold-pressed latinum fairly gleamed in the dim light. Artemis had to admit Deneia had a good poker face.

“Nonsequential, of course,” Artemis said. “Untraceable.”

“Except by you,” Deneia pointed out with a smirk. “Such a small sum does not make up for the loss of consistent revenue,” she countered.

“You know that is no small sum,” Pierce pointed out. “But we can offer more.”

Natalya pulled some data rods out of her pocket. “Legitimate transponder codes,” she said, “for your cross-border smuggling operations. You will look like legitimate cargo haulers to all Federation and Klingon sensors. They will be good for two years, the same amount of time this rogue intelligence unit was paying you.”

“I am sure you can find a way to increase your other operations in that time to make up for any loss of revenue we might cause,” Pierce said.

Deneia stroked Tan’ato’s bald head, caressed down his developing chest, as she considered the offer. Finally she shifted on her throne. “I will accept your offer, Captain Pierce,” she said. “Operations in the nebula have been dropping recently in any case. They have been requesting few shipments of supplies and equipment, and I have noticed a marked increase in personnel leavong. It seemed to me that with the end of the war in sight they were preparing to cease whatever operations they were conducting.”

Pierce frowned. Did that mean they had completed whatever doomsday weapon they were researching? Was it ready even now? Were they too late…or just in time?

“I will need directions to this rogue planet,” Pierce told Deneia.

The Orion woman shook her head. “There are no directions,” she said, “but we have established passive navigational buoys inside the nebula. The nature of the nebula renders sensors minimal, but the buoys will ping on specific frequencies when you are within range.” She petted her young Orion boy.

“Thank you, Warlord,” Pierce said evenly. “I will await your transmission of the codes.”


Captain Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Winchester

Ensign Keesmaat Mira’ni
Chief Flight Officer
USS Winchester

Lieutenant Natalya Ivanova
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Winchester

Ensign Garia Yamit
Security Officer
USS Winchester

Deneia Tejera
Orion Warlord

Honnerra Kenris
Orion First Warrior

Tan’ato Tejera
Orion Slave


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