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Posted on Mon Mar 4, 2019 @ 3:15am by Civilian Jason Haines

776 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lt. Haines' Quarters
Timeline: MD 7, 1400 Hrs.


As Jason walked to his quarters, it seemed like every where he looked there was a father with one or more children. In reality, the promenade and corridors always had fathers with one or more children somewhere daily. Now, given the news he had just received, Jason seemed to have developed the ability to pick them all out of the crowd.

He thought about going to the Box of Delights to spend the rest of the day and night, but in his current state of mind, Jason knew he would end up doing something stupid. Instead, he stopped at a local store and grabbed a bottle of Alerian whiskey, went to his quarters, and took the rest of the day off.

As soon as he had registered his time off, he sent a communication request. It took 2 hours for the call to go through, by which time he had already had three glasses of whiskey. He sat down at the terminal and activated it.

“Ah, Lieutenant Sammy Dow”, Jason said to his friend from academy, Samantha Dow, who worked in Starfleet personnel.

“Have you been drinking Jason?” she asked smirking at him.

“No”, he replied. “that’s past tense. I am actively drinking. I saved a glass for you, but you aren’t here, so I drank yours.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want it to go to waste, would we?” she asked sarcastically.

“That’s what I thought as well”, he said.

“You are too kind Jason Haines”, she said with a snicker. “Now, what do you need?”

“Will you check my father’s file please?” he asked.

“Jason, when are you going to stop”, she asked tapping buttons, looking at her terminal. As she did, her eyes grew a bit.

“He has been taken off the missing list and noted as re-instated, classified”.

Jason scowled.

“That’s good right?” she asked.

“It would be, except that the rat bastard hasn’t even made contact with me”, Jason said angrily. “Thanks Sammy. The next time I’m in the area, dinner is on me. Do me one more favor, transfer me over to the Academy, Captain Goodwin’s office.”

“Sure thing, Jason”, she replied. “I’m glad your father is alive.”

Jason nodded as the screen went back to the waiting state. It took five minutes for it to re-activate and Jason was looking at his god-father.

“What’s up Jason?”, he asked with a smile on his face, happy to see his god-son.

“Why don’t you tell me”, Jason snapped.

“Can you be a bit more specific Jason”, Goodwin asked.

“Well, just over two-hours ago, I found out that not only do I have a half-sister”, Jason half-growled. “I also found out that my father is alive, which I just confirmed, not only is he alive, but he has been re-assigned already. So, ‘uncle Lyle’, why didn’t you let me know, you promised damnit.”

His god-father had a pained look on his face as he said, “Jason, it’s not that simple. It’s not something I could really discuss.”

“That’s bull and you know it”, Jason snapped. “With all your famed time blowing up half-the galaxy and doing super-spy stuff with dad, you couldn’t have found a way to let me know a touch of classified information such as the fact that my father was alive? After seven damn years of having no idea whether he was alive or dead, you couldn’t have found a way? That’s a damn lie and you know it. You know what ‘Captain Goodwin’? You can kiss my ass. And if you do see my father, you can tell him that he can kiss my ass too and that he might want to keep an eye out as his daughter is trying to kill him.”

“Jason”, his god-father started, but Jason closed the channel and slammed his hand on the desk.

As he took a swig directly from the bottle, the door chime rang. He shook his head and went to the door and opened it. Standing there was a cadet in operations yellow, holding an acoustic guitar.

“Lieutenant Haines?”, the cadet asked as Jason reached out for the guitar smiling.

“Yeah, that’s me”, he said. “You just made my day better kid”, even though he wasn’t much older than the cadet. “Thanks, I will give you a recommendation when you are looking for your first assignment.”

With that, he strummed on the strings once before closing the door, leaving the cadet in the corridor a bit dumbfounded.


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five


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