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A Family Affair - Part II

Posted on Sat Mar 2, 2019 @ 2:56am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,530 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 7, 1130



It was an odd request, and Alanna had some misgivings, but she nodded. "I'll let Jason know when I hear from him."

"Very well", N'vara said. "Your assistance is appreciated. I wish to return to my hunt as soon as possible."

Alanna gave her a half-bow. "Then I wish you well." She turned and headed down the corridor. She had misgivings, but would give Jason the information and let him decide what to do with it.

..Now The Continuation

Jason had been busy all morning between meeting with the Commander and doing some of his own scientific research cloistered away. He entered the outer foyer of the intelligence offices where Chief Zavan was coming out.

"Sir", she said. "Lieutenant Wells was looking for you earlier. She had a guest with her, either a Vulcan or Romulan."

Jason's lips twitched a bit wondering who the 'guest' may have been.

"Thank you Chief", Jason said an continued off to his office. Once he was in and the door closed, he tapped his commbadge.

"Lieutenant Haines to Lieutenant Wells."

"Wells here." She smiled when she heard Jason's voice.

"I was told that you were looking for me", Jason said. "Do you still need my services?"

"That, Lieutenant, is a loaded question," she teased. "But I do have some information I need to pass on to you."

"Is it ok to give over the air or should I come to your office for you to give it to me?", he replied with a grin and a chuckle. "And I would never ask a loaded question."

"Well, I would love to have you come here so I could give it to you, but I do have a serious matter to discuss. It can be over a comm, or in person."

"Lay it on me", Jason replied.

"I ran into a woman on the promenade this morning. She's either half-Vulcan or half-Romulan, and she's looking for you. She says you have the same father, and she wants to find him. So does her boss, who, she says, had an eye gouged out by your father. Jason, she's waiting for you by the promenade turbolift. Her name is N'vara and she's very angry and mistrustful."

"Say that again", Jason said all levity in his voice disappearing. "because I thought you said something about there being a woman who thinks she is my half-sister."

"Yes. That's what she said."

"Well, this is going to be fun", Jason remarked a bit sarcastic and bitter. His mom and his god-parents had always said that his dad had pissed off half the galaxy. He wondered if the reason why he made them mad was the creation of a slew of half-siblings.

"Ok", Jason said to her. "Thank you for letting me know. I might need your help with a DNA scan if you wouldn't mind."

"I'm happy to help any way I can. careful. She got quite angry when you weren't available earlier."

"Ok, I am going down to the promenade", Jason said. "Meet me down there in a bit. I'll buy you lunch afterwards."

"Sounds good. I'll finish what I'm doing and head down." Alanna definitely liked the idea of lunch with Jason.

With that, Jason checked to see if his hidden knife was in place and then left the intelligence offices. Ten minutes later the turbolift doors opened and he stepped out on the promenade. He scanned the crowd, but couldn't immediately see anyone who might fit the bill. He walked towards one of the clear areas near a support pillar and he noticed someone walking towards him on an intercept course. He turned to face them and sure enough it was a hybrid vulcanoid.

She finished approaching and said, "You are Jason Haines correct?"

"That is correct", he replied. "And you are N'vara I assume."

"Yes", she replied. "You and I share the same father. I want to know where he is."

"Well", Jason said looking at her. "I might be interested in talking to you more on the condition that my friend can give you a DNA test."

"I do not have time for this non-sense", she snapped.

"Well, I have plenty of things to do", Jason replied. "So, I will leave you to wonder where our father may be."

She growled a bit and then said, "Very well, have it your way."

"That's the attitude", Jason quipped. "Now, my friend should be here shortly. May I buy you a drink?"

"No", she said loudly enough to catch the eye of a few people passing by.

"Just asking", Jason replied. "I figured with all that growling you might need it."

Alanna walked up to the two of them and smiled. "Fancy meeting the two of you here."

N'varra glared at Alanna.

Jason said, "Ok, I think the two of you have met. What do you need from us Alanna? Hair, dry skin, spleen?"

N'varra rolled her eyes.

"Only if you vent your spleen," Alanna said, flashing Jason a quick grin. "I can get DNA from skin cells or saliva." She took out a small tool and ran it over Jason's hand. Then she ran it over a small glass slide and inserted it into her PADD. She did the same for N'varra. She'd already set up a program to check and match the DNA. And doubly sure, she ran her tricorder over both of them and compared it to the skin cells.

A moment later, she handed the PADD to Jason. "The results."

Jason scowled a bit and then said, "Ok, so it does seem we are siblings. So, I will tell you where my father is. The last I checked, which was last week, he was on the Starfleet MIA, presumed dead list."

"Your data is stale then", N'varra replied. "Six days ago, his name came off the MIA list and did not make it to the killed in action list or any other listing of the dead."

Jason glared at her and before he could say anything, "Before you can ask, I know that because I have my sources."

She showed him a file that was indeed a valid personnel file.

"I figured you would have been notified by now", she continued as the realization started to hit Jason who had a look that crossed between anger and total sorrow.

"As you have no useful information", N'varra said starting to turn. "I will be leaving."

"So, after all this time, why are you looking for him", Jason asked. "I get the sense it isn't for a happy family re-union."

"I am going to kill him", N'varra answered coldly.

Alanna put a hand on Jason's arm. "What good would that do?" she asked N'varra. "All that will do is get you thrown in a penal colony. Then you let him ruin your life twice."

"Spare me the drivel", N'varra snapped, pointing her finger angrily at Alanna. "I've had my life ruined enough for ten life times or more. When you see your mother killed before your eyes, when you have to spend your early childhood as an orphan running from the Tal'Shiar, when your only escape also gets you used by so many men you lose count, then you can lecture me. The only thing that I have to cling to right now is the fact that I am going to get to kill my swine of a father."

Jason jerked his arm a little and looked at N'varra and said, "Well, you better hope you have a battalion of Klingons at your command. My...our father is definitely not father of the year. I am sure there are a whole number of other things he isn't as well. One thing that I do know that he is, is a killer. He doesn't like it, but that is what he is, and a damned good one from the stories I have been told. So, if you do want to get your revenge, keep that in mind."

He turned from both N'varra and Alanna and started walking away. Alanna could sense a maelstrom of emotions coming from him without even trying.

She looked at N'varra. "I still think there are better ways to get revenge." But her primary concern was Jason. She hurried to catch up with him. "I'm sorry."

Jason turned to her, his eyes were red on the edges and she could tell that he was fighting to not lose control. How it would come out, she wasn't sure.

"I know you are trying to help", Jason said to her. "Right now though, I just need to be alone to process all this. I hope you understand."

"I do understand. But I'm here if you need to talk, or just be with someone."

"Thanks", he said and leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and then walked away.

Alanna watched him walk away, wishing there were something she could do, but knowing there wasn't. N'varra had disappeared. Alanna slowly walked back to her office to try and keep busy.


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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