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A Family Affair - Part I

Posted on Fri Mar 1, 2019 @ 2:35am by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,220 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 7, 1000


Given the number of individuals on the promenade and the diverse races, it was hard to believe that anyone could seriously stand out in the crowd that large unless they were doing something really outrageous. That said, a relatively young vulcanoid woman strode through the crowd. She walked through the crowd as if she was a predator stalking prey rather than just trying to avoid running into someone. Those around her seemed to move out of her way instinctively.

Alanna was passing through the promenade after picking up another book. She was a bit surprised to see people moving to avoid a young Vulcan. Both intrigued and hoping to help, she moved to intercept. "Hi. Can I help you?"

The woman turned to Alanna and now that she was closer Alanna could see that more likely the woman was a multi-racial individual and had more Romulan features than Vulcan, although they were less pronounced.

"Excellent", she replied looking intently at Alanna. "You are Starfleet. I am looking for Jason Haines, where might I find him."

Alanna was surprised and a little curious. "I think he's in his office." At least, that's where he said he was going after he left earlier that morning. "Would you like me to take you there?"

"That would be acceptable", she said with a nod. "What role does he play on this station?"

Alanna raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps he should tell you that." She headed for the nearest turbolift. "Why are you looking for Jason?"

"I am looking for our father", she replied simply.

"Your father?" Her thoughts were racing through a number of possibilities as they walked onto the turbolift and she pushed the button. She tried to calm her nerves, to tell herself this was a minor matter.

"Yes", she replied. "We share the same biological father unfortunately."

Alanna relaxed. She was definitely overreacting. The drama on DS5 was getting to her. "You don't appear too happy about it."

"You are correct", she said. "Our father is a misogynistic pig who got my mother tortured and killed at the hands of the Tal'ishar. Because of the fact that, I believe the human phrase is, 'He couldn't keep it in his pants.' Because of that, I grew up as an orphan, homeless until I arranged to become crew with a group of mercenaries."

"Oh." Some of the comments Jason made about his father came to mind and she shook her head. "I am so sorry. No one should ever have to go through that."

The turbolift stopped and she turned down the corridor. "This way. I'm sure Jason will want to meet you. I don't think he's very fond of his father, either." She hoped that would help the woman feel a little better.

"I don't care what he thinks of his father nor do I care if he will enjoy meeting me", she replied. "I just need to find out if he knows where the man is."

Alanna nodded. "All right." She paused in front of Intel. She opened the door into the outer room and looked around. "Is Lieutenant Haines here?" she asked.

"No, ma'am", the security guard said. "He has not come into the office at this point in time. The last I knew he had a meeting with Commander Soran, but after that, I don't know his schedule. Should I have him contact you should he come here while I am on duty."

"Yes, please. Tell him it's matter." She turned to the other woman. "Come on."

The security guard replied, "Yes, ma'am" and the woman followed Alanna.

When they were back in the corridor, Alanna tapped her combadge. "Computer, where is Lieutenant Jason Haines?"

If his meeting was over, she might be able to catch him. If not, she'd have to find somewhere for his sister to wait for him.

"Lieutenant Haines is in a do not disturb state, including location", the computer replied.

His sister growled slightly at the computer's response.

It was what she expected, but it was worth a try. Alanna turned to the woman. "It looks like this will take longer than anticipated. I can help you get a room on the station while you wait, or you're welcome to come with me to science and wait there. I have no idea how long the meeting will last." She paused for a moment. "I'm Alanna, by the way. Head of the Science Department here on DS5."

"You may call me N'vara", she replied. "Why do you wish to assist me further?"

Alanna could sense intense suspicion coming from the woman.

She couldn't fault N'vara for that. "Because I sympathize with your situation. I want to help you find the answers you seek. And because I'm a friend of Jason's. I want to help him, too. I think he needs to hear what you have to say." She hoped it would help Jason come to terms with his father, but she also knew it would be a hard pill to swallow. "I'm an archaeologist and historian. Finding answers is important to me."

"I do not require a room", N'vara replied. "Although my employer wishes to have a ' discussion ' with my father as well, we can not be delayed here too long. If you would assist me returning to the promenade deck, I will wait there until you can find your friend."

There was immense anger coming from her.

So much anger for being delayed a few hours was concerning. "All right. I can take you back. May I ask who your employer is?" She turned and headed back to the turbolift. She wanted more information to pass on to Jason.

"It is none of your concern", she replied. "We do not frequent here."

"I can understand why you would like to speak with Jason, after what you told me, but I cannot understand why your employer wants the information," Alanna said. "And that concerns me."

"Many years ago, my father rather force-fully removed one of my employer's eyes", she replied. "He wishes to discuss reparations."

"And what if Jason doesn't know where his father is?" Alanna asked.

"I will need to address that if it becomes a reality", N'vara answered. "I have information for my brother however that will interest him in regards to this."

Alanna nodded. "Okay. How can he find you?"

"As long as he comes to the first level of the promenade, I will find him", she replied.

They stepped off the turbolift. "It's a large place. Any particular area you want him to go to?"

"This turbolift is fine", N'vara said. "Entrances and exits are the easiest to watch for a contact that is not expecting you."

It was an odd request, and Alanna had some misgivings, but she nodded. "I'll let Jason know when I hear from him."

"Very well", N'vara said. "Your assistance is appreciated. I wish to return to my hunt as soon as possible."

Alanna gave her a half-bow. "Then I wish you well." She turned and headed down the corridor. She had misgivings, but would give Jason the information and let him decide what to do with it.

To Be Continued...


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Deep Space Five


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