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Ground Rules

Posted on Thu Feb 28, 2019 @ 12:27am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Edited on on Fri Mar 1, 2019 @ 10:42pm

1,091 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: MD06 0900 hours


As Minara figured she had the most immediate affairs settled, she set out looking for the station's chief science officer. A quick check of the files revealed the name and showed a profile picture, which was enough for Minara to go by. She walked into the science lab and looked around, then approached the woman who resembled the picture. "Lieutenant Wells", she said, doing her best Oxford accent for this formal meeting. "Good afternoon. I am Minara, the archaeologist who was no doubt announced to you."

Alanna recognized the accent and smiled, being a Cambridge girl herself. She smiled at the newcomer. "Yes, I saw your application to work on Pangaea."

"I've set up my lab, to test any artefacts that are found", Minara said. "I'm ready to start working now. The Federation Archaeological Society has already sent me a list of sites they'd like me to take a look at, and I'm sure you've found plenty locations that look promising, haven't you?"

"Yes. I have all known sites marked," Alanna said. "Did they also tell you that I'm over the planetary archaeology and scientific research?"

"Oh, I'm not here to interfere with your research", Minara said. "But you're having trouble with the reliability of sensors, so I'm assuming clearing that up is your first priority at the moment? They called me in because I'm also familiar with some old school methods. I was going to start by doing classic aerial archaeology. I'll start checking for reasons why that civilisation has disappeared, and see how long ago."

"What did they tell you about Pangaea?" Alanna asked. "Did they tell you we're not dealing with one civilization, or one universe?"

Minara nodded. "Yes. But that is for you to figure out. I'm here to study the remains on this planet, and see what information I can obtain that will help us piece together a more complete picture. I should eventually be able to tell you more about when what was built, what technological level was reached at what point. Of course, if you do manage to clear up the sensor interference, that process will be much accelerated."

"Much of the problem is atmospheric in nature, so not likely to be resolved any time soon," Alanna said. "It is a mixed blessing. We don't have the sensors we would like, but people can't just beam down to the planet, either. So, tell me a bit about the work you've done in the past." She knew of MINX, and Minara's reputation, but she wanted to hear what the woman had to say for herself.

"I've done all my work in the past", Minara grinned. "Most recently, I looked for remnants of the T'Kon empire. I actually found a few that managed to survive all this time. None of them were of any scientific or engineering value, so they're only exciting for the historian. They're on display in museums on Vulcan now."

Alanna hadn't heard that remnants of the T'Kon empire were in museums on Vulcan. She would have to take a look the next time she had an extended leave. "That's quite an achievement. I hear you also set up shop in the Promenade. I hope your business does well."

"It's a laboratory", Minara said. "Not in the promenade either. I don't want just anyone coming in for a visit while I'm concentrating. I need a place where I can analyse the artefacts I'll find. Age, composition, maybe forensics, if they're remains. And I like to use my lab, with my instruments, which are exactly where and how I want them."

Alanna understood that. There were plenty of scientists who were particular about their labs. "The station has plenty of places for you to do that." She activated a holographic image of Pangaea with the portal site, temple, colony, and other facilities listed. "The sites marked in red are off-limits. The yellow is the colony. Green are research facilities and blue are the archaeological sites. As you can see, there are plenty of sites available to you. You'll need to register which site you want to excavate, and then report any findings. We'll purchase anything of interest at a standard price. Do you have any questions?"

Minara shook her head. "You misunderstand. I'm not excavating for profit. I'm not trying to sell any finds. I'm funded by the archaeological society for this dig. That said, I'm not planning on excavating anything just yet. I want a picture from the air. And once I have that, I'll take a few soil samples, see if I can find dateable material. I do need to eventually take a look at the sites marked in red, but I understand they're unsafe?"

"Those sites are forbidden to all but authorized personnel," Alanna said. "I'm afraid you won't be able to visit them. And yes, you are funded by the Archaeological Society, but you still fall under me while you're working on Pangaea. Everyone who wants to work on the planet gets the basic rules. We've had some problems with people overstepping the bounds. So, nothing personal, but this is to cover the bases. You can hire a shuttle, but you'll have to keep to the marked areas."

"I shall let you know when there is a problem", Minara said. Authorisations could be changed. Besides, archaeology is a patient science, there was no rush.

"I hope you inform me of more than just problems," Alanna said, smiling briefly. "Submit a formal request when you find a site you wish to explore, and let me know if you have any questions." She handed Minara a PADD with the rules and public information on Pangaea.

"You're welcome to come by and have a look, once I've actually found something", Minara said, taking the PADD. "But I've been used to working alone for centuries. I'm not likely to ask for help, as I've got a full lab."

Alanna wasn't offering help. She knew Minara and her team didn't need it. But she did want to know how they were progressing. "That's fine. Just let me know if you find something. And I may stop by from time to time to see how you're doing. Good luck, Doctor."

"Thank you", Minara said, turning to leave.

After dealing with other colonists and researchers on Pangaea, Alanna hoped that Minara and her team would be as normal as they appeared to be. It would be a nice change.


MINX Archaeologist
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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