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Holonovel, Chapter 3 (Part 3)

Posted on Fri Jan 25, 2019 @ 10:09am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD06 1930

In the store, Carrie was still choosing goods and making enquiries about things from the storeroom when the door opened and Jarred walked in.

The assistant behind the counter immediately stopped mid-sentence and turned to face him instead. "How can I help you, Mister Kincaid?" he asked, completely ignoring Carrie, who was left with her mouth open in surprise.

"Well, look who it is," Jarred said with a crooked smile that didn't reach his cold eyes. "Miss White." He deliberately left off Carrie's right to still be called Mrs. He was now ignoring the store clerk in turn, and Carrie at least saw the irony of that, but it made little comforting difference. She instinctively wanted to look around behind her towards the wooden half doors to the saloon, but she fought that off and kept her face to the inside of the store so as not to give away that Shane was around.

Jarred sauntered around Carrie, running his eyes over her. “That’s a pretty dress. Is it new?” he asked. He boldly plucked up her skirt to feel the fabric. “Spending all that money you’re making stealing my land.”

"Take your hands off my dress," Carrie growled. "And I'm no thief. I have stolen nothing that you hadn't tried to snatch illegally first, as well you know Jarred.” She slapped the hem of her dress out of his hand and let it fall to the ground in a proper decorous situation again. He was clearly trying to aggravate her and she truly couldn't be bothered with him and his posturing.

“I have another offer, Carrie,” Jarred said. “Since you refuse all my generous financial offers. I feel it is...dangerous for a beautiful young woman such as yourself to be out on that farm all alone. Who knows what kind of...transients could show up.” He glanced toward the saloon. “I wouldn’t want anything...untoward to happen to you, to...violate you.” He gave her a smile as charming as a snake.

“So I am going to offer you my hand in marriage, Mrs. White,” Jarred told her. “I get your farm and you get the safety and security of the wealthiest and most influential man in the valley. What do you say?” He reached up and cupped her face, caressing her soft skin.

"You flatter me, Mister Jarred, but as generous as that offer is, coming from a person who would have no compunction or conscience about taking that from me anyway, by force if necessary, I'm afraid I need to marry someone who will want me for who I am and not just to get my farm in return for safety against his own threats. I also need someone who could promise to love and be faithful to me, and who would actually mean it. I'm afraid it's unlikely that these are on offer within your proposal, so I must decline on the grounds that we should not be satisfied with one another under those circumstances, but I do thank you for your offer nonetheless," she answered politely but firmly, stating her reasons clearly and with sincerity.

Then she held her breath, clutching her basket closer to her, not looking forward to his imminent response or reaction. She had been honest and even tactful. He wasn't a nice man, and she didn't even want to say that he was flattering her, nor that she wouldn't be likely to make him happy either, but she gave that much compromise to make her points about the other, more important issues.

“Oh, I want you for more than just your farm,” Jarred said, running his hand down her cheek to her breast. “Trust me, I could make you very happy,” he said with a smile. “I will have your farm, Mrs. White, and you can either make your life simple and easy by marrying me, or I can put you out on the street and you can fend for yourself.” He paused. “I hear the brothel has an opening.”

Carrie slapped his hand away from her breast and brought the arc of the blow right around to land again on his face. The second slap had collected momentum and resounded on his cheek, leaving red fingermark welts.

"Brothel?" she hissed. "How dare you? Safety and security with you? Do you hear yourself?"

She put both hands back on the basket she had been holding and turned to leave the store.

Jarred put his hand to his cheek, his eyes flashing with rage. “You sanctimonious bitch!” he snarled, grabbing her arm cruelly to stop her. “It’s been so long, you need a real man to keep you in line,” he snarled, grabbing her face and kissing her roughly.

Carrie tried to pull her face away, but he wouldn't let go. She had to bite his lip to force him off. As he backed away, holding his lip with both hands in surprise and pain, she spat back: "If I meet a real man, I'll write and let you know!" and kicked him in the shin to divert him further as she backed away and out of his reach, making a run for the door out into the street, towards the carriage.

Jarred headed for the door after Carrie, but froze when Shane spoke.

“Ah think it would be best for yer health, Mr. Kincaid, if ya leave the lady alone an’ don’t ever touch her again.” Shane’s fingers flexed, his body shifting unconsciously into a duelist stance, though he wasn’t wearing a gun.

Jarred started, unaware that Shane had witnessed any of that and still wondering how much of it he had heard or seen, but he spun back and tried to bravado it out.

"What the hell are you talking about, drifter? I think it's your health that's in danger if you're going to go around threatening local respectable businessmen who are going about their lives peacefully! I would call that trouble making. Wouldn't you say so lads?" he called out to the cowboys in the saloon, at least one of which had shambled drunkenly towards Shane's back as he had left a few minutes ago and was holding himself upright on the swing doors now, glaring nastily into the store.

“Respectable businessmen don’t go ‘round manhandlin’ ladies,” Shane said quietly, stepping up to Jarred. “Ah think ya should apologize ta the lady an’ then never come near her again.” He was calm, even, but there was a set to his jaw that said he meant every word.

"I will not apologise to that insolent little whore!" Jarred spat. "She struck me!" His voice was rising in pitch, showing his outrage. He was nothing like as calm or controlled as Shane. In fact, he was the opposite, and seethed visibly. "I don't let proper ladies strike me, let alone stupid little girls who don't know their place or how to respect and be grateful to their betters. I expect you're another who takes on airs as well!" he goaded, pointing his index finger and jabbing it into Shane's muscular chest.

Carrie had managed to get to the wagon and was now looking anxiously around to try to see where Shane had got to.

Shane didn’t even rock as Jarred jabbed him with his finger. He just stared at the man.

“You’ve been warned, sir,” was all Shane said. “Leave Mrs. White be.” With that, he simply turned to leave.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan/Shane Black
Executive Officer

Dr. Opal Oliver/Carrie White
NPC Cdr. Dr. Amia Telamon


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