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Holonovel, Chapter 3 (Part 2)

Posted on Fri Jan 25, 2019 @ 10:08am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

958 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD06 1915

Shane had washed in the bucket from the well and dressed in clean jeans and shirt, his hair still a bit damp from the dunking, and the shirt still clung to his muscled torso a bit, though it would soon dry.

“Yer lookin’ mighty pretty in that bonnet, Mrs. White,” Shane said as he helped her up onto the box seat before climbing up beside her. He studied the sun a moment. “Reckon we’ll have a good couple hours in town before we have ta head back. Ah ain’t been t’ town yet, so you’ll have ta tell me where ta go once we get there.” With a little snap of the reins, they were headed out of the farmyard.

Being helped up into the box seat was a different experience for Cary than it had ever been before. It wasn't that it was inappropriately done, it was just the closeness it gave her to the rippling muscles and taut torso of Shane as he lifted her off the ground as if she were a light as a child. Because of her feelings for him, it gave her a thrill just to be that close to him.

Tidying the bonnet and smoothing her skirt as she wriggled into the seat and set herself straight, Cary beamed at Shane as he hopped up on his side, light, as if he too weighed nothing, his powerful legs making nothing at all of the leap up and into the seat. His strong confident air and mastery of the horse team were breathtaking and Cary felt her head a little light with excitement as they set off side by side.

She directed Shane by pointing out the route in advance making sure he was aware of each turn and crossroads before they were upon them to be sure they got there safely and comfortably.

Once in town, Shane drove up to the main trading outpost, opposite the hotel and next door to the saloon. There were some of Jarred's men lolling about the porch of the saloon, leaning and lounging around the posts that held up the porch roof. Cary whispered cautiously to Shane as soon as they were out of direct sight and told him who they all were, describing each and relating their unpleasant histories in very brief summary as they entered the store and approached the store keeper with the list for goods and supplies.

“We’ll just make sure ta steer clear of trouble,” Shane promised Cary.

That might prove a bit more difficult, however. The owner of the general store was also the owner of the saloon. They were in the same building, with a door cut in the wall between them.

“I’ll get right on this list, Mrs. White,” the shopkeeper said, starting to go about the store, gathering up the items.

Shane went around the store, checking out what was available. He had few things, and could use some actual work clothes that weren’t handed down from Cary’s husband and fit him properly.

“Howdy, stranger.”

Shane looked up to see one of Jarred’s men leaning on the swinging doors of the saloon that separated it from the store. He just nodded.

“New in town. Care for a drink?”

“No, thank ya. Ah’m good,” Shane answered.

“C’mon, pardner. Just a friendly drink.”

Shane glanced over at Cary.

She shrugged her shoulders gently. "I'm happy here shopping," she muttered just quietly enough for him to hear. "Up to you?" She was facing away from the cowboy so hoped he wouldn't have heard the exchange.

Shane just nodded and turned to the cowboy. “Fair enough, partner,” he said, stepping up the step and through the swinging gates into the saloon. He went up to the bar.

“Sarsaparilla,” he ordered.

There was quiet a moment, and then laughter. Shane just ignored it.

One of the cowboys who had laughed moved closer to Shane and looked at him with an unpleasant expression on his face. He seemed to be considering Shane and looking him up and down as if assessing him. "Don't tell us you're too lily-livered to drink grown ups' whiskey?" he sneered.

Shane just ignored the man. His bottle was put in front of him and Shane took a sip of the soda. “Just havin’ a friendly drink. Not lookin’ for trouble.”

"We invited you for a drink. A drink, and you insult us by ordering sarsaparilla. Course you gotta be lookin’ ta offend us," the cowboy from before began agitating again, looking to his companions for support.

Shane lifted his bottle up and looked at it. “Looks like a drink to me,” he replied quietly before taking another drink.

"You got a bad attitude!" one of them muttered and another agreed with a growl. "Folks around here don't like bad attitudes," he went on.

“Mah apologies,” Shane said. “Let me buy ya a drink.” He waved to the bartender. “Another sarsaparilla, please.”

"Sarsaparilla!" the cowboy spat. "Now you're really insultin' me!" He began to approach Shane, appearing to be wading through some imaginary treacle, such was his wobbly, drunken gait.

“Then maybe Ah had best be goin’,” Shane said, tossing back the last of his sarsaparilla and heading for the door to the general store again.

"Runnin' away? That'd be right. You can't drink proper beer an' you run away like a coward when someone calls yer out!" the trouble maker challenged again.

Shane ignored him, pushing his way through the doors into the store. He stopped at the top of the stairs and froze.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan/Shane Black
Executive Officer

Dr. Opal Oliver/Carrie White
NPC Cdr. Dr. Amia Telamon


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