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Poking one's nose where it does not belong

Posted on Sat Jan 26, 2019 @ 5:12am by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Sat Jan 26, 2019 @ 5:12am

1,778 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Intelligence Office - Deck 15
Timeline: MD 07 - 0830

Raymond Raddon walked to the doors that the computer had identified as belonging to the new Intelligence Officer and pressed the chime and waited for a response. He had decided to take the time to go personally introduce himself to the new Intelligence Officer. Raymond had been informed by his employee, Valen, about a particular Starfleet Officer that was poking his nose and interfering in a delivery shipment that took place. This got Raymond's attention because the particular shipment was considered a highly sensitive item that he did not need to be disturbed by Starfleet. He figured the best way to resolve the situation was to speak with the Officer in charge directly.

Jason had just finished submitting a couple of reports in regards to the portal activation. He left his desk, locking his terminal and went into the main area. He was about to go talk to one of his team when he saw the civilian, one of the Raddon's standing at the door. He wondered when he would be getting a visit. Still, he would have to have a chat with security about letting him in here.

He walked over to the man and said, "You are in a restricted section. Can I assist you in returning to a non-restricted area?"

Raymond smiled at the younger man's greeting. Restricted. . .nothing on this damn station is restricted if you pay enough. he thought to himself humorously.

"Good afternoon, my name is Raymond Raddon, Chief Operating Officer for the Raddon Corporation." He said as he extended his hand to shake. "Forgive the impromptu intrusion, but I wanted to come down and introduce myself." He said. "I understand from one of my employees that there was a misunderstanding down at the docking bay a couple of days ago and I wanted to address any concerns you may have." He said.

"Do you mind if we spoke somewhere a bit more. . .quieter." He said as he looked around the main area.

"Not at all, there is a small conference room right down the hall in an un-restricted area that we can talk", Jason said. "Please come this way."

Jason nodded to some people they passed in the hall. Once they were in the conference room, he secured the door and then asked, "Can I get you a refreshment?"

"Sure, Titan Brandy," The Executive requested.

"Computer, one Titan Brandy, one apple juice", Jason said.

"So I wanted to come down and just briefly explain the slight difficulty you experienced the other day." Raymond began. "Our Science and Xenolobiology research division is currently working on a project with Federation Medical in regards to the outbreak of a virus that is strikingly similar to the virus Dr. Julian Bashir of Deep Space 9 encountered on Telphan in the Gamma Quadrant." He said. "Those containers you saw are part of the necessary equipment and samples my scientist are using to develop and test a possible vaccine for the version that has manifested itself within the Alpha quadrant as of late." He said through a broad smile.

"I must apologize on behalf of Valen, he can be a bit gruff sometimes." Raymond laughed. "At the end of the day, we're all fighting on the same team for what's best for Humanity. . .and her allies." Raymond said.

"I see", Jason said bringing the two drinks over. "I've been taught it is rude to allow a guest to drink alone."

He raised his glass in a toasting fashion and continued, "Anyway, I can understand your staff's hesitation. I was just curious about how out of all the ships in dock, private and fleet owned, that Starfleet crew weren't able to perform standard custom scans. The dock hand indicated that this happened a lot with Raddon vessels. After all, custom scans don't have any affects on medical equipment and properly contained medical samples. After all, I have to be concerned about everyone on the station. Events like the one that occurred can make people start to wonder."

Raymond laughed heartily. "I assure you, there's no need for concern." Raymond said as he took a sip from his glass. He paused as he allowed the strong liquid to pass through before he continued. "We're just very sensitive about scans into the material due to the nature of the items that we're working. I'm sure a man of your particular background can appreciate the need for discretion." Raymond said as he took another sip.

"I can indeed appreciate the need for discretion Mr. Raymond", Jason said. "Any leaked information that gets out can get into the hands of competitors, which is bad for business. I assure you that I don't want to disrupt that. After all, Raddon Corp. has been very influential in keeping dilithium flowing during these difficult times. That said, without an appropriate scan, there is no way the Starfleet staff can make sure that we are keeping everyone safe. I am sure a man of your character and experience can appreciate the difficulties in trying to keep a base with at least thirty different species on board at any given time, safe. So, we need to come up with an arrangement that allows Starfleet to have some insight and Raddon have their secrets protected. Perhaps just a select Starfleet staff, including myself and say, four others, that I would take your input on."

Raymond nodded his head as he took another sip from his drink. Annoying little bastard just won't catch the damn hint... he thought impatiently. He was not here to work out some kind of "agreement" with the Intelligence Officer. It was more a gentle reminder for him to mind his own affairs and stay out of those belonging to the Raddon Corporation.

"I don't think that will be necessary, Mr. Haines." Raymond replied with a smile still painted on his face. "We are quite familiar with Federation safety standards and we train all of our employees to exceed them at all time." He said as graciously as he could considering the rising tide of aggravation he was experiencing.

"If it will set your mind at ease, I can have one of our technicians submit a safety report to you on a quarterly basis." Raymond offered.

"So, tell me something Raymond", Jason said, sipping his juice and looking at Raymond with a bit more steel in his eyes that wasn't there a moment ago. "As I would be staking my job on it, how do I know that your safety report would be on the up and up? After all, I've heard all sorts of rumors about Raddon Corp and I've not been here very long."

The smile on Raymond's face was slowly dissipating. He took another drink from his glass and grimaced slightly for effect. "You know...ever since The Box of Delights, unexpectedly burned to the ground, it's been so hard to get quality alcohol on this station." (**) He said as he returned the Officer's look with a piercing gaze of his own.

"But to be honest, this is a very big station and it pays to have certain friends, Mr. Haines." Raymond said in a more straight and less jovial tone. "The Raddon Corporation is the largest civilian enterprise on this station. A smart and ambitious young officer like yourself can easily see the mutual benefits in maintaining a positive friendship " He said.

"As far as the rumors go, I wouldn't put too much stock in them." Raymond said as he put the glass down. "It's probably best not to poke one's nose into the business of others." He said. "You never know what might turn up that you did not expect." He added with full intent.

"Well, I am sure that there is no doubt that Raddon Corporation won't let the lack of good alcohol stand uncorrected for too long", Jason said with a knowing smile. "That would be bad for your club after-all, wouldn't it. Then again, with a human's only policy, the inventory you need to stock is not as much as some others. As far as rumors go, I have found even at my admittedly young age, that most rumors have a kernel of truth. And for friends, I pick mine with certain qualities in mind. And as Ferengi Rule of Acquisition, number 58 I believe states, 'Friendship is never cheap.' I can see that you aren't the type of person that I want to owe Mr. Raddon. That in mind, if I find myself needing a fourth for a parrises squares match, I'll think about giving you a call."

He stared at Raymond intently for a moment, then finished his juice, setting the glass down with a bit of a thump.

Jason then continued, "I think we are done here. I am sure we both learned exactly what we wanted to know."

Raymond finished his drink and unceremoniously placed it on the table before him. He stood slowly and buttoned his jacket and he continued to look at the man. "You're absolutely right, Mr. Haines." He said with a straight face. "Have a good day." He said stiffly as he turned and exited the conference room and walked back towards the main foyer. He was joined by his Security Escort who had been waiting just outside of the department doors.

"So how was the meeting?" Ahmed Diego said as he fell in beside the COO.

Raymond did not immediately respond, but continued walking. He waited until they were inside of the turbolift and the doors had closed before he responded. "I want to find out everything possible on that sonovabitch...birth, childhood, Academy. . .everything." Raymond said, still seething.

"Yes, sir" Ahmed said as the turbolift began to move.

Jason stayed in the conference room and brought the glass to the replicator and recycled them. He smiled as he knew he had gotten to Raddon, which was his plan all along. Now he had to step back a bit and let things cool off. He didn't want to start an all out war. He knew however that he would live rent free in Raddon's head for a decent amount of time. He knew that the Raddon Corp was a point of interest for Temporal, but they weren't 100% sure how it fit into key temporal simulations. Now he would need to see how it played out.

"Well Jason", he said with a smirk. "You've woke the bear, so watch your back."

Raymond Raddon
Chief Operation Officer
Raddon Corporation

Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer



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