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Back in Black (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Jan 28, 2019 @ 7:52am by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,239 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Promenade
Timeline: MD 03 1600


The young man leaning against the pillar as Aleczandra moved down the promenade wore black. Black leather trousers. A black leather jacket. Sunglasses too, though quite unneeded. The jacket looked familiar, and the scent of cigar smoke that wafted from him was a certain clue. "Hey there, hot stuff," he said quietly as she passed him.

Aleczandra walked along the Promenade with her head down, her hood up, the rainbow hair just curling out of it. She’d managed to at least make herself presentable now that she was back in public and back to school. She adjusted her school bag on her shoulder and looked up with surprise when someone addressed her. Her blue eyes found the hot young man a few years older than her dressed in black and she blushed. He looked familiar, and she searched her brain for him before some foggy memories surfaced.

That made her blush even harder. “Ahjess?” she asked with surprise, stepping over to him and searching his face. She had vague recollections of him, a former dabo boy at the Box. She remembered studying his fine ass in those tight pants, daydreaming occasionally.

And how somehow those daydreams became real, though the memories were cloudy, more like a dream than reality.

“You’re back. Ms Ibelin had been a bit crazy about you disappearing. Where’d you go?” She reached out and took his hand, pressing it in hers. “Like, literally crazy! She thought I’d done something to you!” The teen laughed and shook her head, pushing back her hood and releasing her fall of rainbow curls. “I was, like, legit scared when she started manhandling me. Now maybe she’ll stop giving me the stink-eye and I can start going back to the Box again.”

Ahjess head tilted for a moment. "Yes. She does go all momma bear around us. The ones with cocks anyway. So, I don't want to bother you, but I need to talk to Juheni. Be a love and wake him up for me."

Aleczandra blinked. “What?” she asked. She shook her head. “How do you know about Juheni?” Her blue eyes widened a bit in fright. Shit! Had she just admitted to having a symbiont? “I...I think you’re mistaken, Ahjess.” She started to back away from him.

He grabbed her arm. She could feel the roughness of a thick scab on her skin. "I'm not Ahjess, not right now. And I'm not mistaken. And you can either wake him up, or I can. And you won't like that option."

“Let me go!” Aleczandra tried to yank from his grasp. She wasn’t just some girl, though. She was the daughter of a Starfleet officer and had taken self-defense training from Eve. And that was before she had acquired Juheni’s skills. She kicked at Ahjess’ knee. She needed to get her arm free so she could draw her blades. Surely someone on the Promenade would notice!

He pulled her close with a tug that let him jam a hypospray against her skin. Almost instantly her muscles went rubbery, and she couldn't speak. "Come on out, Juheni. I don't want to hurt the meat suit."

Aleczandra gasped, slumping against Ahjess’ body. Her eyes fluttered closed and she was still for a moment. Then she took a shuddering breath and the blue eyes opened again. There was a calculating coldness to them now.

“You’re going to catch Security’s attention manhandling the XO’s daughter like this, Hex,” Aleczandra said. She tilted her head to look up at him. “Better make it look good.” She reached up and pulled him down for a deep, passionate kiss.

His arms came around her, and he chased her tongue with his for an acceptable length of time before pulling away. "You're picking tricks up from the whore," Hex said.

Aleczandra grinned. “They’re useful,” she said. “Being young and female has certain...advantages in my line of work.” She turned in his arms, leaning against Ahjess and looking adoringly up at him. Hex. He was Hex now. “I’m surprised you came back here.”

"Yeah, well, I've got something to show you before I go. And a thank you present." He nodded towards the turbolift. "Want to go somewhere with fewer cameras?"

“Sounds like fun,” Aleczandra said with a chuckle, slipping her arm into his. “Been having fun with this new body of yours?” she asked as they walked toward the lift. “I certainly did.” She smirked.

Hex rolled his eyes. "You're obsessed." He sighed. "But if you must know, yes. I got my rocks off."

“Obsessed? I live with a whore in a hot teenage body and have almost a hundred years of not getting fucked to make up for,” Aleczandra said with a grin as they stepped into the lift together. “Some of us haven’t been in control of our bodies, just riding along.”

"It's not your body, Juheni. Your body was cremated decades ago." They got in the lift. "Deck 1160. And you're just an echo of a copy that wouldn't even be conscious if Zandy Ryan was a full Trill. You don't have glands any more. There is no need to be so...basic." He pulled out a cigar and lit it. The environmental filters instantly pulled the smoke away. "It’s only ever worth doing once in a while anyway."

Aleczandra chuckled. “You never had me,” she pointed out. “And I may not have the glands, but she certainly does. Besides, I’m a pretty basic person. Always have been.” The rainbow-haired teen leaned back against the lift, eying Hex. “And you’re one to talk, smoking that thing. You just got that body and you’re already hard at work wearing it out. At least I’m enjoying what time I have. Gods bless fucked up teens.”

"What's a cancer in this day and age?" Hex waved his hand dismissively, then took a huff. "Besides, meatsuits are disposable. They rarely last long enough to feel the damage anyway." The turbo lift arrived and Hex gestured down a dark corridor. "You think you're that good, do you?"

“Disposable, but not cheap,” Aleczandra reminded. “And yes, that good.” She smirked. “Rusy, but I’ve got Kinony in here now. Didn’t have her when I was alive. So I’m even better,” the teen bragged.

She paused, not liking the look of the dark corridor. “Where are we going exactly?” Aleczandra asked, slipping her knives into her hands. Just in case.

"Just my work room." Hex stopped at a slightly rusted door. "Nothing to worry about." He gave her a leering look. "I know Ahjess really enjoyed screwing you. You want to do that again?" His voice dropped low, whispering into her ear. “Want me to fuck you? Want to feel me fucking that sweet, tight pussy of yours until you're loose and sloppy?"

Aleczandra grinned. “Bring it,” she said. “Let’s see who is better. You or Ahjess,” she taunted. “But that’s not why you wanted me,” she pointed out. “You know her father will move the stars to find you if anything happens to his sweet little girl. And I doubt you would survive his wrath.”

Hex only sniggered.


A JP Between

Hex, now in the body of Ahjess Denn
NPC Yolanthe Ibalin

Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
Civilian/Former assassin
NPC Caleb Ryan


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