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What a Day!

Posted on Tue Jan 1, 2019 @ 3:30pm by Civilian Jason Haines

776 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: 29-12 North, a.k.a. "The New Home"
Timeline: MD3, 2330


Jason came into his quarters, exhausted after the long day. He briefly looked around. His new home was much bigger than the quarters he had on the Geneva. They were even larger than senior officer's quarters on the Geneva. The place was spartan like most quarters when moved into. It would probably be that way for a while. He didn't bring much besides what he could fit in his duffle and with everything the Commander had thrown at him, he wasn't going to have much time for shopping. He would ask his uncle to send him some stuff later though.

He went to the couch in the main room and flopped. With a groan, he slowly took off his boots. Wiggling his toes, he let out an 'ahh and laid back.

"Computer, begin personal log", he said.

The computer beeped in compliance,

"Hey mom and dad..." he began.

Ever since he had been doing personal logs, he did them in the form of a letter. Even after 14 years, he still missed his mom. And after the past 7 years, despite being totally pissed at him having gone off with no explanation what-so-ever except 'it's important', he still missed his dad.

"...You won't believe the pile I've landed in today. I started my new assignment as Chief Intel officer at DS5, a 'teenie'..."

He made quotation marks in the air as if speaking to someone in person.

"...little station orbiting Pangaea. When I say little, it is a Celestial class base, a monstrosity of modern creation. I've explored a little, but not enough to form an intelligent opinion of the place. I met with the CO and from everything she had to say, this place is FUBAR. Pangaea seems to be shaping up like when the wormhole to the gamma quadrant was found. A lot of people are truly interested in studying the planet as it does have a lot of unique characteristics. The rest are what mom would call a bunch of 'Ag fein truaillaithe Cac ar oineach'. You know, a crowd you would feel comfortable hanging around with dad. They seem to either out to make some latinum or to further personal agendas and perhaps vendettas as well."

He chuckled a bit and then continued.

"The CO seems just a touch worried and stressed. Duh, right? I am sure, if she could, she would go on a nice long vacation to anywhere but here. Kind of hard to do though. The first thing I saw coming onto the station was a nice clip from the FNN of the XO decking some guy. Nice punch, but the cameras being around made it a touch unwise. You know mom, something dad would have done. I ran into the XO. He seemed a bit dour, but I would be too if I had to be thinking of all the different possibilities that could come of that one action. Then again, from how the reporter seemed to be egging him on, I probably would have done the same thing."

Thinking a moment, Jason then said, "Pause log."

Throwing his uniform jacket onto the nearby chair, Jason went to the replicator and got a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. He sniffed it and smiled. Seemed like the replicator had hot chocolate down well.

"Resume log", he said. "Don't listen to this one mom, but I did get to meet the chief science officer today. She is rather cute and is quite smart. Ok mom, you can listen again. For all that is going on that impacts her department, she seems to be quite upbeat. Perhaps she is good at internalizing stress or releasing it. Either that or she just hadn't looked at the news or read the daily reports. We'll be working a lot together as there is a lot of crossover down on the planet..."

He paused and took a sip of his hot chocolate before continuing.

"... The rest of the day was spent looking about and getting the lay of the land. I won't be bored for sure. Well, I could ramble on more, but it is mostly business stuff that I don't want to bore you with now, if you know what I mean. If you ever get a chance, feel free to stop on by."

Closing his eyes and kicking up his feet, he said, "Computer, end log, don't save."

In his line of work, Jason didn't like to leave unnecessary trails. He had learned it a little from his father and then it was reinforced during his training. 'Clicking' off his brain, Jason quickly fell asleep.


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer


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