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New Intelligence

Posted on Sat Jan 5, 2019 @ 3:14am by Civilian Jason Haines & Captain Maritza Soran

2,355 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD 03 1300


A young human, with a petty officer's bar on his collar met Jason as he stepped off the turbo lift next to the security station in OPS. "Lieutenant Haines? I'm Commander Soran's yeoman. We've been expecting you, please come this way." He turned without checking he was being followed, and headed across OPS, skirting round the raised central podium towards a small step of stairs that led to a mezzanine where several officers were hidden behind smoked glass walls

Jason followed looking about. It was an impressive station and center. He had only seen one other this big and that was McKinley Station at earth. He noted all the different exits as they walked along.

"Do you have a name or do I just call you Commander Soran's yeoman?", Jason asked trying to be friendly. His father always taught him that one's position or rank doesn't define them.

The young man gave a snort of laughter. "I'm Claude. Gopher, gateguard and general CO wrangler. And you're the new chief of intelligence, son of not one but two Starleet officers, and nephew to a third, and something of an expert on the temporal impacts of warp fields." He gave Jason a smile as he started up the steps. "Did I forget anything?"

"Well, first", Jason said chuckling. "I am not sure I could be considered an expert in warp field temporal mechanics. I was just highly motivated to beat the Kobayashi Maru simulation. I had a date riding on it."

He shrugged and then continued, "It seems like the test doesn't like to lose. I still got the date though. And as far as anything else, I play a mean rift of Enter Sandman by Metallica. So, how do you like it here Claude?"

Claude tipped his hand back and forth in a 'bit of both' gesture. "Its not too bad. its got busier recently. And the planet has made things far more interesting than anyone needs. But i cant say I'mdesperate for a transfer either."

"Well, when you are in Starfleet", Jason replied. "Home tends to be where you hang your hat. Now, feel free not to answer this one if you don't want to. I ask with all the respect due to her, what is your opinion of the CO?"

Claude stopped in front of the frosted glass doors, "I've had better. She's not a people person." The door opened a crack, and he put his head through. "Lieutenant Haines is here, Ma'am."

"Thank you, Claude."

Out of sight of the opening doors, Claude gave Jason a thumbs up, then indicated he could go in.

Commander Soran's office was sparse. There was her desk, clear but for a padd sitting on the desk, and a small hard chair positioned in front of it. The commander herself seemed to radiate an air of stiffness, braids pinned down without a milimeter of movement, uniform crisp and fully done up. "Mr Haines." She indicated the chair with a finger. "Please take a seat. I trust your journey was uneventful?"

Jason smiled at his new commanding officer and wondered if she was going to be as wound as Captain Phralan had been. After a brief glance around the room, he moved to the seat.

"Thank you Commander", he replied. "And indeed, my trip was about as exciting as watching a rock roll up-hill. Something tells me it won't be that way here."

"That's putting it mildly." Soran agreed. "Have you been briefed on the Pangaea Emergence?, or the joint colony?"

"Indeed, I have read reports, Commander", Jason said. "Reports can only give you so much though. What are your thoughts on the situation?"

She looked at him, evaluating. Then she said. "I think its a clusterfuck waiting to happen. There's a lot of competing interests arguing over a world we don't yet understand, and the Portals complex is dangerous beyond belief. And I don't even want to think about what is on that Northern Continent. I lost four crew and only saw the vaguest hint of a shadow before we all got out. And every power in two quadrants are worming their way here to try and get a piece of it. I think you will have your work cut out keeping me informed of any issues they present."

Jason thought a moment. No wonder temporal was so concerned about this planet. It had catastrophe written all over it. Given the variety of species and cultures on the station, it was only a matter of time before greed and the lust for potential power over-rode common sense.

"Has the Federation thought about quarantining this sector?" Jason asked. "It's been done a number of times in other less volatile conditions."

Soran shook her head. "The Portal complex is under marine guard, but Pangaea 'represents an unparralled opportunity for coordinted research in the spirit of international cooperation' so no." Soran's tone was neutral and still managed to vibrate with sarcasm.

"Intriguing", Jason said a bit nonchalantly. "Can't say that I agree with the decision, but no-one asked me. I think it has the opportunity to be a real powder-keg. How would you like me and my team to proceed in our intelligence gathering activities? I have a few people that I have already decided I need to speak with, but I want to make sure that I don't interfere with activities you already have in progress."

"Within the bounds of the law," was her first answer. "The cardassians are the number one priorities. They are openly hostile. Ambassador Turvan is currently banned from stepping foot onto this station anywhere outside the consulate. A pro-Consul has arrived to stand in his stead for day to day business, but they are refusing to replace him properly. I'm meeting with her tomorrow. But everyone is worth watching."

'At least she didn't specify which law', Jason thought, a mental smirk crossing his mind.

"What has the Ambassador done for the situation to get like this?" Jason asked. He knew Cardassians could get offended by a mouse farting, as his father used to say, but they usually made a bit of a game of it unless something really intense happened.

"The Cardassian ambassador has some issues. He's fundamentally incapable of taking responsibility for anything that happens. And then he changes the facts to suit his narrative. For example, the Cardassian government arranged to have some of my officers arrested by the Lissepians for warcrimes. They faced a trial under lissepian law, and they managed to weigh the judging panel in their favour. My officers would have been found guilty if the Romulan hadn't, for some reason, refused to play ball, and sided with us. Hydel Turvan then blamed us for the failure of his show trial. He demands, harangues and threatens people who want to help him, then acts surprised and offended when that help is recinded." She sighed. "I don't know how he got his postition. Whether bribery, influence, sexual favours." She made a face at that thought. "but I don't think he's had any experience dealing with people who stand up to bullies, and it shows."

Jason listened carefully to what she had to say and observed her face and then said, "Pardon me for being a bit bold, as given your experience you have probably pursued something like this already, but when I was in Academy, Captain Edward Jellico gave three guest lectures on dealing with Cardassians. Apparently he was sort of a go to guy on strategies with Cardassians. I imagine they are in the archives."

"Negotiating from a position of strength only works when your enemy is sane." Soran shook her head. "He'd rather than see a millioon dead cardassians than admit defeat. In his head, I'm sure he's some sort of Messiah for the new century, set to briing about a reborn Cardassia."

"He might have a few screws loose as the saying goes", Jason replied. "But, that doesn't mean the pro-Consul is the same or other powers in Cardassia. The Cardassian government might realize that the Ambassador is an embarrassment to them, but will never come out and say it. They will send the pro-Consul, let them get settled in, then they will let the two of them settle who needs to be there as the leader. Having a pro-Consul only works well in a civilization that doesn't have a history of backstabbing to get what they want. I think within six months tops, the pro-Consul and Ambassador will be under-mining each other."

'And so it begins', Jason thought. Most of the reports from temporal indicated that the Cardassians were the spark that lit the so called fuse. How long the fuse was, who knew.

"Six months?" the commander snorted. "I give it six days. They fight with each other more than they do with us."

"So, do you have anything in-particular you would like me to do to make sure this works in our favor?", Jason asked. "I think if we leave them to their own devices that it won't work out well for the station. Which I am sure you already thought of. Being the new kid on the block, I won't be seen as having any agenda."

"I want you to keep an eye on the Pangae colony. There are a lot of people with assorted interests down there, that I don't entirely trust. Including the Ferengi. There's new Klingon leadership too, but they shouldn't give you any trouble. Charg is a model Klingon. And I wouldn't be surprised if every non-federation power under the sun is trying to infiltrate the Portal Complex. Dr Wells can brief you on that. Lastly, Security are dealing with a civilian issues around acts of terrorism. You can offer support and advice, but no more. We need evidence we can use in court." The implication being that his own skill set would naturally include the inadmissible.

"Understood", Jason said with a nod. "that is going to keep us with an eye here on the station and the colony. The two are symbiotic after all. I don't think I have enough crew to do the job. I'd like to request more under the guise of operations and engineering crews. Too many black suits will cause some to go to ground and we won't see them until it is too late."

"That's a decision for the head of security. If that's what she wants, I trust you to get her the right people." Soran replied.

"Very well", Jason replied. "So, is there anything else I should be aware of or wary of?"

"Yes. There is a saboteur running around the colony of Pangaea. No one's seen them yet, but they seem to know something about the planet. They dug up what looks to be a mass grave near the ruined castle. I don't know who they work for, or what they want, but I want them found."

"The answer to this won't stop me from looking into the situation, but what actions have they taken that makes you think they are committing sabotage against operations on the colony versus just serving their own interests?", Jason asked.

It was an intelligent question. "Right now, I don't know. But the colony is what they attacked. We haven't even spotted them, let alone have any indication of their motives."

"I see", Jason said with a smile. "Not to sound totally flippant, given the reports I've read, and everything that seems to be going on, I just want to know if I am going to run into any fire breathing dragons on the planet to add to the mix?"

"Its entirely possible," seh replied with a serious expression. "Bbefor we were informed of the rules, I led an expedition to the Northern Continent. There is definitely something in the caves there. I lost four people, and we barely put our toe across the threshold so to speak. But we keep scanning the surface and don't come up with any lifeforms more complicated than birds and insects. You will stay away. Zero exploring without permission."

The answer really wasn't what Jason had been expecting. He had just been trying to break the tension. He could see however that it would take a chainsaw to get through the tension. It wasn't the Commander's fault and he knew it. All the reports he had read on the way here painted a pretty messed up picture. He was certain that the mess didn't come from the current CO.

"Ok, so I have a lot to soak in and learn", Jason said. "I have one more question. In regards to the FNN's clip with the XO that I saw being broadcasted when I boarded this morning. Is that anything I need to look into on the backend? Most higher ranking officers don't go off on someone like that unless they are being prodded with a big, pointy stick or if they are Klingon."

Now Soran just looked confused. "I'm sorry?"

Jason looked at the Commander surprised that she hadn't seen the news clip or at least it hadn't been brought to her attention. Now he felt like a bit of an idiot.

"Well, when I came on board station this morning, the FNN was showing a clip of Commander Ryan hitting a reporter", Jason said a bit sheepishly. "I didn't realize it hadn't been brought to your attention."

His commander looked like she could freeze nitrogen. "It has not. But it would be Mr Ryan's responsibility to do so, not yours." Her mouth pressed into a thin line for a moment. "Do you have any further questions for now?"

"No, Commander", Jason said quickly, realizing the Commander was two seconds from blowing a gasket, especially if he said the wrong thing. He waited quietly for her to dismiss him.

"Then you're dismissed, Mr Haines. I look forward to your updates."

"Aye Commander", Jason said. He got up and stood briefly at attention and then left to see if he could screw anyone else over accidently.


Commander Maritza Soran

Lt. (jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer


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