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Another Offer on the Table

Posted on Mon Jan 14, 2019 @ 10:46am by Qinee & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

1,654 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Xi'Cadia/The Avarice/Qinee's office
Timeline: MD07 1200

Negotiations with the Xi’Cadians had broken up for lunch and the respective representatives sat in small clusters around the lounge. Qinee gathered her colorful skirts up as she noted Counselor R’vaas staring out at the stars through one of the viewing windows, alone and without her Cardassian overlord.

Oh, she had no doubt the Cardassians had orchestrated this entire mess.

“Counselor R’vaas,” Qinee said, gazing down at the planet below them. “You have a beautiful world,” she commented. “I was wondering if I could speak with you in my office for a moment.”

Counselor R’vaas looked at her with slight concern. However, she eventually decided to follow the woman towards her enclosed office. “Very well,” she replied.

Qinee smiled, closing the door. “Tea?” she offered. The scent of a fresh, hot blend of R’vass favorite beverage steamed from a kettle to the side. Qinee went over to prepare a cup. “I believe you enjoy a little qvass in your tea?” she said, ladling in a bit of the Xi’Cadian fermented honey sweetener. She had studied her opponents to know their likes and dislikes.

R'vaas nodded slightly as she took the cup and sipped tentatively. "You're right, our world is beautiful, and it can only remain that way by our government remaining diligent and resolute on our task of defending our resources from exploitation," she said.

“Exploitation. Yes. But you seem only too eager to trade one for the other,” Qinee said, making herself a cup of the same tea. “What makes you think the Cardassians would be more equitable partners than the Federation? Everyone knows what they did to Bajor,” she pointed out. “Wouldn’t it be better to have someone as an equitable partner rather than a vassalship?”

R'vaas' eyes narrowed on the Ferengi. "You speak to me as if I am some young cu-baht on the first day of their pilgrimage," she said defensively. "I'm well aware of Cardassia's history. However, I'm also aware of the fact that they are a shadow of what they were twenty years ago and are in desperate need of new friends," she said pointedly.

"The Cardassia of old would have never stood by while a Starfleet vessel opened fire and destroyed two of its vessels in front of an entire tactical wing," she said. "Cardassia may put on a strong front, but they are struggling for resources and allies now, more than they ever did before the Dominion."

R'vaas turned again and looked out towards the port window. "Equitable. You say that word as if it means something to the Federation," she said, as if each word had a vile taste to it. "For decades the Federation has reaped the benefits of our natural resources while forcing us to make concessions to our enemies," she said bitterly.

"Did you know that when the Federation made first contact we were on the verge of finally defeating the Krulan tribe and their heretic forces and finally ridding ourselves and this planet of their existence," she asked rhetorically. "They no longer were able to maintain their dilithium mines and were on the verge of utter collapse, but then the Federation arrived," she said as she looked back towards Qinee.

"They knew they couldn't merely pick a side, so they forced us into a truce...if you can even call it that. This so-called cease fire forced us to give back territory and dilithium mines that we had secured and forced us to form a provisional government for planetary administration," she said tensely. "That is how former Prime Minister Zora Krulan was able to rise to power and become elected," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"The Federation wanted access to our dilithium and didn't give a damn what damage they caused in the process," she said as she turned back to the window.

“That doesn’t much sound like established Federation first contact protocols,” Qinee acknowledged. “They tend to prefer letting a planet get its proverbial shit together before they make contact.” She sipped her Xi’Cadian tea. “But I wasn’t speaking of the Federation as an equitable power,” the Ferengi ambassador said. “There are other players in the galaxy that have little interest in controlling Xi’Cadia like the Federation did...or the Cardassians will,” she said pointedly. “Would you rather not maintain your independence while benefiting from the trade of your dilithium, rather than trading one imperial master for another?”

Qinee reached into her desk and pulled out a padd. “This is a list of conglomerates in the Ferengi Alliance that deal with dilithium extraction, processing, and transport,” she said. Of course, she only gave a list with companies that she held majority stakes in. After all, what was the benefit of having a diplomatic sinecure if one didn’t profit from it? And dilithium was the backbone of the galactic economy. “They are experts at handling everything regarding dilithium. They have been following Xi’Cadian independence with interest, eager to provide you with any assistance and expertise you need, including negotiating favorable contracts with both the Federation and the Cardassian Union.”

R'vaas smirked as she examined the padd. "I'm sure a lot of rival parties have taken an interest in our independence," she said sardonically. "And what do we gain from this?" R'vaas said as she reviewed the padd and placed it down. "We control the dilithium, the refineries on Xi'Cadia, and its territories. Why would we want to sign any contract with Ferenginar?" the counselor asked with a slight edge.

Qinee tapped the padd. “This isn’t a contract with Ferenginar,” she said. “At least not yet. We could, of course, negotiate such a thing, a defense treaty or some mutual assistance pact, but this is simply a business contract.” She put her tea down and looked squarely at R’vass.

“I know much of your dilithium processing has been dependent on Federation expertise, the latest extraction and refining technology from the Raddon Corporation. Not to mention regional defense, and all of which you are looking to replace with Cardassians, who are hardly more to be trusted than the Federation. None of this is controlled or owned by Xi’Cadia. In fact, most of those refineries are staffed by Raddon. You don’t have the manpower to fully staff and maintain all of the facilities. The Ferengi Mining Consortium is offering that. In addition, we will implement training programs to eventually get you self-sufficient. We ask only that for a period of time to be negotiated you sell your dilithium only to the Consortium. They will pay you what the Federation is paying you now -- which is likely more than the Cardassians would pay. The Consortium, in turn, will sell it to the Federation and the Cardassians and other interested parties, at a tidy markup, of course. Xi’Cadia maintains its economic centrality in the region, the Federation and Cardassians get their dilithium, and Ferenginar makes a tidy profit. Everyone wins.” Qinee smiled. “And you get to stick it to the Federation, just a little.” She held up two fingers, close together.

R'vaas dropped the padd on the desk unceremoniously. "Yes, I'm well aware of the Ferengi Mining Consortium and their reputation," she said with a tone that was anything but upbeat and inviting. "However, I do recognize that such an organization of even questionable business practices can be of use to our future plans," she said. "Governor-Supreme Arkul is interested in establishing relations with outside parties while we continue to strengthen our forces and presence within the Expanse," She replied.

"To that end, I will go back to the Governor-Supreme with the proposal that Xi'Cadia will sell our dilithium to the Ferengi Mining Consortium at the rate of fifty bricks of latinum per kilogram," the Counselor said. "We'd hate for the Ferengi to stumble upon technology not meant for them to view; therefore Xi'Cadian technicians will handle the actual mining and processing inside of Xi'Cadian facilities," R'vaas said intently. The Ferengi were only as trustworthy as they could be gunpoint. There was no way anyone would authorize a Ferengi to have unfettered access to Xi'Cadian facilities or technical information.

"You're free to...markup the dilithium to whatever rate your buyers will accept," She added. "We would like to think of ourselves as...wholesale distributors," R'vaas said with a reassuring smile.

Qinee smiled. “Twenty-five bricks, and I think we can make this work,” the Ferengi ambassador said.

"Forty-five," Counselor R'vaas countered with absolute intent. She was in no mood for haggling with the Ferengi; however, she saw this as an opportunity to strip control and leverage away from the Federation.

“Forty, and we have a deal,” Qinee said, sensing the resistance. She made the changes on the padd and handed it to R’vass to take with her. “I had it all ready for just such an eventuality. All you need do is have the appropriate persons sign it and send it back. It will go into effect immediately. We can do all the fanfare and politicking that you think you need later. My concern is to get your dilithium up and running again.”

First Counselor R'vaas picked up the padd and studied it for several moments. She had little reason to believe that the Ferengi was concerned about anything but her own profit. However, she knew that this arrangement would be beneficial for Governor-Supreme Arkhul in establishing himself as the new leader of the Xi'Cadian people.

"I'll be in touch," the Xi'Cadian said as she turned and made her way out of the office back towards the farce of a conference.


Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan

Shina R'vaas
First Counselor to the Xi'Cadian Galactic Union
NPC by Thom


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