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Hiding in plain sight

Posted on Mon Dec 3, 2018 @ 10:06pm by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

763 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: DS5 - Civilian quarters
Timeline: MD 03 - 0430
Tags: Trill, Xelan, Symbiont, Symbiosis Commission, Hex, Ovaan

Xelan Castille entered her quarters and waited until she heard the familiar sound of her doors hissing shut. She pressed several buttons on the panel beside the wall causing it to seal close. Once she was certain the door could not be easily opened she walked to her nearby console and activated a sensor dampening device. It provided her with a significant amount of security and privacy within her quarters.

Since coming onboard, Xelan had done everything within her power to blend in with the local denizens of the station so that she could study the inhabitants in order to locate and apprehend the Ovaan symbiont. When she was assigned the mission by the Trill Symbiosis Commission she was given very limited information about the location and activities of the storied symbiont. She had taken it upon herself to learn more.

Xelan had taken up a job as a waitress at one of the local diners on the promenade. It was a simple position that did not require much brainpower, but it allowed her to casually observe the inhabitants, particularly the friends and associates of Aleczandria Ryan, the daughter of the station's Executive Officer. So far she had been able to piece together certain information.

"Computer, establish a tightbeam subspace link to the following coordinates," She said as she inputted the information into the console. She waited several moments before receiving a confirmation tone. Eventually the screen switched from the emblem of the Federation to that of the Trill Homeworld.

"This is Soverign Agent Castille, authorization Tango-Five-Five-Echo-Delta-Twelve." Xelan spoke directly to the console as she waited for either confirmation or denial. The screen remained unchanged for at least 45 seconds until the image was replaced by the face of the Chief of the Symbiosis Commission, Atris Peral.

"Agent Castille, your authorization has been verified." Commissioner Peral said as she settled into the seat behind her desk."Report." The woman said.

"I've managed to make preliminary contact with an individual who has actually interacted with the Commander's daughter." Xelana said as she sat and began to remove her wig and its attachments. "It appears that she has struck up a relationship with the more seedier characters on this station." The Agent said. ". . .including Hex" She added.

The Trill agent continued . "I have received reliable intelligence that the girl has been seen frequenting an establishment known as The Box of Delights. Evidentantly, an employee that she was seen with has gone missing, his name is Ahjess" Xelana said as she updated her terminal with video stills of young Trill. "He's an Unjoined and worked as a Dabo Boy for the establishment." She reported. "Additionally, the proprietor of the establishment allegedly confronted the Half-breed regarding the disappearance of the Unjoined." Xelena continued to report. "There might be more information that can be gained from her regarding what interactions she observed from the Half-breed on the station." Xelen suggested.

"Hmm...chances are if he hasn't turned up by now, he's probably dead." Commissioner Peral stated. "If that's the case, then General Ovaan is still just as deadly as we believed him to be." She said.

". . .or Hex" Xelena chimed in. "We still cannot rule out that Hex was involved in the Unjoined's disappearance and/or death." She said.

There was a slight pause from Peral. . .

She was well aware of the Hex symbiont and its reputation of forcefully taking individuals as unwilling hosts. The Trill Symbiosis Commission had kept this revelation away from higher Federation authorities because they saw it as an "internal matter".

"If Ovaan and Hex are now working together, there's no telling how much trouble they will cause." Commissioner Peral said. "I'm assuming the young girl's father is unaware of this development, especially as Executive Officer of the station." She added. "Nevertheless, you are to continue your mission and get as close to Ovaan as possible and extract the Symbiont." She added.

"...and as for Hex?" Xelen inquired.

"Hex is not your priority, Ovaan and the half-breed host that he's inhabited is. If Hex because an obstacle, you are authorized to use any necessary measures to deal with the situation. Am I clear?" Commissioner Peral said.

"Yes, ma'am" the Trill agent said.

"Very well, report when you have updated information." Commissioner Peral said as the link was cut.


Xelan Castille
Trill Ministry of Defense
NPC by Si'Lar Trellis

Atris Peral
Chairperson, Symbiosis Commission


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