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Breaking News!!

Posted on Sun Dec 2, 2018 @ 6:25pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

547 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Broadcast Station wide
Timeline: MD 02 2300


[Cue Music, Run FNN Vanity Plate]
[Standby VT Montage. Standby Voiceover]
[Run Montage. Switch to voice over]

"This is Zamra Ellin, in association with Federation Network News.

"On tonight's news: The Andorian Presidential election heats up; Thelin th'Zara, the current Federation Finance Secretary resigns his post to run for leadership of Andoria against incumbent Shrah th'Ferin. Cardassian forces continue to mass in the Xi'cadian system following their secession from the Federation, but first, in local news, Station XO Caleb Ryan attacks journalist."

[Cut to Camera 1. Medium closeup on Zamra]
[Standby VT 1]

"Daniel Reyes, FNN security correspondent for this sector is no stranger to hard interviews. He's been looking into the investigation of the murder of Feringi Diplomatic Attache Nazl outside local night spot The Box Of Delights several weeks ago. An investigation that has so far produced no leads, no interviews and no arrests, despite the urgent and high profile nature of the case.

"Having looked in to Nazl's background, there are more than a few people who would have cheerfully seen him dead, including rivals back on Ferenginar, such as one business rival, Dys. But more relevant to ourselves, as viewers may remember, Captain Nazl was responsible for the hostage taking of over fifty children during the Pangaea Emergence Event some five months ago. One of the children on that ship? Commander Ryan's teenage daughter. Whom, it was rumoured, was assaulted by Captain Nazl.

"Now, our reporter, Daniel, has been talking to people involved in both the investigation of the ending of the hostage situation and the investigation of Nazl's murder. Despite being compromised in both situations, Commander Ryan was said to have been involved in both investigations.

"So, before we show you today's footage, I'm going to inform you of one more piece of information. Several years ago, Commander Ryan, when he was serving on the USS Nemesis, which is currently working in this sector, investigated a Ferengi arms dealer by the name of... Daimon Dys. Dys was subsequently released from custody following that investigation. Due to a technical error by....Commander Ryan.

"Make of that what you will.

"Which brings us to this afternoon. Daniel Reyes finds the link between Dys, Ryan and Nazl interesting. Suspicious even. So like any good reporter, he goes to speak to those involved, and ask for their explanation. Just watch."

[Run VT 1]

Filmed from across the Promenade, the camera pointing down the South level 2 walkway towards the central area with the turbo lifts. There, the young human could be seen mostly from behind, holding out his recorder to the older man. The sound was distant and patchy, drowned out by the afternoon crowd " you work for Daimon Dys?" And the camera had a perfect shot of Commander Ryan's face, coldly furious, and then the older man through a sharp, sudden, professional punch, backed with years of security training. A small splatter of blood jumped up, and Reyes fell to the floor.

[Cut to Camera 1, Medium close up on Zamra]

"And there you have it. When asked a reasonable question, Commander Ryan has no qualms, no hesitation. He attacks. As the humans say... I think he doth protest too much."

"When we come back, the situation in Xi'cadia develops."

[Cut to commercial]



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