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Of Loyalty and Faeries

Posted on Sat Oct 22, 2016 @ 10:50pm by Lieutenant Mikaela Locke

204 words; about a 1 minute read


Senior Intelligence Officer's Personal Log.

It's safe to say that since the arrive of the Fae and Pangaea's 'emergence', things have been busy.

Of course, the universe and their partners all want a piece of Pangaea. Every active intelligence agency has operatives arriving on Deep Space Five - the Tal Shiar, what's left of the Obsidian Order... Even Starfleet Intel. has a new operative here that they think I don't know about. And that is, of course, what I shall continue to let them believe for the time being.

And while I'm not necessarily worried about their presence on the station, or that fact that it's indicative of a agency that doesn't completely trust me - because, let's face it, they're an intelligence agency, why would they trust their own officers.

What concerns me is the fact that, inevitably, I'm going to be forced to choose between my loyalty to Starfleet Intelligence and my loyalty to Captain t'Vaurek. That is not a scenario that I am looking forward to at all.


Mikaela Locke
Chief Intelligence Officer,
Deep Space Five


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