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Chief Counselor's Log #6 - "Clear As Mud"

Posted on Sat Apr 29, 2017 @ 3:37am by Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.
Edited on Sun May 28, 2017 @ 2:29am

413 words; about a 2 minute read

Progress in the murder investigation continues to move slowly even as the tension aboard the station continues to mount. It's hard to believe in this day and age we would still be dealing with something as ridiculous as anti-alien sentiment and prejudice, but that's exactly what we are facing. I'm afraid despite our best efforts, the anger is going to boil over and the violence will only get worse. With these kinds of emotional conflicts, people quickly take sides and an endless cycle of retaliation seems inevitable. At some point, not even the combatants know who or what started the original conflict, but the cycle continues. Naturally, we are all fearful of people getting hurt in the crossfire. I don't blame the non-human residents for being upset. They aren't wrong to be angry when members of their community are harassed, assaulted, and even killed. I do what I can to offer support and reassurance, but the truth is, I can't control everyone's actions aboard the station any better than anyone else. The emotional support I and my team can provide isn't insignificant, but I also no arresting and convicting the perpetrators will go along way and showing every member of the community just how much we value the diversity aboard the station.

To that end, I'm doing everything I can to assist in the investigation. I knew it wasn't going to be easy from the very beginning, but even now, I am surprised at just how many potential suspects we are facing. It seemed even those members who admired Nazl for his position and the power he wielded, no one truly liked him very much, and that's putting it mildly. The best I can say about him is that he was exactly as he presented himself to be, and obviously, that wasn't worth much. I still believe The nature of the crime speaks to his sexual proclivities. I'm hoping and upcoming visit the Lotus lounge will give us some leads. Sexual predators don't just stop after one offense.

On a slightly brighter note, if I have to investigate a murder, at least the investigation has allowed me to experience new things, such as a mud bath with an ambassador. I think I surprised Liam with my willingness to join in the mud bath, and if I'm being totally honest, I wasn't thrilled by the prospect, but it was surprisingly comfortable. I just might have to suggest mud baths for my particularly anxious patients.


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