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Mission Days and moving plots forward

Posted on Thu Mar 5, 2020 @ 6:42am by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi everyone

Now the ifirst event of the new mission has happened, I'm opening up days Mission days 2 through 4 for posting.

Over the course of these days, there's going to be some investigation into where the Gremlinite (thanks Marty, great name!) came from, and how and why its spreading fast.

Power will remain spotty in this time, so please use the following timetable as a guide

MD 01 - Life support restored by 1700, also gravity & SIF. note that things FailSAFE, no one is going to go crashing to their doom when it comes back. A reasonable gentle float, that lasts long enough even for anyone in the main transport tubes that run the length of the station has time to get into a safe landing.

All essential systems will have power by 10pm. that basic functiality of lights and replicators in living quarters, sick bay, comms, computers, The promenade is not essential, but there's nothing to say properitors can't scournge up some portable generators from visiting ships with working replicators.

MD 02 - Shutle bays will have power back by noon, and traffic will start moving. The back log of ships stuck waiting for landing clearence will take well into MD03 to clear

Promenade and civilian facitlies will be generall repowered by 10pm.

MD 03, Random brown outs will occure throughtout the day, but no comprehensive powerloss, as Gremlinite is flushed out of the EPS

MD04 Brownouts now occaisional. Everything seems back to normal.

The main mission posts will involve Ops/Engineering &Science will be working on examining and clearing the gremlinite. Security will be helping track it down. Anyone not in those departments is welcome to volunteer and run an NPC.

So, go forth and write. All posts up to 23:59 on MD04 can go up, just don't loose track of where you are so no one ends up in two places at once.

Additionally, I've got some RL things to sort out over the next few days, so I'm going ot be tagging slowly until after the weekend. Feel free to engage in any personal plots, and if you have any ideas for side missions or additions to the main story line, don't hesitate to step forward.

Live long and Prosper


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