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January Awards

Posted on Sat Feb 22, 2020 @ 6:51pm by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi All

Sorry this is a little late this month, I've had the boys home for half term and getting anything done with 3 noisy boys underfoot is never easy.

So, onto the shinies!

The Sim awards for January are as follows:

Meritorious Newcomer - Natalie/ Alen
4 year service - Bryan / Annora

The fleet awards are as follws:

Gold Unit of Merit (Tied with the Aurora and the Yamoto)
TGCO Award of Merit
Player of the Month - Natalie/Alen For throwing themselves into DS5 with panache and flair
Post of the Month - DS5: “So, You’re Dating a Serial Killer: Or how to make a silly science officer see sense” (

Congratulation to Alen, and to Matt & Charlie!

Full details of the Fleet Awards are here:

Anyone can nominate anyone for any award. Awards are linked in the sidebar of the writing control panel. I'd really love to see nominations form others.

Have a great weekend


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Comments (1)

by Civilian Jason Haines on Sun Feb 23, 2020 @ 2:52am

Great Job Everyone!