
Tergum In Tempus

Post Count: 81

Part of Main Mission

Time After Time

Post Count: 0

Cardassia and Xi-Cadia lost the war, but peace has yet to be established. Amid the tumult, a new command team is sent to DS5, staff is replaced, yet the temporal fluctuations remain unstable. It is a time of change and a time to rebuild. For without stability, time may decide to do a reset.

Things Past

Post Count: 138

For character development posts in the near or distant past that take place outside the time covered by the current mission.

No missions found

Eye of the Beholder

Post Count: 395

A subspace anomaly passes slowly through Deeps Space Five drawing to it transdimensional aliens long stranded in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

Who are these creatures so beguiling to behold?
What is their mission, and what secrets lie untold?

Part of Main Mission


Post Count: 62

This is a free posting period running from now until the end of September.

In game time this period will cover several months whilst scans and surveys are conducted to ensure that there is no sentient life on the planet before exploration begins.

Part of Main Mission

Pangaea (Wrap up)

Post Count: 496

Following an unprecedented astronomical event that saw a complete solar system emerge from between dimensions Deep Space Five has successfully established a geostationary orbit around the mysterious planet that orbits a yellow sun.

Dubbed Pangaea the M Class planet is approximately 1.2 times the size of Earth – scans, probes and reconnaissance sweeps have established that Pangaea is resource rich, and though all three planets have ruins left by an advanced trans-dimensional space-faring civilization known as the Fae there is no extant sentient life in the system.

Until now the major powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants have been content to let Starfleet and the Federation operate DS5 in what was a void of extra-solar space on the fringes of Federation territory, all finding our presence a useful and convenient stepping stone for trade and exploration beyond the borders.

Things have changed.

A diplomatic summit has been convened - the Ferengi, Cardassians, Klingons, Romulans, Lissepians, even the mysterious Rowa'ni have sent delegates. But interest in the Pangaea system goes beyond that – DS5 has become a magnet for independent resource strippers and land grabbers keen to exploit what natural resources Pangaea and the rest of the system may conceal.

Until now we’ve utilised the Prime Directive to keep all parties at bay but our time is running out. While our initial teams commenced exploration both above and below the planet’s surface our fighter wings intercepted no fewer than six independent attempts to land survey teams on Pangaea and the other planets in the system.

It is up to the crew of Deep Space Five to manage the conflicting interests of all parties, and ultimately to establish who should inherit these new worlds without the sector descending into war.

Part of Pangaea

Interlude II

Post Count: 10

Life aboard DS5 returns to normal and in a rare period of respite no new threat emerges.

Interlude - Day 1

Post Count: 67

Life aboard DS5 returns to normal and in a rare period of respite no new threat emerges.

This is a time to relax, to get to know your fellow crewmates, to lose yourself in a holosuite. Time to take that well earned leave or just prop up your favourite bar once the day's work is done.

After all, they do say that a little bit of what you fancy does you good ...

Part of Interlude

Interlude - Day 2

Post Count: 40

Part of Interlude

Interlude - Day 3

Post Count: 34

Part of Interlude


Post Count: 325

A trip through one of the fae's Portal leads to a event in the Dominion War. The away team escape with their lives, only to find themselves accused of war crimes from twenty years ago, and the resulting trial threatens to tear DS5 apart.

Mission Focus: Exploration; Diplomacy
Mission Length: Medium

Part of Main Mission

Victory Conditions

Post Count: 484

With the Cardassian 127th Tactical Wing of the Sixth Order flexing its muscles close to DS5, Starfleet is going to make its own demonstration, to let the galaxy know about its latest ship developments, and their potential to actively defend the Federation.

In a series of exercises and drills of fleet ships, the USS Svikari is trialling a new form of shields and weapons, and her captain is keen to make sure everyone knows just what enemies of the Federation will be dealing with in the future. Can the crew of DS5, acting as adjudicators and coordinators of the exercise, keep the rivalries within the fleet from turning a simulation of war into the real thing? There's just one question...

Do you want to play a game?

Part of Main Mission

Doors of Perception

Post Count: 932

The Cardassian fleet has withdrawn, and the Svikiri has been taken back by Federation Command. All that is left is the wreckage of lives lost. Life aboard DS5 is slowly moving on, and with the colony on Pangaea is ready to be formally opened. However, the crew of DS5 are about to find something out about the portals beneath their feet.

Doors go both ways.

Part of Main Mission

Et In Arcadia Ego

Post Count: 470

Its February 2394. All has been relatively quiet on DS5. The Panagea colony has enlarged and more prospectors and scientists have arrived to study everything from the atmosphere to the core.

But things are about to start going wrong on DS5. Sudden and strange breakdowns and failures of critical systems occur all over the station. What is causing it? and how can it be stopped? Can the crew of DS5 solve the issue before the station destroys itself from the inside out?

Part of Main Mission

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Post Count: 584

Months of deteriorating diplomatic relations between Cardassia and the Federation lead to the expulsion of the Cardassian Mission from the station.

But the threat of the Pangaea Portals remain too great for the Union to ignore, and its time for Legate Turvan to take action to restore the security, and maybe even the glory, of the Cardassian Union.

Part of Main Mission