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Tianys Visits

Posted on Wed Nov 28, 2018 @ 8:10am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

2,418 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD01 2000


Heads turned as a strong, floral scent wafted into the Box of Delights, sending hormones surging and libido rising. Gazes settled on the green-skinned, pointy-eared woman in the entrance with her long, flowing rose red hair. She wore a red gown that clung enticingly to her curves, with a full length skirt and a plunging neckline. Unlike the gowns Tianys usually wore inside her club, this one was a lot less translucent, though it still left little to the imagination. But there was no sense in inciting a riot over her presence with her normal attire.

Tianys strode confidently into the club with an inviting sway in her hips, favoring those she knew were patrons of her own establishment with a smile of greeting. She moved to the bar, eyes following her, and leaned against it. “Water, please,” she ordered in her alto voice. Then she turned and leaned back against the bar to take in the newly rebuilt club.

Yolanthe hadn't gone for any major remodels. The wave shaped bar was still there, except in a dark wood rather than its previous blue and white glass panelling. The mezzanine was rebuilt, again with black wrought iron railings rather than the former sleek chrome.

The lady herself set out a long glass next to Tianys on the bar with pink fingers. She unscrewed a bottle and poured it out. "Can you turn that down? I don't want my staff harassed."

Tianys raised an eyebrow. “Can you stop breathing?” she asked, though with less snark to her tone than typical when she had dealt with Yolanthe in the past. It looked like it took a bit of effort, and wasn’t at all comfortable, but the floral perfume around Tianys lessened some, though didn’t completely go away.

Tianys picked up the glass and took a sip of the water. Acceptable. “You’ve made a few changes,” the Rowa’ni matron noted, looking around the club again. “Was it as bad as they were saying?” Tianys hadn’t gotten near the burned out husk. Rowa’ni were very susceptible to pollution levels, so she had steered clear.

"I'm not sure what they're saying." Yolanthe started to relax a bit, but kept her eyes away from her good looking staff. "The mezzanine came down, front of house had lots of smoke damage. I've replaced all the furniture. Back of house smelt like an arbosaur's armpit for a week." She sighed, and for a moment the pale pink was crowded out by a dark, dirty yellow. "The real damage was the stock. I lost everything front of house and the damage to the lines started a smaller fire in the stock room. It didn't spread far, but I’m spread thin and my suppliers aren’t able to cover my needs on short notice. Craft brewing and distilling has a horrendous lead in time. I can't just replicate it and be done."

Tianys sipped her water, studying Yolanthe. Her long, red nails tapped on the new countertop. “Perhaps you would like some help.”

Yolanthe narrowed her eyes. "I'm getting a lot of offers recently. I'm not sanguine about the costs. What are you suggesting?"

“I might be able to help secure you some stock,” Tianys said. “Or lend you some of mine. I could shake some trees and see what falls out.”

"And what would it cost me?" Yolanthe didn't believe anyone one offered help for free. Not to the competition.

“Blake,” Tianys said. “And a few of your other virile young males. I have some young females coming into their first eruw. The needs of the goddess are always particularly strong then and not easily satiated. And I prefer an infusion of fresh seed at such times. It keeps the House healthy.” She sipped her water. “And, if I recall, you still owe me at least two favors. One for breaking Vesan’s arm the first time you visited me, and one for giving you information on your male Ahjess.” She paused and looked around. “Did you ever find him, by the way?” she asked curiously.

Yolanthe said nothing for a moment. "My boys aren't stallions to put out to stud. I won't force them to have sex." The Rowani'is hormones presented thoughts to her brain and the pink of her skin began to darken again. "If this thing of yours is that important, then we'll go down to the break room and you can ask for volunteers. Given the state Blake came back in, you may or may not get any."

Tianys looked a bit offended. “We do not force anyone!” she stated. “We are not Orions! And your male Blake had no complaints. He was merely a bit dehydrated and exhausted. This is why I wish more than just one. The more we get, the better I can spread around the effort.” She smiled at Yolanthe, noting the color change, sensing the change in the Bokkai’s pheromones in response to hers. “If you like, I could offer you one of my males in exchange. Or more, if you so desire.”

That offer, and the memory of her dance with Lasuma's man the previous night, put even more images in her head, and she turned a very definite fuschia. "I think I'd break them," she said weakly. Change the subject. "And no, we've had no more leads on Ahjess. What do I owe you for that?"

Tianys smiled. “I haven’t decided yet,” she told Yolanthe. “I am sure something will come up. I just thought to offer you a little help with your problems. Call it an olive branch. Call it mutual benefit. So what is it that you need?”

Right now? Ten minutes in the holodeck. "Er, suppliers. My stock is low and my usual suppliers either don't have stock or are so far away that I wont get resupply for weeks. I've had things stuck in customs too. So if you have spares, or contacts with good supply and shipping, I'd be grateful."

Tianys nodded. “ do you want these suppliers and contacts to be?” she asked quietly. Like the Lotus, she knew Yolanthe didn’t have normal station security sensors in her club, however. “I have some overstock I can give you right now. My House has a significant presence inside Romulan space, so getting Romulan ale shouldn’t be a problem. And I can talk to House Nepyxa’ni for other spirits, also.”

"I like legal," Yolanthe said. She wasn't completely sanguine about Tianys refusing to name her price. It would only go up, and she wasn't going to compound it by requesting more creative sources. "The amount of trouble that turns up in the biggest bar on the station means I have security peering down my top on most occasions. I can get away with the usual, like Romulan ale, but if half my menu is all controlled, I'll get a lot of heat that neither of us will appreciate."

“Fair,” Tianys allowed. “Legal is always difficult to do short notice,” she reminded. “I will have one of my males come by with some overstock I have.” She straightened and finished her water. “He doesn’t need to return immediately,” she assured Yolanthe with a sultry smile, “if you need his help for other things. When can I recruit from your males?”

Yolanthe shifted uncomfortably. It wasn't that she didn't exactly appreciate the offer. It had been a long time since Tharek. But she was also long past the day of meekly accepting whichever man was sent to her. There was no Duty now. "I'm fine." Yolanthe checked the clock. "There will be a couple of boys on their break right now." She indicated the door to back of house. "This way."

As they were moving through the door, there were squeals of disgust and shouts of laughter from the breakroom.

Now slightly hesitant on what she and Tianys might be walking into, Yolanthe walked through the door. "Hello, boys."

Pel waved at her. "Hey, boss."

Yolanthe raised an eyebrow at the group of her staff gathered. Blake and Pel, two more of the wait staff, and a new dabo boy. She turned a little grey. Her family didn't feel right without Ahjess. She noticed Klia hiding behind Blake. "What are you encouraging them to do now?"

The little Orion giggled, "Moi?"

"Yes. You," Yolanthe said firmly.

"Well, if you must now, we're playing a game. " Klia blinked innocent brown eyes at her tall friend.

Yolanthe leant against the door frame and folded her arms. "We have company," she warned.

Klia smirked at Tianys. “Maybe she wants to play too? It's called ‘Which Dorian Would You Do if You Definitely Had To Do a Dorian?’, by which I mean Raddon's or Lasuma's."

For someone with no visible irises, Yolanthe looked remarkably like she was rolling her eyes. "Really?"

Klia nodded. "Though I think we all know which camp you fall in." She turned to Tianys. “What about you? Any preferences?"

“Both seem to be fine male specimens,” Tianys said. “I am not sure why it matters. One doesn’t need to be fond of a male to have sex with him. Besides, I seriously imagine Gabriel would prefer to airlock himself than sleep with an alien,” the Rowa’ni said with a smirk. “So I will choose Lasuma’s Dorian. He, at least, would appreciate it and not complain the entire time,” she said with a smirk.

Everyone laughed, and Yolanthe turned a pretty periwinkle blue. Klia nodded. "You're probably right, but I reckon the hate sex with Gabriel would be epic."

"Ew!" Pel wrinkled his nose, crinkling the ridges that crossed it. "Gabriel's an arse."

"And a very fine piece of arse at that," Yolanthe added, enjoying Pel's horrified look, before raising a hand to placate him. "Look, we all know Gabriel is an arse. and that's the point. We know he's an arse. The other one is a bit of an unknown. Quite frankly, it just sounds to me like a choice between getting stabbed in the front or stabbed in the back. I have no desire to get stabbed at all."

"Liar," Klia sniggered.

"Anyway!" Yolanthe said loudly to move things on. "Tianys has a request. For the boys."

Tianys smiled with amusement at the banter. So young. “I have need of males for my females that are going into eruw,” she said. “It is a time when they are touched by the goddess and made fertile. Their appetites are quite...enhanced,” she said. “Blake helped me with one of my females several months ago. Yolanthe has been gracious enough to let me offer him and the other males the opportunity to help. Nothing more is needed than perhaps one of your weekends off. I will even compensate you.”

Tianys glanced at the girls, and her eyes settled on Klia. Only a hint of something passed over her features. Rowa’ni were often mistaken for Orions at times, but their pheromones had no mind control properties, and they despised such things. But she wasn’t about to turn down a potential customer, and her people were more or less immune to Orion pheromones, given the nature of their own biology.

“I have plenty of males for the females, as well, if they wanted, for a reduced rate this month as thank you to Yolanthe for giving me the opportunity to find fresh seed for my females.”

Klia wrinkled her own nose. "Thanks, but I'm not into that."

Blake raised a hand. "I'll come again. If you want me?"

Tianys smiled. “Leyta has done nothing but sing your praises to the other females,” she said. “They are eager to meet you, Blake,” she assured him. She looked to Klia. “You have only to name what you are into and I will make it available,” she assured the Orion woman.

"I'm good, thanks," Klia said.

"I'd like to try." Pel raised his hand. "Though I'm not sure about the chafing."

"It got better," Blake said, blushing a little. "You should all try it." He looked at the other boys. "It was...good."

Yolanthe went a little grey. It was at this point that Ahjess would have made some sort of sarcastic but witty remark about the state of spiritual ecstasy Blake had returned in. Her boys seemed to lack a...spark without him.

Slowly the others nodded their heads. Yolanthe turned to Tianys. "That's four. Will that do for now?"

“That will,” Tianys said. “Feel free to let your other employees know. Your Edward might like it,” she mused. “He seems fit for his age. How is his heart?” She might have to put a few Rowa’ni males in with him, to spell him.

Yolanthe thought of Edward, a man old enough to be her father, and had balked at wearing a dabo boy outfit enjoying the Rowa'ni, and decided she needed brain bleach. "I'll tell him, but I don't think it's his thing."

“Fair enough. Thank you, Yolanthe.” Tianys looked at the boys. “When you have a weekend off, stop by the Lotus. I will leave your names with the front desk and someone will bring you back to the eruw’wi -- the goddess’ house -- and arrange a female for you. Thank you for your willingness to aid me.” She moved to each in turn, giving them a kiss, the strong scent of her flowing around them, making those dabo pants particularly tight.

Yolanthe sighed and herded Tianys back to front of house and escorted her to the entrance. She wanted the Rowa'ni woman out of her bar before the general aura of party time that filled the Box turned into downright orgy. "I'll let the others know when they get off shift."

“Thank you. And I hope your troubles turn out better.” Tianys paused at the entryway and smiled at Yolanthe. “When Security keeps an eye on the Box, they’re less concerned about my business,” she teased lightly. “Let me know if you need any other assistance.”

"Your spare alcohol will do for now," Yolanthe said grimly. If she wasn't careful, this one would have everything. Almost as bad as Ferengi. Possibly worse. At least you knew for certain a Ferengi was going to fleece you rotten.


Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights


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