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Xi'Cadian Destiny (part II)

Posted on Sat Oct 27, 2018 @ 7:47pm by Civilian Melvyn Raddon
Edited on on Mon Oct 29, 2018 @ 1:36am

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Dilithium Chamber Ballroom
Timeline: MD 02 - 2200
Tags: Raddon Corps, Xi'Cadia, Cardassia, Dilithium Chamber

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Melvyn Raddon said as he held up a glass of authentic champagne. "Words cannot begin to express just how grateful I am to see you all and to share this wonderful occasion with you. Thanks to your support and dedication, the Raddon Foundation was able to successfully complete this multi-phase Research and Development Complex." He said. "Our accomplishments here will cement the Federation's future as the true leaders of the Alpha Quadrant." He said as he raised his hand in preparation for the electronic barrier to be deactivated.

"I present to you, for the first time, the Seth Marcell Research & Development Institute." He announced as the barrier faded away and provided the audience with their first look at the entrance to the multi-level facility that was situated on the lower level of the promenade. "The Seth Marcell Institute is named after the young child who was brutally taken away from his family at the hands of the violent elements that have begun to take hold this station." He said.

Melvyn was clearly referring to Yolanthe's direct responsibility for the child's death within her bar. He saw it as the epitome of hypocrisy and corruption that the murderer was never brought to justice for taking the life of such a young child. However, a part of Melvyn smiled as he thought about her bar being reduced to ash and rubble as a result of her run-in with her former Orion slavemaster.

Now was not the time to gloat over Yolanthe's financial troubles. Instead he was basking in the glow of victory. He had successfully secured the commitment of his investors that had allowed him to fully complete the R&D Institute onboard the station. Such a complex would allow his company to continue their propulsion-related development projects in a more stable and secure environment. More importantly, they would be able to directly benefit from being protected by Starfleet Security and any number of vessels, security personnel, and security devices.

"Everyone, please mingle and enjoy yourselves as you tour the facility and learn what the future holds for Raddon Corp and its family of businesses." He said as the crowd erupted in applause. He continued to wave and sip his champagne as he made his way through the crowd to mingle with them. He caught the look of his son, Raymond, and smiled and waved him over.

"My boy! Come, have a drink and celebrate our smashing victory!" Melvyn said joyously. However, he could tell immediately that his son did not share his sensation of joy and excitement by the look on Raymond's face.

"Dad, come with me, quickly. We have a situation that has taken place." Raymond said without any hint of sarcasm or irony in his voice. The steel expression on his face confirmed that obviously something serious was on his mind.

Melvyn read the expression on his son's face and turned to his assistant. "Claire, I'll be back." He said as he straightened his jacket and made his way through the corridor behind his son. Several minutes later the duo arrived at the door to one of the main conference rooms within the business complex. Raymond knocked twice and waited for several moments until the doors were opened from the inside and the two men were allowed to enter.

"Now will you tell me what the hell is going on, Raymond?" Melvyn said as he took off his jacket and unfastened the top button on his collar. "You're taking me away from a very important event with very importantdonors." Melvyn said as he poured himself a drink.

Instead of responding, Raymond nodded to the technician who activated the communication panel. Within moments, the room was filled with the holographic display of an older woman with blood throughout her face and right shoulder. Her breathing was ragged and she was barely able to stand on her feet as she faced the projector.

"This is Sarah from Processing Unit #234, Suvella peninsula on planet Xi'Cadia." She said as she gathered her thoughts. "Vice Minister or Governor-Minisiter, or whatever the fuck he's calling himself now has started seizing all dilithium mines and orbital processing facilities throughout the planet." She said.

"What. . .? He's doing what!?" Melvyn said as he stopped his glass in mid-drink. "How is that even possible? That's a Federation planet, he has no authority to seize any business operating under UFP charter." Melyvn said.

"Federation. . .what Federation?" Sarah said. "He announced that he was assuming control of the planet and was revoking the planet's membership into the Federation. To show his was serious he ordered his military forces to begin seizing all essential resources and industrial centers throughout the city. It's . .it's like he has been planning this!" She said through labored breathes.

"What about our forces in the area? Were they able to fight back and secure our facilities?" Raymond asked from his side of the room.

Sarah's expression answer the question before her words could. "Gone, wiped out by what we think are Cardassian orbital platforms, or at least technology that is based on it." She said. "The Cardassians almost instantly moved into higher orbit and established themselves before anyone had a chance to respond." She said. "This planet wasn't heavily fortified by Starfleet due to Deep Space Five being so close by, so there was no real opposition." She added. "We weren't equipped for such a blitzkrieg," The woman said, referencing the ancient Human military tactic. "We were brushed aside within hours." She said in between coughing episodes.

"I'm not sure just how many of us are remaining, communications have been knocked out between our facilities. They just came in and said that they were taking control of all operations." She said in disbelief. "When we tried to pushback. . .you know. . .to find out what the hell they were talking about, they just opened fire on us." She said.

"How were they able to overpower us so quickly?" Raymond asked. "Xi'Cadian technology has never been that advanced." He added.

"They had newer, upgraded weapons, the closet thing I ever saw to something that deadly was back in the Dominion War when we were fighting the spoonheads." The older woman said, recalling her military combat experience. "With that type of hardware and the presence of Cardassian orbital facilities, I wouldn't be surprised if Cardassia is benefiting from this somehow." She said.

Melvyn nodded his head as he tried to process everything that was taking place. Xi'Cadia was one of the most bountiful planets within the Typhone Expanse. It was essentially the hub for the Raddon Corp's dilithium production and refinement within the sector of space. To say that this hurt would be an understatement.

"Sarah, I want you to marshal all of our resources and gather our people. Find and retrieve whomever you can and then fall back to the emergency extraction point. I'm going to send retrieval to get you all the hell out of there!" Melvyn said with genuine concern in his voice. "Just hold on, m'dear."

Sarah nodded in acknowledgment. "Raddon Corp, out." She said before her image faded out and the room returned to normal.

"What is Starfleet's response to this?" Melvyn asked.

"We don't know, there hasn't been anything officially put out over the Federation News Network" Waylon, the Security Consultant spoke up to the Elder gentleman.

"Bureaucrats, they're probably too busy trying to find a way to spin this so the quadrant doesn't see how incompetent the Federation is." Melvyn said as he gripped the chair in front of him in frustration. "Waylon, you and Dorian do whatever is necessary to get our people out of harm's way." Melvyn said. "Raymond, you and I will work on finding out just what the hell Starfleet plans on doing about this situation." He ordered to his son.

"Right." Raymond nodded along with Waylon.

". . .just hold on, Sarah, just hold on. . ." Melvyn said softly to himself as he left the room.


Melvyn Raddon
CEO, Raddon Corp

Raymond Raddon
COO, Raddon Corp

Dilithium Processor, Raddon Corp


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