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Back to the old homestead

Posted on Mon Sep 3, 2018 @ 2:18am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx

696 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Torm seniors secret base
Timeline: MD17


"My Lord, the alterations are complete," Rex bowed lowly after informing his master.

"Good," the alien nodded. "Bring him in."

"I was wondering when you were going to grace me an audience," Draxx spat as two goons marched him forward and threw him at the feet of Torm senior.

"Has he been this petuant during his stay?" Torm asked.

"I had plans to beat it out of him my lord but your time scale would not allow for it,"

"You mean I didn't break and then you decided to do this to me," he flicked his head back now sporting a hideous mane of blond hair, an earing and bajoran ridges.

"But you like long blond hair, wasn't it a romulan who got you in her clutches recently," Rex smirked.

"Enough," Torm put his hand up.

"You are going to be part of the first colonisation party on Pangaea. You will assume a position on the planet and then await my orders. You may earn my forgiveness back for your transgressions during my sons regime. If you disagree," the fat alien leaned forward and picked up one of those eggs his race was famous for and squished it to a pulp.

"Why not save some time and just get it over and done with now," he hissed.

"I went to the trouble of sorting you out a wife. And this will add to your motivation," Torm informed him.

The doors opened again and more goons marched forward two more people. "Hey I know ......" the Bajoran women he and Hepzibah had recently done some buisness with was deposited next to him. She shuddered. Draxx could tell she had endured Rex's unique form of conditioning. He didn't get the rest of that sentence out recognising who was at the other side of him.


"It wasn't me," Biggs was black and blue. His right eye swollen. "Ricky you have to believe me. You think I would put my sister in danger. You think I would put any of you in danger."

"What the hell is going on?" Draxx demanded. He of course wanted to believe him.

"During my stay in another universe I brought back some old friends and enemies," Torm grinned then turned to the woman.

"You failed in your mission. A resistance against me. Did you honestly think you would get anywhere. You may now fully pledge your alleigence to me and join Draxx here on a mission to Pangaea.

"Yes my Lord," she said meekly not meeting eye contact. "You have my alliegience."

"I replaced Biggs with his double and took your Biggs as collateral. You work for me again and I will look at letting you earn his freedom to fly with your "little family" once more, I may even allow his sister and Orson to continue on with the business you started in an event to go straight rather than send for them and put them also to work.

Its been fun to watch you. Although if I am that way inclined after you complete what I need you to do, I would avoid going near the colour changers establishment with him. Going by him blowing up her bar." The huge alien chuckled.

Draxx fought to swear and allow the older man a reaction. "How exactly do I get down there? I'm not Bajoran."

"You have enough biology changed to fool the sensors and medical will pass you,"

"You have a man there," Draxx shrugged. "Couldn't you get one in security. Do us all a favour."

"You do your best work when the chips are stacked against you," Torm laughed. "Now one more thing." The door opened again and to Draxx's surprise a priest walked in.

"Marry them. I want this to be as believable as possible. File the paperwork. The backstory is already in place. I want no holes."

Draxx shook his head. There was no point arguring Torm would likely just threaten to kill Biggs and the lady. He took a deep breathe and prepared for his new life in the servicetude of the ugly alien and as a married man."



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