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Lines that can never be uncrossed

Posted on Thu Sep 6, 2018 @ 2:39am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

670 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Box of Delighs
Timeline: MD09 0700


"Hello, Yolanthe,"

Yolanthe had been staring at the wreckage of her bar, swinging the curved cats claw dagger around her finger by the ring on the hilt, wondering where on earth to start. She was supposed to go back to her quarters, but she couldn't sleep. She'd been awake nearly twenty four hours, security poking through the ruins, the first aider poking at her. She was coldly furious, and not a little scared, her skin flushing between shades of yellow, and green and grey as she simultaneously raged and mourned her bar. She was oblivious to everything around her so it was a moment before she realised she was being addressed.

She looked around to see Gevran, with his usal hangers on, standing a little way off. "Gev." She hadn't much in the way of words.

"Who did this?" He gestured at the bar. "Give me a name, and I'll have the boys on it."

Yolanthe sighed, righted a burnt, charred bar stool. "Its not that simple Gev. There were lots of people involved."

"I take exception to people burning down my favourite bar." the Yridian said.

Yolanthe laughed. "I thought that was Qu'its. That's where you get your punters, and your heavies."

"Qu'it is a good man, but his bar lacks a certain class. And he's not so easy on the eye." He put his hands into his pockets and looked around the promenade. "So why don't you tell me what happened."

She told him. About Oded Veyr, the man who had stolen her from her home, coming back to try and reclaim her, and how he found her.

Gevran's wrinkled skin moved all round his face as he raised his eyebrows. "Raddon tipped him off. Well, we're playing dirty now, aren't we. If he can't keep things in house." HE put a wrinkly hand on her shoulder. "We'll, two can play at this game."

"Gev, that'll be exactly what he wants, he'll claim innocence and use it as another example of humans being picked on."

"And if we do nothing, he'll brandish it as aliens running amok with no concern for the human population." The Yridian looked around. "Worse, he's invited the Syndicate into our home. I've had enough of that little shit."

"Gev," Yolanthe made a weak protest.

"You like to stay out of things, I know." Gev brushed off her concerns. "But this is getting beyond you. There are lines that should not be crossed. Bringing the syndicate here is one of them."

"Its not worth it. Let Security do their job."

Gev sat down next to her, took a flask out his jacket pocket and offered it to her. "I can't do that, Ibalin. I'll get no respect if I let this go. This place is a Syndicate free zone and its my job to see it stays that way. How does that old human film the kids like playing put it? Shit just got real."

Yolanthe just sighed, she knew she couldn't talk the stubborn little rat out of anything, and took a drink of the hard liquor in his flask. "What are you going to do?"

Gev took his own sip. "Something...spectacular." He drank again. "But I think its about time we got the public on our side too."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm going to talk to the FNN girl. Ge her to get tough on Raddon. And all the people prepared to fund him by going in his bar." He gave a cackle. "And then I'm going to have some very personal words with all of Raddon's little tentacles. Like that Dorian Chap. Raddon's made some of my contractors vanish. We'll see how he likes it when his people go missing." He got back to his feet. "And then I'm going to burn the dilithium chamber, the Raddon facility, and the Mathias to the ground."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights
NPC by Maritza Soran

NPC by Maritza Soran


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