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More powerful than any weapon you could wield

Posted on Sun Apr 15, 2018 @ 12:28am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Melvyn Raddon
Edited on on Sun Apr 15, 2018 @ 1:45am

828 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Dilithium Chamber Conference room
Timeline: MD 05

Melvyn continued to scroll through the list of events on his padd as he listened to his Chief Security Consultant brief him. The Raddon Corporation had begun an initiative onboard the station where it sought to further gain the trust and support of the civilian population by providing more economic initiatives throughout the promenade. The goal was for the Raddon Corporation to be recognized as more than just an entertainment complex, but a social, economic, and eventually a political powerhouse. Such an endeavor required numerous public appearances and interviews.

Dorian finished his briefing just as the doors to the office slid open and an employee stepped into the room. Dorian looked up from his chair to the recent arrival, grateful for the distraction.

"I'm sorry for the interruption, gentleman, but you'll definitely want to hear this." Mikel said. The knowing smirk on his face gave both Dorian and Melvyn evidence that this was going to be good.

"A couple of off-duty 'fleeters were inside of the Box of Delights when they saw the owner talking to the new XO's daughter, Aleczandra about the disappearance of one of Yolanthe's boy-toys." The tall and slender human said with humor. "The conversation got pretty heated and they eventually came to blows."

Dorian sighed in irritation as he turned back to his padd. "So what, Yolanthe had to rough-up a drunk bar patron. Sounds like a regular Tuesday to me." Dorian said dismissively. "I was really hoping you'd have something good to tell me." Dorian added.

"Ha! That's just the set-up to story." Mikel said as he crossed the room and went to the panel on the wall and inserted a small data chip. He pressed several more buttons and the room was soon filled with sound. "Nobody was able to get any visual recording, so we'll just have to settle for the audio." He said.

Yolanthe: "You know something. I will call your father if you won't tell me."

Aleczandra: “Look! You don’t need to call him. I’m telling you the truth! When was I supposed to have gone there with him?”

Yolanthe "Ten days ago now. Stardate 70216."

Aleczandra: “I have an alibi!” she exclaimed. “I was home in my room all night! Starfleet Security can confirm. They came by the next day to question me about an incident in one of the docking bays, something about my blood being on the scene. Obviously the lab messed up the test or whatever, because it couldn’t have been mine. They pulled the security footage from outside in the corridor and I didn’t leave my quarters all night.”


Mikel pressed the button ending the playback and looked towards Melvyn. "After that, they got into their tussle before Yolanthe let the girl limp away." He said.

Dorian and Melvyn shared a long and meanful glance with one another as the realization became clear (***): Security found her blood at the scene of Ranjell's death. That crazy and demented bitch was the one responsible for taking Ranjell away from him. Dorian's hands had clenched themselves tightly into a fist without him even know. Anger was flowing through him as he began to think about how that girl was able to kill such an experienced and capable fighter as Ranjell.

"She must've had friends. . ." Dorian said through clenched teeth. "I'll find them and they can hang with her in front of the promenade." Dorian said as he began to stand.

"Dorian, don't." Melvyn said in a firm and direct tone as he looked at the younger man. "Sit back down."

Dorian was furious and slammed his fist onto the table. "She killed Ranjell! That bitch is responsible for taking her away from------" Dorian stopped himself before he gave completely into his emotions. "As long as she is out there, free and unchecked, others are in danger." He said. "We can't just ignore this."

"And we won't." Melvyn said assuredly. "We will make her pay, immensely, but we have to be smart about how we do it. If you go on a murderous rage, then that will throw away everything that we have built here." Melvyn said. "Not to mention that you'll have to kill her father as well, and I doubt I have to remind you of how difficult that will make things for us." Melvyn said as Dorian began to take his seat again.

"Besides. . ." Mikel chimed in. "The fact that Security investigated her for the incident, but then let her walk free shows that her daddy must've known what happened and merely pulled strings to get her out of trouble and..." Mikel said before he was interrupted.

"And that fact is more powerful than any weapon you could wield. . ." Melvyn said as he looked at the two men before him. "We have work to do." He said as he stood.


Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corporation

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation


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