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Officers test

Posted on Fri Aug 17, 2018 @ 1:26pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

2,535 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Holodeck 4, DS5
Timeline: MD07 1500


When Liam entered the holodeck, Soran was waiting for him, hair neatly pinned, not a single hair in out of place. No simulation was running yet, just the gridlines of an inactive deck. "Good morning Mr. Reynolds. Are you ready?"

"As I will ever be," Liam said dryly.

"Some good news. I reviewed your essay questions and the responses were entirely adequate. I have forwarded them to OPM for moderation, but I don't anticipate any dispute." A little bit of positivity would help. but not too much, going into this cocky was a sure way to fail, and she wasn't going to set him up for that.

Liam clocked her interesting choice of words, "Entirely adequate." He supposed that was as close to "good job" he could expect from her. He had worked his arse off prepping for those essays. "Good to know Ma'am," he settled on as a response.

She gave him a brief curt nod. "Computer load Bridge Officers Test, Operations Section One."

The Holodeck came to life, the OPs centre of DS5 materialising around them, populated with simulacra of familiar people. Dell was at Ops. Alanna Wells was moving between the two main science stations.

"I'm detecting a buildup of radiation coming from the Pangaea star. I think it's building to a Coronal Mass Ejection."

"Can you determine how much damage that would do to the planet and the station and project a time scale?" Liam asked the virtual Science officer.

"Once the CME releases, about twelve minutes before it reaches the planet and the station. By the buildup, we're probably looking at massive solar winds, electro-magnetic radiation, and a quantum butt-load of other nasty matter," the science officer said. "Projections show the flares reaching almost to the station. The EMPs alone will wreak havoc the station and the planet."

"Alert the CO and ops on DS5," Liam informed her. "Send them through your data."

Alanna nodded and sent the data.

He turned to the Ops officer. "How many ships are docked at the station and what capacity do they have to get to the planet if we need to evacuate people?"

Dell was calling up the information. "DS5 complement needs 2000 crew, and can take a further seven and a half thousand passengers, but it would be cramped, and assuming use of cargo bays and doubling up quarters. Thats on about a thousand small ships. We've also got 82 docked vessels ranging in size from runabouts to a Y class cargo vessell. Adding up their capacities I estimate we could evacuate another twenty five to thirty thousand.

Liam frowned. Not everyone could be evacuated. "Work with the station to evacuate as many to a safe distance as possible. And send comms. out to any ships in range asking for assistance. It will be snug for a while until the flares etc. die down but then engineering can get things back up and running. Take us into comms. range on the planet and prepare all shuttles to rescue as many as possible to our ship." He ordered.

"Unless, Lieutenant," he turned back to Alanna, "we have figured out a way we can get through the atmospheric issues and beaming is now an option?

"Not yet. They might be able to find cover in the caves, but that could be...dangerous," the science officer said.

"Can we feasibly get down there with all our shuttle complement and get colonists safely onboard our ship? Then get to a safe distance ourselves?" he asked. If not he was only going to have time to warn the colonies.

"We can make a trip or two," Alanna said, "But there won't be time to get everyone."

"Comms. get the Colonist leaders on screen," Liam ordered.

A moment later, a middle aged human woman appeared on screen. 'This is Choi Min-Seo. What can I do for you DS5?"

"This is Lieutenant Liam Reynolds, currently in command of the Federation station Deep Space Five. I regret to inform you that the Pangaea Sun is currently building up to a Coronal Mass Ejection. We are sending down shuttles to try get as many of you as we can to safety in our vessel but we are not able to get everyone. You need to evacuate and try get to as much cover from the radiation as you can. The deeper you can go into the cave systems the better."

Choi raised an eyebrow. "How long do we have."

"Calculations say five hours, 23 minutes," Alanna said.

Choi nodded. "We'll get started. Forgive me Lieutenant, but if the solar activity is that intense, will my people be any safer with you?"

"Honestly we stand a chance of getting them away to a safe distance. The caves may protect you but as you are aware there are ... other worries down there," Liam informed her.

"Then we'll get started. Choi out." The screen went blank.

A second later the alarms started blaring and then the station was rocked as one of the flares blew out. It didn't quite reach the celestial class station, but was enough. More alarms started to sound as shields started failing.

Alanna calculated the power from the flare and measured it against the damage. While she wanted the flares to hold off as long as possible to evacuate the inhabitants, the data being gathered was invaluable. Then she had an idea and ran several calculations. "Sir, if the shields are modified a little, it will increase protection." She sent the information to Liam and to the security station. "It won't protect them completely, but it will increase shield efficiency by 12 percent against the flare."

"Do it Lieutenant, as fast as you can," he ordered. "Would the colonists be able to do something similar if we shared this?"

"Yes, sir." She accessed the science computer and completed her calculations, then gave the final changes to security to implement.

From her station, Dell looked up. "Shields holding. Star is building again. Next flare in two minutes."

"This one is looking to be larger than the last," Alanna said.

"Sir, we've lost primary shielding!" Dell said urgently from her station. "The last flare has knocked the exterior couplers out of alignment."

"Flare in one minute," the science officer announced. "Computer predicts it will reach us and the planet seven point 23 minutes later."

Liam did the calculations. There wasn't enough time now to send shuttles to try rescue the colonists. He was going to have to order them back.

"Inform the planet and recall the shuttles. There isn't enough time," he said sadly knowing there was going to be deaths he couldn't prevent. "Get the shuttles moving our people. We can't save them all. Divert everything we need to protect the station the best we can."

"We can't divert, the physical generators are broken," Dell replied. "Everything from Deck 25 up is going to fry if we can't fix it."

"Then get Engineering focusing everything they have. Lets hope we can fix it," Liam said.

"There isn't time to make a repair safely." Dell began.

"Then evacuate everything from deck 25 up," Liam said beginning think this was infant the Kobashi Maru.

The announcement came immediately over the ship-wide comms while the Red Alert Klaxons sounded in the background.

"Set everything to do whatever it can do during the flares and get yourself out of here and to the nearest ship you can get on," Liam ordered looking at Soran. It was time to end this exercise. It wasn't going anywhere and he sensed some disappointment and frustration from her frosty interior watching him get nowhere.

The bridge crew quickly filed off the bridge and to the nearest escape pod or shuttle. The simulated staff froze in place as Soran entered through the door to OPS. "Computer, end programme."

Liam waited until the programme ended and stood to attention awaiting the inevitable feedback. Clearly he had not passed.

She looked at him. "I think you know you haven't passed. Tradition gives you a go over before the final mark is submitted. What do you think you could do differently?"

"I don't know," Liam said frustrated. "I tried to save everyone I could."

Soran paused, considering her words carefully, to help without crossing the line into cheating. "What is a captain's first responsibility? Above all else. To the point where sometimes even the Prime Directive can be suspended."

"To the station. You have to put the needs of the many, above the few," Liam said with some comprehension.

That was good, that was the first half. But there was always a but. And her but was skirting the line of advise versus cheatng. "You reached out to the planet, There was nothing wrong with that, but they were in the least danger. And whilst it does come down to saving as many as you can, that can involve some very cold equations. Sometimes its not about who you are prepared to save."

Liam nodded. He was reading between the lines. He should have sent in the engineers regardless and tried. "I think I am ready to try it again," he said.

She nodded. "Computer. Reload Operations Section one point eight." DS5 OPS came back to life, staff appearing all around him.

From her station, Dell looked up, eaxctly in the fashion she had not so long before. "Shields holding. Star is building again. Next flare in two minutes."

"This one is looking to be larger than the last," Alanna repeated

"Sir, we've lost primary shielding!" Dell said urgently from her station. "The last flare has knocked the exterior couplers out of alignment."

"Flare in one minute," the science officer announced. "Computer predicts it will reach us and the planet seven point 23 minutes later."

"Evacuate everyone through to deck 25 now, relay that information to the planet and send in an engineering team to the couplers," Liam ordered.

"Sir," Dell's voice was wavering. "Repairing the couplers. They won't get inside before the flare hits, and if they get the shields up, we can't beam them back."

"I understand. Send in an engineering team to the couplers," Liam said sadly.

"Yes, sir." A deathly hush descended over OPS.

"The star flared, sir. Seven minutes to impact," science said.

Two minutes later there was a crackle on the line, "Engineering team to OPS. We're in position." Another pause. "Its not as bad as we thought. This will be quick."

"Good to hear," Liam replyed. "Keep me appraised."

Long moments. The countdown clocked ticked to 6 minutes. "Almost finished sir." a voice crackled over the comm. A moment more, "All done, coming home sir."

"That's excellent news," Liam replied. Even though it was a simulated experience he felt a sense of relief. "Good work. Get them beamed directly to the Ops," he ordered.

"Thirty seconds to impact."

"I can't beam them, " Dell said quietly. "We can't get the shields back up in time."

Liam sighed. "Gentlemen," he reponded. "I am going to have to ask you to sit tight. We can't get to you until the flares have finished."

Alanna bit her lip, knowing what their chances were of weathering the storm.

"Sir?" There was a tinge of fear in the voice. "We can get back. Please drop the shields."

Liam swore inwardly in his head. He knew what he had to do and that was protect the station. He couldn't take the chance that the shields wouldn't be up in time. It came down to what he had already said to Soran. The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.

"Negative Engineering team. Sit tight," he ordered.

"We can make it back! At least let us in the airlock. Sir! Sir!

Alanna closed her eyes and tried not to listen.

Liam looked at Dell. "Can we do that?" he asked.

The young ops officer only shook her head mutely over the sound of the engineers begging for their lives.

Liam closed his eyes, of course not. This officers exam was a complete stinker. That was twice now it gave you a glimmer of hope. How many times was it going to force him to give this horrendous order he wondered. When was this hell going to be over?

He shot Dell a short nod. Not a happy one, but one he hoped relayed how much he didn't want to continue this line of ordering but it was necessary.

"Negative engineering team. Sit tight," he repeated. His voice was dry. It was difficult to keep choking out the same words. Ordering someone to potentially have to lose their life.

Ten seconds," Alanna said, watching the flare on the monitor.

"Let us in! Lets us in. You're killing us, you bastard. We don't-" The silent OPS was filled with the sound of screaming. Screams of pain. Screams of agony. Screams of despair." It lasted about ten seconds. It felt like ten minutes.

Then OPS itself rocked with the impact of the flares. "Surfae temperature is nine hundred and eighty four kelvins.' Dell said into the dead silence. "Shields holding."

Alanna put her head down on her console so no one would see her cry.

"Get a medical team to the engineering team as soon as its safe again," Liam said dryly. It was the only thing he could do now. Hope they survived.

"There are no survivors," Alanna said quietly. "All that's left are carbon deposits where the engineers used to be."

Liam nodded, his face scrunching in pain. Taking a deep breathe, he informed the crew. "There was no other way. We had to protect the station. I will be in the ready room contacting their families."

The holodeck froze mercifully. The doors opened and Soran entered again. "How do you think that went?"

Liam considered things, "An engineering team is dead. I didn't like having to make that order and the outcome of it but everything from deck 25 didn't fry. Operations was still functional, and shields got up in time saving more of the station."

She nodded at his answer. "You shouldn't like it. And having it come too easily is also a way to fail. But you're right. You saved far far more than you lost. Its a cold equation. And giving it for real isn't any easier. " And doesn't get easier, she added to herself. No matter how many times you give it. But her own self reproach over the three times she'd had to do it, was not something to share. "But you did do it. The transcript will go to OPR for moderation as well. But I consider you to have passed. You'll be added to Gamma of Delta shift for a month to start as soon as the QM can rework the shifts, and then you'll do at least two shifts a month, more if you want them. Congratulations, Mr Reynolds."

"Thank you Ma'am," Liam said relieved.

"Expect confirmation in forty eight hours." Soran turned to leave, then paused. Whatever she was about to say, she obviously changed her mind, and then said as she continued out, "Welcome to command."


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Holographic Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Commander Maritza Soran


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