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Opening Gambit (Part 3 of 3)

Posted on Thu Mar 1, 2018 @ 2:42am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Edited on on Sat Mar 10, 2018 @ 3:02am

1,566 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 04 1100 - 1300

Previously on Opening Gambit

Admiral T'vel watched as the USS Svikiri came about, dodging through its opposition to move somewhat closer to the Cardassians than she desired. Whatever she felt was not showing through the expression of Vulcan calm. "Well. If they must show off, we might as well give them a proper display. Let them see just what it takes to bring the Svikiri down."

She gave Maritza the nod, and the stations commander opened channels again. "All ships, you may begin final run."

And now the Conclusion

The assorted ships quickly moved to chase after the Prometheas class, firing their weapons frequently, But the Prometheas’ shield always managed to block.

Amia looked up and reported that the Hyperonic radiation was beginning to build in the main drive section. She took more readings and concluded out loud that it wasn't exactly dangerous, ie not life threatening levels but she didn't think it should not be kept an eye on.

"Captain, we've lost contact with the Svitkiri," Alanna said. "It looks like there's interference from the shields. Trying to compensate."

USS Svikiri - Bridge

"Nicely done Helm," Hayashi said as they moved toward the Cardassians and still evaded the ships.

The rest of the bridge of the Svikiri was silent with tension as the last bombardment began in earnest. A second tactical officer joined the first, and they both worked to keep the shield wall moving between all attacks. "Shields at thirty five percent."

Caleb arched an eyebrow. “Two tactical officers seems personnel intense,” he commented, but didn’t distract them any further.

USS Svikiri - Engine Room Two

"Hyperonic radiation increasing!" someone shouted.

Someone else called, "I'm reading a microfracture in the lower port nacelle!"

"Field frequncy sync holding!"

"Matter/Antimatter mix stable!"

"Dueterium draining! We're down to five percent in the tank!"

"Shields at twenty percent!"

The Bajoran engineer spun. "Everyone get ready to shift to normal fields. Be ready for the impact!" He turned to Milarno. "These things are harder work for us than anyone upstairs." He sighed and started moving again, going to inspect the anti matter injectors.

Deciding to stay where he was, Ryan held onto something in preparation of an impact. He continued to monitor the goings on around him.

USS Svikiri - Bridge
The eerie lack of sensation on the Bridge continued, though the bombardment continued. There was none of the usual combat environment, no shaking, no sounds of impact, no panels blowing out.

One of the tactical officers said very quietly, "Shit." Then he he looke up. "Three ships coming in, they've all got different attack vectors."

"We've practised this." Hayashi said calmly. "Focus on Challenger and Koxinga. Helm keep us away from the bigger ships."

USS Ararat Bridge

"Now." Blue said calmly as the signal. "Attack Pattern Alpha Blue." He sat in the center chair with his fingers stepled.

The Ararat swooped out from behind the cover it had once inhabited, the careful monitoring of the communications and the Probe he had placed on the edge of the field also gave im a 'view' of the combat simulation. The formation of Federation Ships attacking had began a typical 'Line maneuver' of attacking in coordinated fashion to give a constant barriage of weapons fire.

Blue had timed his attack Run with the other ships, he had desired a chance to see if the weakness he proposed was true? Thus far he had been abe to verify the power readings with his predictions, it could be thought of as 'Back Stabbing' of sorts but then the class of vessel Blue had command of is not exactly designed to take on any real ship of te line in a straight Battle. He was under classed to be doing this, like a jeep taking on a Panzer Tank; of course this Jeep had a bazooka' type weapon on it. Still, one good strafe from the Target vessel and the Ararat would be floating duty and little bits.

"Being reminded of the 'Hit and Run ' Tactic Blue kept biding his time; seem the best way to attack a much larger force is through these basics; giving the least exposure to harm and the best chance of inflicting harm.

From the lower angles this time, slightly down and from the starboard after sections the approach was calculated. From this angle Blue would be in a shadow effect the aft torpedo not in arc and using the Phaser array mounted forward would be an oblique angle and part of the array would have to 'shoot through the hull' so not the full fury of the Target ship's weapons could be pointed his way. He had shocked them before, now he was going to do more. The attack run was between shield Generators; while making an envelope the individual shield projectors did have over lap to enclose but still it would make moving their barrier harder.

The targeting was simple, he had moved it to an inhabited section of the automated systems; a place that none of the crew would be in during combat; this time he would make sure if he were successful and the shielding did not hold Blue's attack would strike where no harm. The fleet targeted the ship in general, Blue wanted to assure if a catastrophic mistake was made his shots would not hurt anyone. He had lay back rather than some other opportune moments.

"Lock target." He gave the smooth orders as the Target ship; he did not use the name to keep it as an object in his mind. "Helm give us those seconds."

The Ararat was boring down when the Phasers sang out from the Turret system; the specs of this vessel reminded him of a long time ago in another war on Earth, the Patrol/ Torpedo' Boats; PT boats they were designated, had torpedoes and would charge much larger enemy to release torpedo runs like a destroyer class and speed away. Like the Ararat one good hit and these vessels were wasted. But their methods were 'old school' and still had merit.

"Lay Blue Pattern Kennedy." Blue ordered the special pattern again he named after an American President that served on a PT boat during a war.

The Phaser lashed out to a single point, burning into the shielding and beginning to heat the area, only this time Blue close the gap more for the torpedoes to take 1 second rather than 2 for delivery. It opened him up; thus his choice to attack in time with the ships of the line to keep the target occupied with what would seem larger threats, and it also gained him an extra second of punishment upon the one shield.

Four seconds of blistering fire weakened the shield before the first of the Torpedoes struck home , followed by the second an third upon a weakening target that was pushed with no time to recycle under the constant Phaser fire when the last torpedo struck through the shield, past the defenses and struck the side of the ship.

Blue could only image the looks upon the faces of the Target Crew as a section of the ship took the weapon damage. The Waste reclamation section would need repairs after the attack, spewing the 'waste throughout the near by sections and the exterior of the hull.

"I think we just blasted the Crap out of that ship." Blue said as he and his small vessel banked away sharply; groaning space frame from the stress of a fast run and using the 'shadow' to partly cover their escape as he was sure the crew of 'Target One' would have like to blast the Ararat before she was in the cover again.


In Ops, Maritza looked to the Admiral. Lt Blue had taken full advantage of the attacks from the two much larger vessels. Whilst the Svikiri was keeping its shield wall between itself and the heavier, harder hitting ships. He'd sneaked in and attacked their regular, weaker shields with devastating effect.

T'Vel looked...frosty, Her adjutant looked furious. "This won't count!" he protested to the Admiral. "The CO of Ararat obviously didn't read the full briefing."

"It is the known weakness," T'Vel replied, "Removing it must be the next priority." She turned to Soran. "You have some enterprising staff, Commander. I look forward to seeing if they succeed in their task. You may end the exercise, call the ships in, I will debrief them in turn. Commander Janus, will you liaise please?"

"Ma'am." Janus said. He glared at Maritza as he followed the Admiral out. As he pased he leaned in. "You better keep your people under control next time." He hissed.


Admiral T'Vel
Flag Officer
USS Venture
[NPC Soran]

Captain Tetsuru Hayashi & The Crew
Commanding Officer
USS Svikari
[NPC Soran]

Commander Wladislaw Janus
Yeoman to Admiral T'Vel
USS Venture
[NPC Soran]

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

1st Lt. Gordon Blue
Marine Commanding Officer/ Acting CO USS Ararat

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Chief Security Officer

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer - DS5

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselling Officer

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation


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