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Debriefing the Marine

Posted on Sat Mar 10, 2018 @ 12:18pm by First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Captain Maritza Soran

2,414 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: OPS Conference Room
Timeline: MD04 1700


1st Lieutenant Blue walked down the corridor with his Lid in the Belt line as technically on the Station in the Command region of the Station. He was to be debriefed ; he expected some question of his targeted area, and maybe even some warning. Scuttle Butt is that the Commander who gave the 'rules' of the War Game did not take kindly to Blue's methods. Distaste and irritation in the command chain always is noticed by the non-commissioned Officers and Crew. It is only luck that Blue had a good relationship with his Marines and he had thought with the Station Command Chain.

The 'Crap Shoot' rumors were bouncing around as the repair crews saw to the damage. It was fast noted who had made the shot and thus Blue had become 'noticed' again. At least it had nothing to do with his Heritage; he did feel bad that the Commander had warned him he would be standing ot; just a reputation is often out of one's control, and Blue had hoped to get off to a good start.

He entered the Briefing Room with the Padd of his 'report' submitted, it is always best to have a copy of it to be able to highlight anything that comes up?

"First Lieutenant Gordon Blue reporting as instructed." Blue had the Professional tone put into his training as an Officer. I am ready for the debrief."

Commander Janus sat at the head of the conference table. A few chairs away, looking deeply unimpressed with the situation was Commander Soran, hair pinned tightly in pace. Janus indicated a chair opposite Soran. "Please sit, lieutenant." There was nothing but hardness of the man's face. Nothing about this was going to be fun.

"Commander..." He acknowledged Janus and then Soran "Ma'am." Before taking his seat across from the Station Commander. "I hope you have read my submitted report; it gives the details of the tactics adapted for the War Games and my notes on the Defensive System as a whole by my observation." With his notes this should have been a light Debrief as Blue's tactics were explained and how he thought the Target's ability to shift protestation was a bit of a hindrance with multi-attacking angles.

"Yes. I saw your report." Janus prodded at a padd infront of him. "The brief was to test the defensive capacity of the new shields. Why did you think you could step aside from that and come in with an unapproved attack pattern aimed at the old ones?"

"That was the objective to see how well the shielding could work, moving it about was an aspect of that defensive program and in my first run It was capable of doing so." Blue said carefully while he tried to keep his thoughts together

"The second run was at a more strategic time; one that a real enemy would have used to an advantage. Was not the objective of the exercise to find out the capability of the shielding under simulated battle conditions to discover any weaknesses in the system should it be called into real combat." Blue raised to point out.

"This testing was to find the parameters of the system and if a flaw is discovered could be remedied before going into real life testing where he ship could be lost of a flaw is discovered by the enemy?" Blue quoted the over-all objective.

"If a small vessel using Outdated 20th century tactics could do damage to the vessel; does that not highlight a possible flaw; and a very deadly one as I targeted a safe area, to the vessel were it called into real combat, an enemy will not be so kind." It was a simple point he thought.

"War games; by definition, are a test of tactics and resources, the Target ship boasted being able to handle what was brought into the test, the results of this simulation has proven that to be an inaccurate assessment of the Shielding system,

"Sir. I followed the objective of the War Game, maybe not a scripted attack pattern, but did complete the assignment, a flaw was detected. The Ararat should not have been a threat by her class and size yet she did damage the target." Blue brought out the one tactical point to his attack plan.

"I was under the impression that testing is used to verify the readiness of a system or bring flaws to the surface before production?" Blue ended.

Janus' tone was withering. "I'm sorry. Did you not think R&D, comprised of some of the best minds the Federation had, would not have spotted that? A singular, and remarkably obvious flaw?"

"I am not an Engineer." Blue said calmly. "I do not think on the conceptual angles and power flow to shields. "He admitted. "If they noted such a flaw and did nothing to compensate or warn of it I do not think it is obvious until it was hind sight or the test phase would have been different.

Blue paused for a second to collect thoughts.

"I found a flaw in the simulated enemy and exploited it as any Tactician would, why it is there is not my concern I just used the flaw as a tactical advantage. That is my job Sir." He added. "Perhaps the Design team should talk more to tactical Officers to help see flaws like these? I am a simple Marine and I found it; any of our enemies would have done the same or worst."

Blue did not break eye contact as he had the urge to pace yet stayed in his chair.

"The Ararat is a small vessel; what if a capitol ship ; that has nearly ten times my firepower exploited the same flaw?" Blue asked. "It was my objective to find any flaws and highlight them, which I did Sir."

"That was not the purpose of the field test," Janus snapped. "the purpose was to test the Shield Wall to failure, not attack the ship. Which you would know if your Commander," he sneered the word, "Or you had brain enough to read a simple briefing!"

"With respects." Blue fought the urge to stand up in agitation. "The statement could be taken as a form of harassment of my Commanding Officer; as I am only a 'Jar head' by most officer's Standards I will not press charges." Blue said calmly. "However I will not allow any defamation of My Commanding Officer in my presence per Star Fleet Conduct regulations." Blue protested.

HE took a second to calm and maintain the impassive expression. "

"This is an official debrief and your statements are now a part of record for and Officer to take appropriate reactions; therefore I would mind your words more carefully in the future Commander." Blue pointed out.

He touched his PADD to bring up the Official document of the brief he had read in detail.

"The brief stated that we were to attempt to drain the shielding in an attempt to find; and I do quote, 'any weakness in the Shielding System', end quote." Blue showed the data.

The objectives were clear.

"In effect the actions I took 'did' discover a major flaw in the system as a whole." He look to Janus. "Would you want to stake your life upon that system as it is at present should an enemy flotilla equal to the one in the test attacking with genuine intent to destroy the ship?"

"I was already aware of those weaknesses. What we were trying to do was gain an estimate of how long the shield wall holds under more real world conditions than the lab. You screwed that up by playing cowboy and going behind the Wall! I don't care about your reasons." He snatched up his padd and stalked around to Soran. He paused "Keep your people out of my test from now on!" He snarled, and stormed out.

Soran watched him go, jaw set, and waited until the doors were sealed again before she spoke. "Well. We haven't made any friends today."

"I am Sorry Commander." Blue kept a proper expression as he spoke. "I should have handled that better, I have a ... weakness in that I do not allow disrespect of those I hold in high regard. An insult to me is nothing but to be so insulting to My Commanding Officer is not to be tolerated." He shrugged his shoulders.

He consulted the PADD for a second.

"If he knew there was a flaw he should have specifically called for 'no attacks aside from the Shielding barrier. "Blue suggested. "And his orders would have been very choreographed in how he wanted the ship to be assaulted." He raised an eyebrow.

He had a wry smile.

"Which begs another point; why did he not highlight the flaws so to assure no damage to the vessel?" Blue proposed a point. "And he would not be so agitated with the results. He was trying to keep the project alive and seeming to meet the parameters; a 'Single Point Failure' would delay the progression of the project and possibly send it back to the Research phase." He nod to the Commander. "You are correct we were not puppets so we have not made any friends. Next time beware as he 'will' have a script to follow and make sure the actors are chosen well."

Maritza considered it. "To a certain extent they did. They all recognised it, said the new system was an adaptation to the fact that the vast majority of engagements are single ship to ship encounters." Then she pressed her fingers together and leaned forward. "But you're right, there's definitley something beginning to smell here. I trust you'll keep your eyes and ears open?"

"To the point of almost being 'Spooky' Ma'am." Blue replied with an Intel nickname for emphasis. "If they were to go against a cloaked simulation, they are banking on the conversion time to cover that." Blue mused. "It is a single ship engagement and I wish they would let me have that assignment, there is another way to catch them unaware." He smiled. "Should you wish to suggest another simulation to test the obvious strengths of the system. " He thought. "How would a system like that stand up to a Romulan Plasma that 'washes over an entire shield? That might be a challenge for the unit as well."

"Somehow I don't think Janus is going to let us do anything he hasn't controlled for. The best we're going to get is the full battle sim in a few days. Svirkiri plus Solstice and McBride against Challenger, Koxinger, Resolute, and Manifest Destiny. The Pheonix is docked as well. They may also take part."

"Could we throw in the Ararat again?" Blue smiled. "Call it bait, the Kind Commander Janus would want her; or should I say 'Me' , taken out. That would be a bit of a distraction for a little bit and that would force some of those resources pointed my way, not focused on the Friendly Fleet." Blue had a sly expression. "You would not happen to have a larger Garrison vessel I could borrow would you?

"Alas, no." Maritza shook her head. Even if she did she doubted Janus would allow it anywhere near his 'tests'. "And even if I did, its Captain Hayashi in charge of Svikiri. He hasn't come to me screaming for your head on a plate, so I can only assume he's far more circumspect about such things."

"But will they allow the Ararat back in for a Second Round." Blue smiled. "Or do any of the other ships like a Tactical liason?" Blue had an idea. "I like throwing in the Ararat with a cloaking device but I might also like to try the old school approach on a maneuver or two?" Blue grinned. "HAve you ever seen a flotilla all do a 'Picard Maneuver' at the same time just as Target lock is engaged. If one has the projected trajectories and enemy locations prior it could be a jump then instantly fire from cross fire locations?"

"It would certainly be impressive if it could be pulled off." Her skepticism presented an image of a horrific warp speed pileup that would take out the enemy simply from the impact of all those warpcores. But she kept it to herself. She had worked Ops, and Strategic Ops, Tactics and security was why she had people like Ryan, and Milarno, and now, Blue. "You show a remarkable knowledge of ships to ship combat for a marine. I mean, its a force that are traditionally ground-pounders. I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley, or during a boarding action for that matter, but.."

The more Modern Marine has to know Fighter support tactics, Ship board artillery support and I am a sucker for Historical study. "I took naval history for fun. Having the Ship's capabilities as a weapon platform is essencial when taking any sort of siege tactics."

Blue pointed out.

"Plus the ships of the Fleet play Taxi to us Marines. Long hours riding about I have time to study, I just expanded my horizons." He grew a sly grin. "And I am one you would wish with you in any dark Alley ma'am or repelling your boarders, with all due respects, That is our playtime as Marines."

"With all due respects, Lieutenant, I sincerely hope thats not something I have to see." Maritza said. DS5 had been taken over by terrorists in the past, before her time. It was something she hoped she'd never see on her watch. But with humans agitating on the Prom, and a Cardassian warfleet looming off their rear, she wasn't sure it wouldn't happen sometime.

"No ma'am; thought to be noted, it is best that we are prepared and not needed rather than needed and not prepared." He pointed out. "We will always have your back Commander." He said with respectful tone. "And to preparing those said Marines." He nod to her. "If that will be all I should get back before the Devil Dogs decide to play while the Boss is away?"

She nodded. "Carry on, Lieutenant."


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Commander Wladislaw Janus
Yeoman to Admiral T'Vel
USS Venture
[NPC Soran]

1st Lt. Gordon Blue
Marine CO
Deep Space Five.


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