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Evaluating the Psyche

Posted on Tue Apr 10, 2018 @ 2:08pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,178 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Counseling
Timeline: MD4


Alanna was going through station messages and realized she had yet to get her psych eval. This was not a good thing to overlook, especially a she wanted to go back down to Pangea. So she set up an appointment and headed to counseling.

Holly was on reception. She looked up and smiled broadly at the visitor. "Can I help you," she quickly checked the pips, "Lieutenant?"

"I have an appointment for a psych eval," Alanna said, returning the smile.

"Of course. He's just finishing up with his previous one. I doubt he will be long. Would you care to take a seat? Coffee? Tea?" she asked rising and stepping towards the replicator.

"Nothing, thank you," Alanna said. "I'll have a seat and read until he's finished." A few minutes would give her time to have a look at he r messages for the day so far.

She could sense the telepathic communication before Liam walked into sight. "Alanna. To what do I owe the pleasure? Twice in one week. Admit it. You wanted to see my new office. Now I'm officially in my new role as counselor," Liam projected to her. She could sense him joking around.

Alanna laughed. "While your new office is nice, I'm here to comply with the commanders orders." It was also nice to be able to talk with another Betazoid. "So how do you like being a counselor again?" she asked, continuing the telepathic conversation.

"Strange"Liam mused. He indicated his arm in the direction of his office and led her out of the reception area. Holly looked confused for a moment then seemed to realise the other lady was the same species as Liam. So they were talking in their heads.

"I keep second guessing myself if I can still do this. Its been so long. So you need me to sign on the official dotted line your sane?" he chuckled. I forgot how popular you got once a year in this role and with private clients too from the civilians I have never been so busy. Please have a seat.

"Well, it IS nice to talk to another Betazoid," she admitted. "But yes, I don't want to be pulled from an away mission simply because I failed to get my evaluation." She sat down and smiled. "You're welcome to use me as a guinea pig if you need to practice."

"Appreciated but the new XO bet you too it," Liam chuckled. But as they say, practice makes perfect. Shall I kick off?

Alanna grinned. "Sure."

"How do you think your fitting in to science?" Liam asked. She didn't need to have the ability to link to or sense his emotions to know he was now in work mode. "Do you feel your comfortable? Happy in the job? No staff issues?"

Alanna let him feel her passion for science in general and archaeology and anthropology in particular, her amusement and appreciation of her new assistant, and her excitement about the potential she saw in Pangaea. She raised an eyebrow. "Good enough?"

"Oh yes. I wish everyone could be as open. Make my job so much easier. Thank you, I miss being able to communicate like this." Liam said honestly. He felt some homesickness for Betazed and communicating like that with his family and friends.

Alanna smiled in understanding.

"What about settling in to Deep Space Five? Are you managing to shield out the emotions from everyone else? Are you making friends? Not experiencing any loneliness?" Liam asked.

"I'm getting there. No friends yet. I'm a bit of an odd duck, really." For whatever reason, she felt either too outspoken or too conservative for most of the people she'd met so far. The only person she'd felt comfortable around was not interested, even as a friend. Which was fine. Friendship couldn't be forced. But it was a big station, and feeling like a fish out of water was to be expected. "I've been well trained on how to shield, so I'm okay. I can always hide away in science or my quarters if it gets too much." Was she lonely? She spent a lot of time alone, but she was used to that. She tried to keep herself too busy to be lonely.

"That's good. It was quite intense for me when I first got here. On Betazed people know to tone down emotions and you have some protection. I run. I find if I concentrate on breathing and one leg in front of the other I can tune out everyone else. Barring that I play piano and let myself get lost in the music. Why do you think your an odd duck?" he asked leaning back in his chair and taking all of her profile in.

"I'm an optimist who believes in love and happily-ever-after. I have been called socially awkward and a bookworm--both true." Mental images of Alanna as a duck looking doe-eyed after a nondescript male, Alanna duck people watching with a book in front of her, and Alanna duck happily swimming in a woodland pond. "I don't have many friends because I don't fit in with most social types--except my own small circle." she shrugged. "I spent my childhood on a small colony, my teen years on Earth, and now I spend my time on starships," she concluded vocally.

Liam laughed. Joyful amusement flowed back to her via their telepathic communication. He couldn't help himself, the telepathic imagery was too funny. "I'm sure you are going to fit in just fine," he followed her lead speaking out loud again. "And you have a friend in me. If you ever fancy coming out of your comfort zone just shout. I know a couple of good places to hang out round here. You can even bring your books if you want too. Ok I have enough, I'm signing you off as passed your psyche for this year."

Alanna grinned. "Thank you. And I may take you up on that some time. I really should get out and meet people. Eventually."

"Well I hope you do take me up on it," Liam nodded. He stood up politely and did the customary bow of a male to a female of their species respectfully. He didn't have too of course both being in starfleet but he did anyway. Then held his hand to the door. "Feel free to drop in on me any time."

Alanna bowed in return and smiled. "Thank you. I will definitely see you later." She wasn't sure why, but when she was with Liam, she felt like she'd found a long-lost sibling. It was a good feeling. She was still smiling as she left his office.


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five


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