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Tiny Breadcrumbs

Posted on Wed Mar 14, 2018 @ 1:09pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni
Edited on on Wed Mar 14, 2018 @ 1:10pm

1,747 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Lotus Lounge
Timeline: Back post MD -2 2000


The Lotus Lounge would normally be a place outside her world. The geisha-run drug den offered a quieter, much more specific experience to The Box of Delights. But it was this difference, and Ahjess's curiosity about it, that Yolanthe hoped would bear fruit.

She let the doors swish open, allowing out some of the cloying, heavy scented air before she entered and stepped to the front desk. "I want to speak to your matron mother, please. It’s personal, and it’s urgent," she told the maitre'd.

The young man smiled at Yolanthe. “Welcome to the Lotus Lounge,” he greeted the tall alien. “Can I get you something for your pleasure while you wait?” He tilted his head, the small Andorian-like antennae he had moved a bit. “Matriarch Tianys is on her way down,” he declared. He came out from behind the desk to usher her to one of the loungers in the foyer, or into the club, whichever was her preference, his enticing scent washing over her, tingling at her pleasure centers and hormones.

"Thank you." She stepped back before the boy could touch her. Rowa’ni men were ridiculously fragile, even for men, and she didn't want to break anything by accident again. She headed to the couch nearest to the door where she could hope for some clean air as others moved in and out of the alien opium den. The Rowa’ni male was pretty enough, but she didn't know if it was the tightness of his skinny body, or the pheromones themselves she was responding to, and if she didn't know then she wasn't going to act on any impulse. Sex she didn't want was something that belonged in her past.

Waiting for Tianys was making her feel sick. She wanted to step outside, breath clean air, but didn't want to lose face in front of Tianys. Running from Matron Mothers like a child was also in her past.

The young male brought Yolanthe some water, as was the Rowa’ni custom, but otherwise left her alone. Soon enough Tianys Dalav’ni came striding into the foyer in one of those nearly sheer gowns that did nothing to hide the curvaceous beauty underneath as it molded to the female’s generous curves.

“Yolanthe Ibalin,” Tianys said, her voice cool. The last time the tall Bokkai had been in her establishment violence had broken out and a couple of her males had been injured. Tianys disliked violence in her establishment, and she disliked those that hurt her people, as well. If she had wanted to be truly vindictive, she might have leaked the woman’s name to the Dzuk Ciku’mo. The Black Orchids would have taken care of her. But Tianys wasn’t quite ready to turn the female over to the likes of Isil Afri’ni.

“And how may we pleasure you today, Ms. Ibalin?” Tianys asked, though she doubted the woman was here for an hour or two of pleasure. “Another kiss, perhaps?” Tianys smirked. The only way she had been able to overcome the stronger female last time was by the special Rowa’ni ability to poison their kiss to varying degrees. It had just been a little knock out, but had allowed Tianys to get the upper hand.

Yolanthe's skin flickered yellow-green then settled on peach. "Touch me again and I'll break every bone in your body in alphabetical order and take your scalp for a hat."

“Threats, my dear Miss Ibalin?” Tianys asked, arching a delicate green eyebrow. “Not exactly a way to get whatever it was you came here for. I assume that is why you are here, as you’ve never showed interest in what pleasure my establishment can offer before.”

"One of my boys is missing. I know he was curious about this place. I was wondering if anyone here has seen him?" She held out a padd with his picture and other details. "He’s just vanished."

Tianys took the padd and glanced studied it. The young man the Ryan girl had brought in for a bit of fun. And left with in a box.

Tianys handed the padd back to Yolanthe. “I’m sorry, but I have a strict policy of confidentiality regarding my patrons,” she said. “What goes on in the Lotus stays in the Lotus.”

Yolanthe's skin turned a darker orange, then paled to a buttercup yellow. Her hair was lemonade pale. It was the same mantra she herself used, and she had half expected it. "So he was here," she concluded. She stood, feeling the need to move to release the furious energy coiling in her. "He's a child. And he never came home. He didn't leave. He hasn't run away. Would you settle for that answer if it was one of yours that was missing?"

Tianys stared at Yolanthe. “No,” she said. “But I would know if mine were in trouble, where they were,” she said. “If the situation were reversed, and I was coming to you, would you make any admissions?” Tianys turned the question back on Yolanthe.

Of course she wouldn't. And Tianys knew it. Yolanthe's jaw set, and her skin got lighter, the colour of fresh butter. "I'm not telepathic. I can't tell where my people are. Security doesn't think he's left the station. Which means he's still here. He's got no reason to hide, so he has to have come to grief." She took a breath. "Please, I'm begging you, if you know anything. I promise, Security will not be involved. I just want my boy back."

Tianys stared at Yolanthe. Finally, she turned. “Follow,” was all she said, her hips swaying enticingly as she led the Bokkai into the club and up the stairs. Carpeted flooring gave way to soft grass and sod as they left the club and entered the Rowa’ni enclave, and to an open doorway wreathed in the omnipresent Rowa’ni vine. Yolanthe had been here before, in Tianys’ private quarters, although tied up on the bed at the time.

Tianys didn’t bother closing the door. In fact, there didn’t seem to be one, except for in cases of emergency when the blast door would need to seal. She went to a small fountain by the door and filled a wooden cup. Taking the water, she moved to mark Yolanthe’s forehead with some of the water, but when the woman flinched back, Tianys just backed away and arched an eyebrow.

“So distrusting.” Tianys handed Yolanthe the cup to drink the pure, clear water. “Be welcome,” she said, murmuring the traditional blessing of the Rowa’ni on a guest.

“Make yourself comfortable,” Tianys told Yolanthe, though the Rowa’ni woman didn’t remove her diaphanous gown and go naked as she would prefer, like most of the Rowa’ni, male or female, who passed in the corridor outside, not even paying attention to them inside.

“Your boy was here,” Tianys admitted, going to a sideboard to pour Yolanthe a stiff drink. “He came with a young woman.”

Well, that was no surprise. Ahjess was a slut, comfortably so. He was young, why not, she thought. It's what boys are for, after all. "When?" She leaned forward, eager. “Do you know her? Or could you identify her, if you saw her again?"

“Yes,” Tianys said simply. “But she paid for discretion,” the green alien pointed out. “And if I identify her, it just might cause more...problems than either of us want to deal with.”

Tianys handed Yolanthe the stiff drink and settled on a grassy mound across from the Bokkai woman. “And I never saw your boy leave.” That was truthful enough, and vague.

Yolanthe sighed, and swirled the drink around in the glass. From the vapors coming off, it was strong, and had a burnt molasses smell she liked, but couldn't place. "She paid for discretion," she said glumly, faint grey started to creep into her skin. "Can I pay for a loose tongue?" If Tianys had as many principles as herself, the answer would be no. But she had to ask.

Tianys tapped long fingernails against her own glass, considering. “Are you sure you want to go down this rabbit hole, Yolanthe?” she asked quietly. She read the distress in the woman and sighed, rubbing her eyes. “You realize the spot you are putting me in, should this information get out, should someone learn I broke discretion?” She pushed back her rose red hair. “But perhaps we can come to some...arrangement.”

Tianys sipped her water. “You have several young males of various species of good, beautiful genetic stock. I have a large crop of young Rowa’ni females who will be coming into eruw soon, and I am in need of males to satisfy their needs, as your young male Blake did with my Leyta. If you would make them available to my females, I will tell you who this woman was.”

"They're my staff, not my stud," Yolanthe pointed out, not without a tinge of wistful regret. "I'll ask, but I can't make any promises." And she thought about Blake's experience. "And I don't want them drugged."

Tianys smiled. “That was his own request,” she pointed out. “He enjoyed our edibles. And of course, I do not expect you to force or coerce anyone.” She actually looked and sounded as if that was distasteful. “Just let them know they will get a free experience, on the house. Make sure they are healthy and vigorous. It is quite a...demanding experience.”

Tianys sipped her water and grew solemn. “She had changed her appearance, recolored her hair, but Ahjess came in with Aleczandra Ryan and used a room for about an hour,” she said simply. “As I said, I did not see him leave.”

Aleczandra Ryan? Yolanthe's body flashed pale turquoise with the surprise. The girl came into the Box on occasion, she seemed normal. And young, even for Ahjess' roving eye. Then again, old enough. If she'd been Bokkai, she'd have been doing The Duty for at least some months. "But she would have." Yolanthe put the untouched drink down. "Thank you. I'll speak to my boys."

Tianys nodded. “Remember, this did not come from me.” She stood up to walk Yolanthe out. “I do wish you luck finding your male,” she said sincerely.


Tianys Dalav’ni
Lotus Lounge
PNPC Caleb Ryan

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights


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