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Trek to a Different Time & Place (Part I)

Posted on Mon Apr 23, 2018 @ 1:30am by Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Ensign Jessica Mayhew

2,722 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Cargo Bay 32 - Cardassian Territory - War Time
Timeline: MD 04 - 1150 (Simultaneous with Opening Gambit)
Tags: Pangaea, Cardassia, Shuttle, portal, Fae


[Shuttle Bay, DS5]

Legate Pra'teen Umar entered the designated shuttle bay shortly before 1100. He was accompanied by a small squad of Cardassian personnel. Three from Science and one designated security officer. In the center of the group was the Cardassian boy Bretav. He was more than excited to return home to his family after spending so much time on the station surrounded by outsiders. To him this was a horrible nightmare that was finally coming to an end.

"Begin prepping the shuttle. I want us to be on our way to the planet's surface in less than fifteen minutes," the Legate ordered as he checked his readout. "The Federation should be sending their assigned troops momentarily. I do not want to waste anymore time then is necessary for us to return the child to his home," Legate Umar said as he kept a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.

The four other Cardassians acknowledged the order and began to prep the Hideki-class shuttle for launch with the necessary supplies.

"Don't worry, my boy, in a few hours we will set right what the Federation has made so terribly wrong," he said as he patted Bretav on the back.

Ensign Jessica Mayhew strode up, brushing back a bit of her blonde hair and securing it in her required bun. She had a Type II on her hip as well as a rifle. They were, after all, going into a potential hot zone. She wished she didn’t have to rely on the Cardassians so much, but it wouldn't do to be sending even more Starfleet troops to Cardassia during the Dominion War.

Legate Umar saw the arrival of the Starfleet officers and merely gave a nod in acknowledgement towards who he assumed was the Chief Science Officer. "I see our chaperones have arrived, so I guess we can finally get this show on the road," he said in an annoyed tone as his arms remained cross in front of him as he continued to observe everyone.

Crewman Mistal and Rhianna were careful to say nothing at all as the two Federation personnel boarded the vessel. The Science Chief had sent the two Crewman along with the mission for the sake of further recording the activity of the portal and to determine if the recent experiment in activating the Romulan Core had an any effect on the portal.

Jessica moved over to the Cardassian security officers and offered her hand. “Ensign Mayhew,” she introduced herself. “Pleasure to be working with you, sirs.” She didn’t exactly know their rank or where that put them in relation, but it was likely above her, so she erred on the side of politeness. “I’ve never been to Cardassia before. I hear it’s nice. I wish we could sightsee, but…” She shrugged and smiled.

"If the Federation knew how to stay out of the affairs of other governments, this expedition would be absolutely unnecessary," Legate Umar interjected, indicating for the Security and Science personnel to continue prepping the Hideki shuttle. The last thing the Legate wanted was for his soldiers to engage in needless conversation with lowly junior officers.

"There will be no sight-seeing on this mission. You all are only here because the commander of this station made it a requirement in order for our vessel to be permitted through the current blockade over the planet," Legate Umar said dismissively to the younger woman.

“Yes, sir,” Jessica said with a nod, knowing not to argue with the senior Cardassian military officer.

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas entered the shuttle bay with his gear slung around his shoulder. He had learned a while ago that when going planetside, it was best to pack light. He was still confused as to why he had been selected for the mission since it involved simply delivering the young Cardassian boy back to his designated time period.

“Ensign,” Jessica greeted with a nod. She didn’t know the Operations officer at all, but she did note he had Bajoran blood as well as Cardassian. She wondered if that was going to cause a problem.

"Good morning, ma'am," Ensign Kivan stated. "Hopefully we won't experience any problems related to the Romulan core down there," he said, referencing the prior attempts to activate the core and its bizarre feedback response that involved the planet surface.

Jessica smiled. “I hope so, too,” she said. She had seen the report, but didn’t know much about it. “But we’re not bringing it with us, so hopefully it should be okay.”

The science officer indicated to Legate Umar that the shuttle was prepped and ready to depart. The Legate nodded in response as he turned to the other Starfleet officers that had gathered.

"We are preparing to depart, let's get into the shuttle. Hordan, contact the station dockmaster and inform them that we are preparing to depart and requesting clearance," Umar ordered as he made his way into the shuttle and towards the forward compartment.

Jessica grabbed up her pack and followed the Cardassians onto the shuttle. She had never been on a Cardassian ship before, so this was an interesting experience.

Ensign Kivan grabbed his gear and slowly made his way into the shuttle. This was only the second time that he had ever been inside of a Cardassian vessel, the first being when he was a child and was being evacuated following the war. From the inside of the shuttle, it appeared the emphasis was on tactical advantage and not comfort.

Jessica found a spot with the other Starfleet officers and stowed her gear in the storage compartments, settling her phaser rifle between her knees.

The doors came to a close and sealed shut. Several moments later, the vessel’s anti-gravity repulsors activated, and the shuttle began its departure from the shuttle bay.

"We've received clearance to depart, Legate Umar," the Cardassian piloting the ship announced.

"Very well. Notify that 127th that we are proceeding on mission," Umar said from his seat just behind the pilot.

The vessel quickly made its way past the forcefield over the shuttle bay and away from the station. It would take several minutes to clear the station's transporter and tactical reach. From there, the shuttle would enter the upper atmosphere of the planet and begin its controlled descent toward the site of the portal that previously had led to Cardassia.

"Be sure to leave your weapons on the shuttle when we arrive," Legate Umar said in that same authoritarian tone he used when speaking to subordinates. However, this time he was speaking to the gathered Starfleet officers.

"We're going back in time twenty years. The last thing we need is for there to be a temporal incident because one of you happen to misplace your weaponry," he said. "Or don't. I'm sure Cardassia would make good use of the upgraded technology," he said with a smirk.

Jessica frowned. “Sir?” she asked. “That goes against Starfleet away team protocol,” she pointed out. “And would seem to apply to your crew as well. Any technology could contaminate the time stream.”

"Considering the fact that we are going back through the portal to clean up a mess caused by Starfleet, I doubt my people need to be educated or lectured as to proper away team protocol," the Legate replied sharply.

"I'm sorry, or should I say our people, Ensign Kivan. I'd hate for you to feel left out," the Cardassian said sarcastically as he looked towards the Cardassian/Bajoran ensign sitting at a nearby console.

"I'm sure this Cardassian shuttle must seem completely foreign for you. Please let me know if you become uncomfortable I'll be sure to replicate a nice root beer float for you!" he said with a hearty laugh at the younger man's expense.

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas bristled at the comments from the Cardassian Legate. It was not the first time he had faced some form of harassment by his fellow Cardassians. The fact that he wore a Starfleet uniform as opposed to serving in the Cardassian military made him an even bigger target for those that did not accept his choices in life. The young man fought the simmering rage within himself to not angrily and physically respond to the haughty bastard.

Jessica just put a hand out on Kivan’s arm to reassure him, barely managing not to glare at the Cardassian Legate. “We are ready whenever you are, Legate Umar,” she said stiffly.

"We're entering the upper atmosphere and beginning our descent. Prepare for landing shortly," the pilot reported from her console.

It did not take long for the vessel to clear the atmosphere and begin a controlled descent, although the vessel began to shake intermittently as it navitaged through the planet's atmosphere and made its way to the designated landing port. While the vessel was continuing its descent, the pilot took the opportunity to identify the various Starfleet Marine encampments within the area. Although their current mission was purely scientific, the pilot recognized that she'd be a fool not to take advantage of the situation.

Within fifteen minutes, the vessel had landed and its crew began to depart. Ensign Kivan withdrew his gear and began to set up a communication buffer outside of the vessel. Previous reports indicated that the planet was prone to communication blackouts during its normal rotation.

"With that in place, we'll be able to radio back to the station for assistance, as well as the Marine detachment on the surface, if we have any trouble," Ensign Kivan said as he began to follow the rest of the group as they made their way towards the portal site.

“Good thinking,” Jessica said. She pulled out her tactical tricorder and started to scan the area immediately around the shuttle for life signs. The shuttle would have gotten that data on approach, but it was SOP for Security, and she didn’t want to cut corners with Cardassians involved.

“Area seems secure,” Jessica said. “I’ll walk a perimeter. The caves are that direction.” She pointed up the slope, deeper into the forested area surrounding the clearing.

Legate Umar was hardly concerned with the dithering of the Federation officers. "C'mon, we're burning daylight. There's no one else on this damn planet, so there's no point in wasting resources securing the area," he said to his gathered soldiers, but more so for the effect on the Federation officers.

It took several minutes for the gathered Cardassians to make their way to the entrance of the cave that possessed the portal that was used to travel to Cardassia's past.

"We're here!" Legate Umar shouted as he stopped and allowed the other four Cardassians to stride in front of him and immediately withdraw their gear. Legate Umar followed as the group entered into the complex, passing through the open mouth of the cave, now floodlit with lights powered from the camp generator left in place by previous groups. A red line marked the point on the rear of the cave where previous explorers had been teleported to other parts of the cave. It lay roughly a meter from a cleft in the back of the cave wall that lead down into the caverns.

Jessica followed. It wasn’t true that no one was on the planet. There were Marines guarding the caves, and a small settlement around the castle, not to mention wildlife. But she wasn’t going to get into an argument with the mission lead unless it put them in danger.

Legate Umar examined the portal as the rest of his subordinates gathered their equipment. "Make sure you place a neutrino regulator devices on different parts of the cave. I want to record the feedback once we step through the portal and when we return," he ordered. He turned towards Ensign Kivan. "How much longer will you all take? We're prepared to depart now," the older Cardassian declared.

"I'm sorry that we're delaying your travel plans, but I'm waiting for Ensign Mayhew to indicate that we have everything we need to enter and subsequently return," The younger Cardassian/Bajoran said with obvious frustration. The last thing he needed was for something to go wrong and they become trapped in the past.

Ensign Kivan then turned to the security officer. "Are we all set? Anything else we need to take care of?" he asked.

Jessica shook her head, securing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “We’re good to go,” she said.

"Begin the activation sequence," Legate Umar said as he secured his equipment and placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulders. "Soon you will be back home and all will be made right again."

"No one will be mad at me?" Bretav said tentatively.

"Hahaha!. No, boy. In fact, you are going to be considered a hero, a Cardassian hero," Legate Umar said as he stood to his feet and gestured forward. "Let's begin."

The portal itself never gave off any chroniton or even tachyon particles as one would expect from such a temporal anomaly. In fact, its absolute silence added to its unsettling appearance. The Cardassian party slung their equipment around their arms and slowly made their way one by one through the portal.

Jessica frowned. She wasn’t entirely sure the boy should be any such thing. He should have been told to keep quiet about his experiences in the future. They were already skating dangerously close to the line in even sending the boy back -- and going back with him. Temporal Investigations was going to throw a conniption.

With a sigh, Jessica nodded to the Starfleet half of the team and strode forward through the portal. She really hoped they could get back. She didn’t want to sit out a war, during which she had been a child, in a POW camp.

Ensign Kivan walked through the portal with his phaser set to stun, but his tricorder raised and continuously scanning as he crossed the barrier. Part of him was excited; however, another part of him was hesitant to return to Cardassia. He grew up on the planet as an shunned orphan who was never accepted by his own people due to his Bajoran heritage. Even as an adult, he still had not found acceptance from that part of his lineage. Going back to Cardassia, but this time as a temporal invade, just made things that much worse.

Once through the portal, Jessica whipped out her own tricorder again, waiting for the signals, scrambled by the intertemporal travel, to realign.

Legate Umar looked around the immediate area. He kneeled down and felt the forest floor beneath him. The grass and soil was damp, just like the leaves on the nearby trees. He remembered that several days after his encounter with the Starfleet invasion party a massive storm blew through the area, erasing significant evidence that the Cardassian government was going to study in order to develop a massive transporter device of their own.

"What is the corresponding date?" he stated more so than asked Ensign Mayhew as he heard her walking near his right shoulder.

Jessica gave the date as the tricorder triangulated it. “Right on time,” she commented. “Only a few days after you said your patrols ended their search efforts. I’m not reading anyone in the area. Let the boy go and we should get back as quickly as possible.”

Jessica dug in one of the pouches on her belt and pulled out a bit of Cardassian hard candy. “Here you go, Bretav. Just a little goodbye present. I’m sorry for everything that happened.

As the Security officer gave her report, Legate Umar gave a quick gesture to the other four Cardassian soldiers present. "Indeed, Ms. Mayhew, right on time, indeed," he said as Hordan immediately grabbed Jessica's arm and twisted it behind her back in an attempt to immobilize her. The second and third Cardassian drew their disruptors and aimed them at Crewman Mistal and Rhianna.

"Wait! No, do--!" Crewman Mistal tried to shout before both he and his colleague were incinerated by the disruptors.

Pra'teen Umar
Cardassian Empire

Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan


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