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Posted on Wed Feb 7, 2018 @ 4:47am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,089 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Trillius Prime
Timeline: MD6

OOC: This Post is on behalf of Bert who wrote and sent it for posting on DS5 along with his best wishes to us all.


"Hello, Cade," the Betazoid woman said over the subspace link. Her smile and tone of voice were warm, as one would expect from a former starship captain speaking to her former helmsman.

Cade grinned back at her. "Admiral Torun! Good to see your face, sir." He was at his parents' house on Trillius Prime.

That made Alandra Torun's own smile even bigger. She had always liked Caden Aldrex's infectious grin and positive manner. "Have I caught you at a bad time?"

"No, not at all," Cade said. Then, glancing down briefly at the old t-shirt and sweatpants he was wearing, added, "I'm sorry about my appearance. I've been on emergency leave for the past few weeks. I was folding laundry when you called."

"Yes, I heard about your leave of absence. Your father has taken ill I understand?"

His grin vanishing momentarily, Cade nodded. "Yes. Adra-Mur Syndrome. It's a viral infection that causes heart arrhythmia in older Trills. It's easily treated if caught early, but my Dad, not being one to complain, didn't tell anyone that he'd been having chest pains." He sighed and shook his head. "The heart attack put him in a coma for 15 days, but he's out of it now and should recover."

"Good, I'm glad. Give him my best, please. I remember meeting your parents when the Endurance made a port call at your home world."

The grin returned. "I will when he wakes up." He looked over his shoulder. "He's napping at the moment. My mother is at work teaching a class."

"No problem." Alandra Torun placed her hands on the desk in front of her, fingers interlaced, and leaned forward. "I won't keep you tied up with chit-chat, Mister Aldrex. I'm also calling to talk business."

"Oh? What kind of business?"

"What's the status of your duty assignment?"

Cade exhaled sharply and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it's up in the air at the moment. Captain T'Vaurek had to leave the station around the same time that I took leave. The political situation there is delicate, so Starfleet had to fill the vacancies quickly. Commander Soran is the CO and I understand Commander Ryan has stepped up to my job."

"So do you still have a job there?"

That caused a frustrated shrug. "I don't know. Starfleet Personnel Division hasn't said either way, despite my request for clarification. I mean, probably not, but the kicker is my wife is still there serving as Chief Medical Officer. They're happy to keep her in place."

"How much longer will you be at your parents' house?"

"Not more than a couple of weeks. By then a cardiac rehabilitation therapist will be here to help Dad with his recovery. He'll be staying here at the house." There was a pause, then Cade added, "Why? Do you have a spot for me on your staff?" A spot on an admiral's staff at headquarters would be fantastic, Cade thought. Earth was a great planet to live on. Amia would love it there.

"No. I have the USS Renown. Commissioning next month. She's yours if you want her."

Cade Alrex's eyebrows shot up. "A ship? To command?" He slumped in his chair at the weight of the news.

The corner of Alandra Torun's mouth twisted into a mischievous smirk. She knew he would react this way. "What you've always wanted, Mister Aldrex. Or perhaps I should address you as Captain Aldrex? But I'm getting ahead of myself. You should take a few days to think about it."

"No, the answer is yes," he replied, sitting up ramrod straight. "Absolutely yes! Without reservation. I just need to call my wife and tell her. Oh, and that brings me to my one and only request, Admiral. I want Amia aboard as my CMO. We can make that happen, right?"

"I'm afraid not, Cade," Torun said somberly. "The Renown's first assignment will be a six-year mission out towards the galactic core, mapping unexplored space around the Seginus sector. We've heard rumors of an advanced species called the Hyrazan. Their territory is vast, and depending on whose tall tale you listen to, even the Borg steer clear of them. One of your mission objectives will be to make first contact with the Hyrazan. It's potentially dangerous, so children will not be embarked on the ship. Essential personnel only."

"And Amia is due soon," Cade said, the disappointment etched in his voice. He could see where this was going.

"Yes," Torun said gently. "That's why I'm telling you to think it over first. As Chief of Exploratory Operations you're the first person I thought of for a command of the Renown, but it is a hardship post. You'll be away from your family for several years."

"Then the answer is no. I can''t leave Amia and the baby for six years. I'm sorry, Admiral. I can't do that."

"Think it over," Torun cautioned again. "You and your wife understand very well that the needs of the service often cause challenges in a Starfleet marriage. I need a young, energetic person in command of that ship. This is your chance, Cade. A deep-space exploration vessel doing what Starfleet does best: 'boldly going.' If you decide to stay with your wife and new baby, then I understand completely. I know it's a difficult thing to ask of you. But if you give yourself the reputation of an officer who shrinks away from the challenge, then I can't guarantee the offer will ever come again."

Cade averted his eyes, feeling chastened. He knew Torun was right. He had a choice to make here, and yet in a bizarre way he had none. Since the beginning of his career he had asked for assignments that would put him in the pipeline to his own command. He had been a squeaky wheel. He had put himself on the sensor scope of Starfleet Command as an officer to watch. They had rewarded him first by taking a chance on him as XO of DS5, and now they were offering him his own ship via his old friend and former CO. Was he really going to say no at this point?

"I'll think about it," he promised. "I'll give you my answer as soon as possible."


Cmdr. Caden Aldrex

Starfleet - Unassigned

Adm. Alandra Torun

Starfleet Chief of Exploratory Operations

(NPC Aldrex)


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