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The Gakusei surpasses the Sensei.

Posted on Mon Jan 8, 2018 @ 7:58pm by Lieutenant JG Aoba Suzukaze

645 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Docking Port 26, USS Neptune
Timeline: MD02 - 04:30am

The doors swished open with the generic 'hiss' that Starfleet seemed to like when their doors opened. Lieutenant Junior Grade Aoba Suzukaze couldn't help but smile as she paused at the doors. The large walkway infront of her was deserted and quiet. Afterall it was technically in the middle of the night.

The Starship Neptune had just pulled up and docked at Deep Space Five, and the old Excelsior Class seemed dwarfed by the sheer size of the station and the ships inside its large docking area.
"Sneaking off in the middle of the night without saying goodbye?" a voice called from behind her.

Aoba turned around, her purple hair twirling as she did.
"No!" she said back quickly. "I didn't.... want to make a fuss" she explained putting on an innocent smile.
The man laughed, he was a few years older than Aoba and carried the rank of full Lieutenant on his gold collar.

"You've been my Assistant Chief for the last three years, and before that I helped you as a inexperienced Ensign" he told her with a warm smile. "Now you've gained the next step up and you're finally taking your own department, and on a Starbase no less" he said. He offered her his arm to take. "At least let your old Chief walk you to the docking port".

Aoba couldn't help but smile. Timothy Keller had been a good friend and mentor to her for the last four years since she had joined the Neptune's crew.
"Don't suppose you remember your first day do you?" Tim asked. Aoba blushed, she did remember, not that she wanted to.
"It's a little fuzzy..." she said trying to hide the lie.
"Oh come on, I know when you're lying to me" he laughed. "Just don't do what you back then on your firstt day here" he told her with a wink.

Aoba blushed again. The first day on the Neptune was awful for her, she made so many mistakes. She was fresh out of Starfleet Academy and after only three days of waiting she had found herself assigned to the Excelsior Class Starship. She had got lost, ended up nearly crying in a corridor because the ships computer wouldn't help her due to her access codes not being logged in yet, then she tripped while stepping out of the turbolift onto the bridge and ended up faceplanting the carpet. Not to mention she tried ringing the Captains ready room bell when she had walked right past him sitting in the Captains chair.

Aoba simply smiled. "I was a little nervous back then" she said.
"We all were. But you came through" Tim said. The two of them approached the end of the walkway.
"Well, this is you Aoba" Tim said. He released her and stood there looking at her. She had freshly washed and pressed uniform on, just as she always did and her purple hair was tied back in twintails making her look young, innocent and full of life.

Tim extended a hand. "Good luck out there Aoba. Do me proud". Aoba nodded and shook his hand, making sure to give it a firm grip. She then bowed slightly, a habit she had gained from her traditions in Japan.
"Thankyou Tim" she said. She turned on a heel and made her way down the corridor from the docking port.

Tim couldn't help but smile. "She'll be fine" he told himself as he turned and began his return route to the Neptune.

"Oh no!" Aoba said nervously. She had strode off in such confidence she had only remembered that she had absolutely no idea where she was or how to get anywhere, a Starbase this size was not easy to navigate.
"I screwed up!" she cried outloud. "Where the hell do I go now?!"

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Aoba Suzukaze
Chief Operations Officer


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