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Making plans

Posted on Wed Jan 3, 2018 @ 3:07am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx

518 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Colourful commodities - Draxx's shop
Timeline: MD1 2200


"You want to do what now captain?" Biggs stated incredulously.

"Get down to that planet, undetected. If we manage that, we can sell the service for a nice tasty price. Half of those alien ambassadors will be wanting people down there. Think of the juicy information we can get into. And think of the money we can get if we are the first to get stuff from that planet out - plants, food etc etc.

"Yeah but you have every one of that Cajun's staff monitoring," Biggs said taking the refill of beer offered by the other human.

"You had no issues getting us past Torns security. You had no issues rescuing me from "AnaRani"," Draxx stated taking another sip of his drink. "Hell her people now want to pay you for research. The Klingons are using you to bounce surviallance all over so they can't be traced. Are you telling me we can't get past starfleet security to land on a measily planet?"

Biggs practically gagged on his drink. "In time perhaps. You have to think they have bigger facilities than Torm and that romulan bitches friend. They have smarter people. Have you seen the new science officers bio?"

"No," Draxx said. "Is she tasty?"

"Blonde, curvy, a little short but cute non the less. But thats not the point Captain. Check out her accomplishments on her last couple of postings - Starbase Olympus and the USS Achilles," Biggs pulled up some data on a nearby monitor and the new science chiefs face popped up, followed by the rest of her file.

Draxx whistled. "She is cute. And I like the curves."

"Read these bits," Biggs attempted again, bringing up some of her research involvements and achievements.

"I don't understand any of that stuff, thats why I have you," Draxx groused.

"Also Betaziod Captain," Biggs pointed to a section of her file. "She could read us if our paths ever crossed."

"Well thats not going to happen. And if it does better a tasty blonde catches us than that ugly cowboy," Draxx grinned.

It seemed his first mate needed a confidence boost. This is what happened when you went straight and didn't have the constant adrenaline of their previous life. Even Biggs was doubting himself.

"Your the best of the best Biggs. My little insurance policy has never failed us. I was even able to drop Squink back to where he needed to go without being detected by Torms dad. We can get past starfleet. I have faith in you. Hell you can even hack into their full personal files and not be detected. But if your worried lets mod up and do a tune up for a couple of days. Its about time we added some more toys to "my baby" but we are going to make an attempt."

"Aye Captain," Biggs muttered. He had a bad feeling about this. Draxx was restless though that much was far too obvious and Yolanthe knew just how to provoke him planting this idea.


Civillian Ricardo Draxx
Npc Liam Reynolds


First mate
Npc Liam Reynolds


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