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The New Boss, Part 2

Posted on Wed Feb 18, 2015 @ 10:09pm by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant JG Jason Fisher

765 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Main Security
Timeline: MD 1/0910

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis went to the conference table and sat as the other officers came and took their respective seats. "Very well, Commander, how do you wish to proceed with the meeting?" Trellis asked, wishing to get things moving.

Jason Fisher followed Trellis into the conference room, not entirely sure whether or not he was invited. It was a technicality, given the speed with which he had adopted and then been removed from the 'Chief' position, but, in theory, he was still the immediate predecessor to the new CSO and, as a result, should be the one involved in any hand-over procedures. He sat at the far end of the table as he reflected on just how ultimately academic all of that was, choosing instead to keep his mouth shut and to see how the conversation unfolded.

“Thank ya’ll,” Caleb said, folding his lanky form into a chair. He smiled as Ensign Mayhew joined them with PADD and stylus and a tray of favored beverages for the men around the table.

“I…I wasn’t sure what you liked, sir,” the young officer said, pushing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “So I just got you coffee. If you’d like something else…”

“Coffee’s just fine, Ensign,” Caleb said. “Thank ya.” He took the cup and sipped it tentatively, passing on the cream or sugar.

Putting the tray to the side, Jessica took a seat in the corner, out of the way but where she could still listen and take notes.

“Why don’t ya’ll start with bringin’ me up to speed on what’s goin’ on around here,” Caleb suggested. He looked to Fisher. “You were the acting chief? What do we have open an’ active?”

"To put it succinctly: A lot," Lieutenant Trellis replied. “I took over just as former Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel was being rightfully removed from his position as the Chief. Immediately thereafter we had to deal with the terrorists bombing of the Cardassian Embassy and the fallout from that. The Cardassians are now led by Ambassador Hydel Turvan. He himself has not proven to be a particular problem, but I'm not quite certain what his plans are.”

Fisher glanced towards Trellis with a slight hint of annoyance. The question had been directed towards him, but he had to concede that the trill was better placed to provide an more comprehensive answer.

“Cardassians always bear watchin’,” Caleb acknowledged with a nod. He wondered why the former chief was removed.

"We also have the constant complaints of the Promenade Merchants Association," Trellis continued. "In response to the previous terrorist incidents onboard the station they have petitioned to form a civilian security detachment for the Promenade. Specifically, Mr. Wayne Bradshaw of Bradshaw Industries has proposed the idea of using his forces. I've made my misgivings known about that issue," he said.

Caleb nodded. “Ah was under the impression the Marshals handled Promenade and civilian security,” Caleb said. “Tell me about this Bradshaw Industries. They have their own…forces?” Caleb asked incredulously.

"Bradshaw Industries is a civilian shipping company that manages various entities throughout the sector," Trellis responded. "We have reason to believe that he's attempting to obtain assets from the Cardassian government, but it is not a primary concern at the moment," the Lieutenant concluded.

"Additionally, I've just about concluded the investigation into the Guardian Platform malfunction that resulted in the death of close to 200 civilian passengers," Trellis concluded.

“What’s the Guardian Platform?” Caleb asked. “That sounds quite the tragedy.”

Trellis paused briefly before responding, "The Guardian Platforms were a series of defensive units that were designed to protect the station from hostile attackers. Unfortunately, during their test run there was a major malfunction that caused the platforms to target a civilian transport vessel and…" Trellis stopped as he searched for the words. “…and it cost the lives of over 340 civilians," he concluded. "You can find more details within the report," Trellis said as he slid a PADD to the Lieutenant Commander.(1)

Caleb glanced over the report and then set it aside for a more thorough read later. “Sounds like a major FUBAR,” he said with a frown. “If it’s being handled, Ah’ll catch up on the reports then. Keep me in the loop. Anything else?”

"No, sir," Fisher responded, still unsure whether to feel relieved or irritated about the whole affair.


Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Security Officer

Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security

Lieutenant J.G.
Jason Fisher
Assistant Chief of Security



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