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Fate has given us a Golden Opportunity

Posted on Mon Dec 25, 2017 @ 6:53am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Cardassian Embassy - Warship Nuvor
Timeline: MD01 1230 - After "Homeward Bound"

Ambassador Hydel Turvan stood within his conference room and read off the report to the holographic projection of Gul Druman Nivall, Commanding Gul of the 127th Tactical Wing for the XI Order. This happened to be the first conversation the two had engaged in since the acquittal of the Starfleet Officers at the hand of the laughably-legitimate Tribunal. The Ruling itself was not unexpected; however, it stung no less to have an official body deem that it was wholly acceptable to invade Cardassian territory and face no retribution or punishment.

But now, there were more pressing matters at hand that needed to be handled with delicate precision.

"A Cardassian Expedition will lead a team through the Pangaea portal back into 2373 and return the boy, Bretav, to his rightful home. The objective is to correct any lasting damage that may have occurred due to the Federation's prior medling." Ambassador Turvan spoke.

"And the Trill allowed this?" Gul Nivall responded, merely referring to the new Commanding Officer by her racial designation.

"Not without certain parameters." Ambassador Turvan replied, fully anticipating a negative response.

"The Expedition will be led by Cardassian Scientists; however, the stations Chief Science Officer and a Security Officer will accompany the team as well." Turvan said.

"Ah yes, I was wondering who the Trill would send as our babysitters." Gul Nivall laughed. "They naturally assume we'll use this opportunity to go back, change the timeline so that Cardassia comes out on top of the Dominion War." He said. "How narrow-mindedly naive and predictable Starfleet has become." The Military Commander responded.

"That was my same sentiment." Turvan agreed. "The fact remains that we have an opportunity to send this child back to his family and prevent any further meddling by the Federation." He said. "I will need from you a list of who will participate in the Expedition prior to the teams departure." Turvan said.

"Very well, you'll have it delivered to you directly." Gul Nivall said simply.

"Excuse me?" The Cardassian Ambassador said, caught slightly off-guard.

"I will have Legate Umar lead the Expedition, he will be accompanied by a small detachment of. . .ah-hem...scientific personnel" Gul Nivall said with a slight smirk. Gul Nivall saw the look of confusion dance across the Ambassador's face. "Legate Umar was the Base Commander that originally responded to the first incursion. Obviously, he would be the most likely individual to lead the team into the portal and avoid any detection." The Commander said.

Turvan paused for several moments as he thought about it. It would be convenient to have someone from the actual scene of battle present to prevent any further contamination of the timeline. Additionally, Legate Umar would be able to sufficiently look after Cardassian's interests during the brief excursion.

"Very well, I look forward to meeting with Legate Umar prior to his team's departure with the boy." Ambassador Turvan spoke. "If there is nothing further, I will notify the station Commander." He said as he closed the link. "Cardassian Embassy, out."

"You didn't see the need to inform him of your plan?" Legate Umar said as the projection of Hydel Turvan closed. "Perhaps he would be able to provide us with more information." He suggestd.

"Hydel is a bureaucrat, he's forgotten what it means to be a Soldier for the Empire. He only needs to know the basics. Anything further, and he'd probably have a pang of guilty and have to tell his Federation cohorts in some foolish attempt at keeping the peace" Gul Nivall said as he stepped away from the communication device.

"No, Fate has given us a golden opportunity and we're going to use it before the Federation has a chance to interfere." He continued. "I trust that you'll be able to handle things from here?" Gul Nivall said.

"Of course," Legate Umar said with a smile as he shook the fellow Cardassian's hand.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Ambassador
Cardassian Empire

Commanding Gul
Druman Nivall
127th Tactical Wing, XI Order

Pra'teen Umar
IV Order


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