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Posted on Sun Dec 31, 2017 @ 2:30am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,237 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD01 2000


Draxx groaned at his fingers once again covered in small pink bite marks. "Bloody gorns," he groused making his way over to the bar.

"Well, well, well. Look what the Gorn failed to drag out." Yolanthe, skin turning a pale blue as she approached, came over to him. "What's your poison?"

"I'd rather not have to think about any more gorns right now," he groused. "Kanar, 3 fingers."

That was a drink for someone who had serious drinking to do. She put a chilled tumbler in front of him and reached for one of her twisted bottles of kanar. She let it glug into the glass, three fingers worth as requested, and a bit more for luck. "Family life not agreeing with you?"

He held his hand up, "They are teething apparently." He took a sip of the chilled glass and looked at her. "Business is better then?" He asked. Last he had seen her a poker game had turned into a full on shootout.

"Business is always good. Everyone wants to be part of the next big story on DS5." Yolanthe's blue skin and hair darkened a few shades. "I could live without all the crises, but I can't deny they're good for business."

"Business is just fine. It's boring this going straight lark," Draxx commented. "At least when I was mixed up with Torm it kept things interesting."

The bokkai's violet hues blurred out until her visible skin was a dark sandy colour. Torm had been many things, none of them pleasant. Klia would probably be in therapy for a thousand years, not that her friend was really talking to her right now. "That sort of interesting isn't conducive to anyone's health, especially not yours."

"Is that concern or a lecture?" Draxx asked then held up a finger and waggled it at her. "Nah don't bother. I know the answer to that. Followed by the threat of a swift kick in the crown jewels if I don't walk your line or agree with you. Look princess, you only saw a glimpse of Torm and his "empire". I ended up mixed in with him for years. And thats history you have no clue on, so excuse me if I struggle to find my place and purpose in a post Torm universe."

"Why in the name of the seven devils did you get involved with him in the first place?" Yolanthe asked, calling up the next drink order in her queue and began to fill it, loading a tray with six shooter glasses.

"I was young and it was survival," Draxx stated simply. Making sure to be as vague as possible. He liked Yolanthe, he liked her a lot. But he wasn't going to open up the book on his and Biggs history to the alien. Besides if Torm's successor was going to be Moia, and he did get sucked in again, Yolanthe was safer not knowing much further.

The bokkai didn't look at him, concentrating on layering up the shooters on her tray. "Even so, something kept you in. Anyone who takes up something stupidly dangerous has something that keeps them in, even when they know they could die the next time."

"Well ain't that the thrill of it, right there?" Draxx stated. "I live .... well I used to live by the seat of my pants. Danger was a big component of my life. Now I have babies if you can call them that, to help bring up and a shop. Yolanthe, I own a bloody shop. I'm a shop keeper. I'm bored. Going straight, the only danger is daily getting bitten by some green octolets. Life ain't what it was. I carry on like this and I will lose my edge," He said seriously.

"I loose my edge and well ...... there goes any hope for us," he couldn't resist that last comment. "You need a man who can look danger in the eye and drop ice cubes down the vest of fear."

She was a feint pale pink now, slightly grey too, like the sky of dusk. She knew what he meant about the thrill. "Where I come from, men aren't allowed to do anything that is even remotely dangerous. Raising babies is what you're all for."

Draxx snorted. "Your species males need to wake up and revolt. The human women did in their history when the males adopted that attitude with them. And for what you just said that means I have to shake this even more. I cannot be like every other male you know. I'm Draxx. I have to stand out. And right now. I'm ......" he thought about it and verbalised the annoyance. "I'm raising babies. Yeah I need to do something big and stupid and dangerous. The sooner the better."

She threw back her head and laughed, both at the idea of bokkai males revolting and at Draxx's own need to do something big and stupid. "Oh sweetie, you know I'm not going to help you with that. And I like my men barefoot, buffed and biddable."

"I don't need any help doing something big and stupid believe me princess," Draxx grinned leaning in closer. "And barefoot, not difficult I can take off my shoes, buffed - underneath this shirt is the epitome of buffed. Biddable, I might be persuaded in the bedroom to play your kinky power games. You shouldn't count me out."

Yolanthe gave a low dirty chuckle, and turned a bright periwinkle blue. "As if you'ld let me. Why don't you try and get through one of those portals? That sounds big and stupid."

"You don't know unless you try princess," Draxx locked eyes with her. It took a few moments from his man mind fanticising about the alien in front of him once more semi dressed in Klingon battle garb holding him down with her boot barking orders, for him to register the rest of what she said.

"Interesting," his eyes glazed mulling it over as he absentmindedly picked up his drink and threw back the whole glass. "There's parties that would pay generously if I could pull that off and shepherd them down planetside."

"You'd have to make it past all those military types," Yolanthe pointed out. "I don't think anyone above our heads will take kindly to you going for a rummage around." She finished layering up the shooters and leant over the bar conspiratorially. "Think you can do it?"

"Do you think I can do it?" Draxx challenged back.

She gave him an indulgent smile. "I think you'd get hopelessly outclassed and need digging out of neck deep shit within five minutes. You wouldn't even make it to the planet."

"Oh I can make it to that planet sweetheart," Draxx said standing up taller. "Challenge accepted."

"Good. When you lose you can spend a day waiting on me hand and foot." She turned a bright blue. "Bare foot. And biddable."

"Don't forget buff," Draxx smirked undoing a button of his shirt so she could see some of his muscular chest. "But I'm not going to lose. Biggs and I never came up against someone we couldn't slip past eventually. I have work to do. Later princess."

She coughed and held out the padd for his thumbprint. He wasn't getting this one for free. "I look forward to seeing you again. In bokkai fashions."


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Ricardo Draxx


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