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Checking In for a Check-Up - Lt (jg) Wells

Posted on Sat Jan 6, 2018 @ 1:19pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

963 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Sickbay


Alanna walked into sickbay and headed for the registration desk to see if there was an open slot for her to get a physical. She knew that if she didn't get this taken care of right away, she was likely to get busy with work and forget.

Opal Oliver was nearest to the desk and greeted the newcomer. "Good morning. I'm Opal, How can we help?" she began.

"Hi! I'm Alanna Wells. I need to get a physical. I'm not sure if someone's free now, or if I need to set up an appointment."

"Depending on the day and the availability of staff, either can work. Today it happens that it's a quiet day and I do have some appointments free. I'm available myself right now or if that's too short notice, my ACMO Benj is quiet around 14:00hrs?" she offered a couple of choices.

"As I happen to be free right now, too, that would work," Alanna said, smiling cheerfully. It would also be good to get her medical out of the way before she got involved in something else and let time get away from her.

"Perfect!" Amia exclaimed with a smile and opened one arm towards the nearest cubicle. "If you would like to pop in here then please?" She moved round, ready to follow the Lieutenant.

"Thanks!" Alanna said, walking into the cubicle and sitting down on a biobed.

Amia set up the scanner and programmed in the standard medical templates before setting it all to run while she watched the data scrolling up the monitor above the bedhead.

"How long have you worked on the station?" Alanna asked.

"About a year" Amia answered, a little distractedly as she began the tests and had one eye on the scrolling results that were showing on the monitor above and behind the bio-bed. "My husband and I came here together, direct from a posting on Starbase 80".

"That's nice that you could stay together," Alanna said. "That's not always easy when you're both in Starfleet."

No, it's quite unusual, apparently." Amia agreed as she pressed more buttons and got more data scrolling up.

"This is all looking good" she added, shifting a few clumps of data and looking at another group that replaced them. "Do you have anything that's worrying you or that you'd like me to take a closer look at? Any pain, aches, changes?" she asked the routine mandatory questions.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Alanna said after a moment of consideration. "I'm mostly in good health." At least she hadn't experienced anything that would worry her.

"Good." Amia nodded and ran a last few generic scans to complete the check over. "There's nothing showing any problems here" she said after watching the scrolling and results for a while.

"What can you tell me about the station?" Alanna asked. "There's so much to learn and so many people to meet still. It's a bit daunting."

Amia grimaced. "Yes, it is daunting at first, isn't it." she agreed, finishing off the medical records and sealing them before sitting on the opposite side of the bio-bed to the Lieutenant and trying to answer that enormous question.

"I found it easier to find my way around by exploring under the pretence of jogging in the corridors. People thought I was a keep fit nut, but I was actually familiarising myself without the embarrassment of loitering obviously or wandering about clearly lost." she laughed softly. "I worked on the assumption that you start in the middle. The Promenade. Then you find your way in all the directions outwards, probably from the top down but not TOO far down, the Light doesn't know what goes on waaaay down in the bowels of a station this big. It's like moving to a big city on a planet. Some areas are no-go and you need to check out where those are by asking Security, they'll be happy to advise you." she explained.

"I tell you what. Would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow? On the Promenade. If you're okay with a fat pregnant woman trailing around and showing you a few starting places, I'd be happy to get some exercise and some tea and cakes too? Maybe some healthy lunch I meant... of COURSE....." again the soft laugh. "Don't worry if you're on duty or it doesn't appeal.... I won't be offended. It's just a suggestion and it's not something I would want you to do if you have other things arranged." she offered a let out clause with a big smile that showed she really wasn't going to press nor be upset if she was refused.

"I think that would be great," Alanna said, smiling at the doctor. "I've gone walkabout before to get my bearings, but never on a place this large. I would love company to give me a little first-hand information. And tea sounds like fun."

Amia grinned broadly, genuinely pleased that Alanna had accepted. "Brilliant!" she enthused as she loaded the certification onto a small pencil like data rod and handed it over. "You're good for duty too!" she said, and went back to loading the medical data into Well's medical files and sealing them.

"Do you want to come here first? About 12:30? If that fits your shifts and schedules?" she asked when she was done.

"Right now, I'm still figuring out where I fit in, so I can be here at noon," Alanna said.

"Excellent. I look forward to noon tomorrow then." Amia smiled broadly as she watched the Lieutenant prepare to leave.

"See you then." Alanna smiled at the doctor and then headed back to her office.


A JP Between:

Cmdr Amia Telamon


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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