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Painting the Town Red

Posted on Fri Dec 8, 2017 @ 6:42pm by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

2,496 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Promenade/Club Supernova
Timeline: MD8 2100

"I hope there's some nice men for me," Kestra said as they walked towards the meeting place Zandra had suggested. "I'm going to get very bored if you're flirting with Zandra all night.”

"Who says I'm planning on that?" Teena said with a grin.

"The dress you're almost wearing,"

"It's nice, isn't it? Tera has such good taste." Teena smoothed down the skirt as they rounded the corner to see the rainbow-haired half-Trill waiting for them.

Aleczandra spotted the two attractive Betazeds and smiled, waving at them. God damn, Teena looked great in that dress! And Kestra was beautiful, as well. She felt Kinony pushing at the back of her mind. Seduction had been her business.

Zandra was dressed in black. A black corset pushed up her modest teenage breasts and left her navel just peeking out. The pants were black and tight and ended in heavy black boots. She’d touched up her hair, so the rainbow colors stood out more, and her blue eyes popped thanks to the heavy black eyeliner. Blue lipstick colored her full, kissable lips.

“You found the place,” Zandra said, holding out a hand to each girl. “Wonderful.” She pulled each in close for a hug and a kiss on the cheek, as if they were old friends, enjoying the press of their bodies, not showing either one any favoritism. God damn. Hot sisters! It was like a dream!

Teena closed her eyes briefly at the soft kiss. "You look hot," she said. "I like the boots."

"So where are you taking us?" Kestra asked.

“DJ Dred is playing at Club Supernova,” Zandra said. “Tonight is under twenty night. No alcohol, but no skeevy old guys, either. Then I figured we could go for dessert and drinks at the Box after. Then I’ll take you home.” She gave Teena a look that said she hadn’t decided which home to take her to. She indicated the bright neon flashing sign of the club. A force field in the arched doorway barely kept the loud, thumping beat from spilling out and disturbing the rest of the Promenade. It flickered as partiers walked in and out of the club easily.

“Sound good to you?” she asked the girls, taking a hand of each in hers as she stood between them.

"Definitely," Teena said, squeezing her hand back. "It’s been awhile since we went dancing."

"Hopefully there's some nice men at this dance party," Kestra said, allowing her to hold her hand.

“I’m sure there’s plenty,” Aleczandra said. “We’ll find you one.”

They headed across the Promenade to the Supernova. The force field tickled slightly as they entered and were assaulted by the loud music and heavy bass. It thrummed through their bodies, exciting Aleczandra, and she started moving to it a bit. On the raised platform above the large dance floor was a large Klingon male wearing a dark suit. His black hair was in a poof of dreadlocks as he tapped his fingers around on the computer padds set up around him, manipulating the heavy music. There was a heavy, jungle beat and what sounded like Klingon opera mixed over it.

“C’mon!” Aleczandra yelled to the two girls, turning and dancing, pulling them along by their hands toward the crowded dance floor, smiling at them, the lights flashing sexily over her.

"We have never heard music like this," Kestra said loudly.

"Let's get a drink," Teena said, telepathically sending the thought to her sister and slipping her hand to Zandra’s waist as she moved in close to speak in her ear over the loud music. Her fingers brushed the bottom of her corset at the exposed sensitive skin at the base of her spine.

Zandra shivered at the touch and pressed closer to Teena. “Sure,” she said. They redirected toward the bar.

“Zandra Ryan!” a voice called.

Aleczandra turned and grinned, then waved the speaker over. He was a handsome young male Bajoran their age, dressed in black like Zandra. He had black hair kept short and a bit stylish, hid blue eyes outlined with black makeup. His family earring dangled and glittered in the light.

“Girls, this is a friend of mine from school, Tarn Eran,” Zandra introduced. “Eran, this is Teena and Kestra, visiting from Betazed.”

Eran looked over the two blondes and smiled. His gaze lingered on Kestra a bit when he saw how close Teena was standing to Zandra. “A pleasure,” he said, taking Kestra’s hand and kissing it. Then he cupped her ear. “Your pagh is strong,” he said, his fingers lightly caressing her cheek as his hand withdrew, flashing her a handsome smile. “Can I buy you ladies a drink?”

"Definitely," Kestra said, blushing. She flashed a thought to her sister. Do all Bajorans use that line?

Does it matter? Teena replied. He's cute.

He is. Maybe he'll be a good dancer.

"What would you suggest?" Teena said out loud to Zandra. "What's good here?"

“I like the Sumerian Sunset,” Zandra said. “But the Bolian cosmos are pretty good. The Betazed iced tea will floor you,” she chuckled. “Four Sumerian Sunsets,” she told the bartender.

He worked quickly, and soon four glasses of clear alcohol were set out on the bar. Aleczandra flicked one with her fingernail, and the vibration activated the mixing process, turning the drink a swirling cocktail of yellows, reds, and oranges. She picked it up and handed it to Teena with a smile.

Eran settled next to Kestra against the bar. “Would you do the honors?” he told her, pressed close because of the crowd. “That’s a nice perfume you are wearing,” he complimented.

"Its uttaberry blossom," Kestra told him. "Native to my home planet. The purple ones. They are quite rare. My mother, my late mother, used to garden a lot and make her own scents. Teena and I used to help. I made this one myself. We are considering, once school is done, opening a business up together."

"Yes," Teena added. "This," she held her wrist up for Zandra to smell, "is a hybrid mix of Betazoid moon flower spliced with some Human plants our new mother has on the property. Tomorrow we planned to visit some flower shops and get some new plants to keep experimenting with. What are both your plans after school’s done?" she asked.

Zandra leaned close to smell Teena’s wrist. She surreptitiously planted a small kiss on her pulse point. “Lilac,” she guessed at the scent of the Earth flower. “I do love lilacs.” She smiled at Teena, pressed close because of the crowd.

“I haven’t really given much thought for what I’m going to do after school,” Aleczandra admitted. “Dad wants me to apply to Starfleet Academy. I have trouble narrowing down my interests.” The fact was, she now had a multitude of lifetimes of experience in various fields, and no idea which were her interests.

“My parents want me to enter religion,” Eran said.

Zandra giggled at that, and Eran smirked.

“Mostly as a route to politics, I think,” Eran chuckled. “I would love to do something with my music and art.”

"What do you play?" Kestra asked as she pressed her spoon against the drink, finally making it swirl into a beautiful display.

“I play the belaklavion and the tivana,” Eran said. He reached out and put his hand on Kestra’s hip, pulling the Betazoid girl closer and out of the way of a barging Ferengi that interposed himself rudely between her and her sister, separating the two couples. “You like music?” he asked, not bothering to put more space between them, if there was any to be had in the crowded club.

"Some. I'm not sure about this," she indicated the DJ. "It's a bit heavy for my liking, but seems to be popular. What else you do on this station for fun?" she asked. She hoped he wasn't go to go all Bajoran religion on her. The ear and pagh comment had been enough. He was cute though.

Her eyes darted to Teena for a second and she smiled, then shook her head slightly. Her sister was very, very excited and looking very very cosy with their new friend.

Eran laughed. “Well, Klingon opera is an acquired taste all on its own,” he said. “But DJ Dred is known for the ways he mixes it with Terran and other music. I heard he has the new Steampunk Zombie album to mix in, though. That should be good, maybe more to your taste. I know Zandra’s crazy about them.”

Kestra smiled politely. She didn't really know what a Steampunk Zombie was, but clearly Eran thought it important. And Zandra. Something was bugging her. Even though they were in a very busy club, she could shake the feeling someone was watching her. And Teena. "Can we go somewhere a little more quiet?" she asked. "I can barely hear you."

“Sure, of course,” Eran said. He slipped an arm around her waist and guided her through the crowd toward the far end of the club. There was another thin force field that sent that tingle through again. This field didn’t block as much of the noise as the one at the entrance, but allowed this back area of seating to be a bit more conversation friendly.

As the Bajoran walked her to the far end of the club, Kestra projected to Teena where she was going. Teena, it seemed, was busy.

"Thank you," she said. They even found a table. She sat down next to him on a nice couch. She still couldn't shake the feeling. It was worse now. Someone was watching her and was closer. He had moved with them.

"I lied to my brother’s girlfriend earlier," she said to Eran. "I said I wasn't a good telepath. The truth is, I'm just finding out I am better than I thought. My new mother is helping me expand my gifts. I hope that doesn't freak you out. You know, sometimes people find out your Betazoid and they don't want anything to do with you because you can read minds, etc."

Eran smiled, coming back from the small bar in the quiet area with drinks and settling in on the couch close to Kestra.

“There is nothing in my head I am ashamed of,” he told Kestra. “Only mostly how beautiful you are,” he said with a teasing smile, brushing back a bit of her hair. “I mean, I knew you were Betazoid when Zandra introduced us, and it didn’t turn me off then,” he pointed out.

Kestra leaned in and placed a serious kiss on the young man, turning into him so her back was facing the person seemingly tailing her. Best to let him think nothing had been noticed and she was being a typical teenager. She would ask Liam later why someone was watching them and thinking they were useful if his girlfriend didn't cooperate, and what Raddon Corp was. Should the assailant attempt anything though, thanks to Liam's mother, she was powerful enough to deal with it. She could dip into his mind and paralyse him in his own thoughts if necessary.

Eran enjoyed this turn of events immensely. His hand cupped Kestra’s cheek as he deepened the kiss, his mouth opening invitingly, completely oblivious to their tail.


Teena pulled Zandra a little further away to let them have some privacy now her sister had decided to converse with this Bajoran boy. It was crowded and loud. And warm. An ugly Ferengi shoved past them, forcing both parties further apart, and Teena's entire torso to suddenly be pressed up to Zandra.

"So you like lilacs. I might make you a perfume," she said, deciding she liked it where she was and not backing away. "I have the perfect name for it already. Rainbow Bliss."

"What else do you like?" she asked brazenly.

“I like that name,” Aleczandra said, also making no move to put more space between them. In fact, she pressed closer, wanting to get clear of the Ferengi, still not comfortable around them after Nazl. Her breasts pressed slightly into Teena’s.

“I also like that dress you’re wearing,” she said, boldly meeting Teena’s eyes. “And that lipstick.” Kinony was urging her on. “I find myself wondering what it might be like to kiss.”

"Then perhaps you should kiss it," Teena said simply, feeling the other girls breasts stiffening. She could feel her own also doing the same, and her pulse increasing. She had known she liked both boys and girls for a while. However, Zandra was the first girl she had actually had the courage to make a move on. Perhaps it was the exoticness of the alien in front of her, or the fact she and Kestra were effectively free from current Betazoid society and their father for a while, or perhaps it was just time to embrace that side of her, but she knew whatever it was, this was an opportunity she didn't want to miss out on.

“Maybe I should,” Zandra said. She leaned in close, her breasts pressing against Teena’s, her hands slipping to Teena’s trim waist as their lips touched, a gentle, inviting kiss, nothing demanded, but definitely something...hungry behind it. Kinony hadn’t been out to play in some time.

Teena practically melted into the other woman's hands and returned the kiss, making it a little deeper. "My sister’s gone her own way," she told her. "Perhaps we could find somewhere more private and do that some more?" she grinned.

Zandra grinned. “I don’t mind that at all,” she said. She took Teena’s hand and led her toward the edge of the club. There were VIP private lounges scattered along the walls, each with their own force field that could be as loud or quiet, opaque or transparent, as the owner wanted. She found an unused one and passed her credchip over the scanner to reserve the room. As the force field allowed them to enter, the replicator in the center of the table created a bottle of champagne and two glasses for them.

“How’s this?” Zandra asked Teena, pulling her toward the couch. She set the force field for a bit quieter, and to allow them privacy. Anyone outside wouldn’t be able to see in, but they could still see through the field to people watch and listen to the music.

"Perfect," Teena said grabbing the bottle and filling the two glasses. Liam wouldn't be impressed, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. She handed one to the other girl and clinked her glass to hers.


Teena Otrei
NPC Liam Reynolds

Kestra Otrei
NPC Liam Reynolds

Aleczandra Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan

Tarn Eran
Bajoran teen
NPC Caleb Ryan


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