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Target Practice

Posted on Tue Nov 21, 2017 @ 4:38pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Captain Maritza Soran

903 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Deck 22/Starfleet Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD09 1000


The last time Maritza had fired a phaser in earnest. had been during the Kzinti war a few years ago, escaping from the hell ship she had been held on. Her qualification had lapsed during her recovery, and it been nearly a year since she had last qualified. As an operations officer, she only had to qualify once a year, unlike security and tactical officers who had to re-qualify every six weeks.

Which was probably just as well, because on the whole, her scores were pretty average. Enough to qualify, but she wouldn't be winning any medals.

There was a quiet pop from behind Maritza as her score flashed in the air of the holo-range. Lt. Emily Ransom gathered the remains of her pink bubble gum back into her mouth and tucked it into her cheek as she said, “Not bad. Passing. I think you can do better,” the tall, leggy, attractive redhead said, her ponytail bobbing. “You still need to lead the drones a little more.”

The station’s freckled and buxom armory officer turned and picked up one of the Type III phaser rifles from the table. “Let’s see how you do with the rifle.” She handed it to Soran. “Don’t breathe when you fire. Are you wanting to try the Type I bridge phasers, too, or not?” The small, finger-sized phasers weren’t standard issue anymore since the Dominion War, but still saw service in undercover operations where something more concealable than the bulky Type II was needed. They didn’t have the battery capacity of a Type II, though, only good for a few shots, and had only one non-lethal setting. They had proved ineffective against Borg and Jem’Hadar, but against anything up to a Klingon or Naussican were still viable.

“Computer, activate Pattern Delta-Nine,” Emily instructed, and a group of three drones appeared. “Begin.” The drones started to move, slow for this exercise. As Soran would shoot one, another would materialize, moving faster. Emily stood back and watched, folding her arms under her full breasts, noshing on her gum, quietly, though, no bubbles popping to disturb Soran’s concentration.

The larger rifle took longer to swing and to move, but Maritza plodded through the exercise, hit, miss, hit, hit, hit, hit, miss, hit, and on. She knew it wasn't the most dynamic, but requalification wasn't looking for Marine quality reactions. It wanted consistency, safety, and accuracy.

Eventually the drones stopped coming. Maritza set the rifle to off and handed it back to the lieutenant. "How did I do?"

“Not bad. A seventy-five percent is what you need for me to sign off. You’re doing well for a non-security. I won’t have to send you off with practice homework and come back next week.” Emily popped her gum again and removed the energy pack from the rifle before setting it down on the table. “Did you want to try the Type I, or will you not carry one? It’s mostly for short range, bridge defence and the like, or undercover.” She picked up the tiny phaser. “But you've passed everything that is required.”

Maritza thought of the Cardassian Gul and his threat to come and get the people his underling had terrified before they'd fatally outfoxed him. Things were getting fraught. And whilst it may be seen as escalation, she didn't want to be caught short. "No, I'll take a Type I."

Emily nodded and handed over the small phaser. “Okay, one more run, then,” she told the commander. “Computer, activate Pattern Gamma Three.” She stepped back as the drones appeared again and started to move.

The Type 1 was much more comfortable, and easier to use. Just point and shoot. The target practise used barely any energy, just enough to register the shot, so she could afford to shoot rapidly for five minutes straight, not a luxury she would get. Neither was the relatively calm environment of the test range. Even as the drones zipped around, she felt quite calm. It was hardly a realistic assessment. Thank goodness.

“Very good,” Emily said as the simulation ended. “Just remember you likely won’t get that many shots out of a full powered version,” she said, taking the phaser back. “I will deliver one to your office,” she said as she pulled the power cell out. “I will rate you to carry it freely.” Most crew outside of Security weren’t allowed weapons, though those serving on the bridge could rate the Type I when on bridge duty, and Command could carry anywhere.

Emily popped another bubble and turned back to Maritza. “Anything else you would like to do, sir?” she asked. “We have covered everything in the training regs.”

Maritza considered. "I think, Ms Ransom, that if I need anything other than a phaser, then the situation is far beyond whatever meagre combat skills I possess. Thank you."

Emily chuckled. “Fair enough, sir,” she said. “Just know I do the personal combat training course, as well, if you’re ever interested in getting down and physical on the mat.” She gave Maritza a playful wink and turned back to pack up the phasers and their power packs in their secure cases.

Martiza did not look impressed. "I don't think so Ms Ransom. This will be enough for now."


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Emily Ransom
Armory Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan


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