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The Tribunal, Part I

Posted on Sat Oct 21, 2017 @ 2:51am by Lieutenant JG Leonora Dell & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,867 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Lissepian Embassy
Timeline: MD07 0900


"This tribunal is now in session," Lucent Speer declared as the other tribunal members took their seats on the raised area that faced the rest of the courtroom. It was slightly curved to give all six people a reasonable view of the lecterns set aside for the defense and the prosecution. "Bring in the accused."

The door slid open and the four Humans who had been on the away team were herded into the large oval chamber from one of the pointy ends. A somewhat short Lissepian male indicated they should take their seats at a curved desk that faced the six members of the tribunal, set slightly to the left of the group that sat in judgment. A few meters away, at another curved desk, was Ambassador Turvan.

Ambassador Hydel Turvan sat at the table and scanned his notes as he waited for the other Cardassian to arrive. Within moments Natima Toval arrived within the courtroom and took her seat next to the Cardassian ambassador. Under normal circumstances, the Cardassian Embassy would not need to have a prosecutor on staff since most offenders were promptly delivered to Cardassia for their scheduled trial and convictions. However, it was customary for the 127th and many other military elements to have an embedded legal officer within the command staff. There were various moments where a conflict between Cardassian and foreign government laws arose and needed a keen legal mind as opposed to military tactician. For now, the former was much more preferred compared to the latter.

"You certainly know how to make quite an entrance, my dear," Ambassador Turvan said in a soft yet flirtatious tone to the woman.

"And you certainly know how to create chaos out of clarity," she shot back, obviously not in the mood for the ambassador's usual banter. "This circus you call a tribunal is nothing but a frivolous waste of time and resources," she said impertinently. Although he was the ranking Cardassian officer onboard the station, Natima recognized that she still fell under the Command of Gul Nivall, and she was quite aware of how much he disapproved of this entire spectacle.

"Well...then I guess it is in everyone's best interest for you to have them found guilty, isn't it?" Ambassador Turvan responded.

Caleb led the Starfleet officers into the room. They had been given fresh, clean uniforms and allowed basic hygiene to make themselves presentable. He glanced around the room, sizing up who would judge their fate. Caleb had tried to keep everyone’s spirits up during their incarceration. Luckily it had been brief, but it looked good to be longer. The majority of the tribunal was Cardassian or Lissepian, a Romulan, and he couldn’t tell one way or another which way the Ferengi Ambassador would go, given the recent storm between her and him over Nazl and his actions and murder.

The Lissepian Deputy Ambassador looked down at them, face neutral. "You are all here today to answer the charges laid against you. Sitting in judgement is myself, Lucent Speer, of Lissepia; Ambassador Quinee of Feringinar; Ambassador D'Aerrol of Romulus; Captain Artemis Pierce of The United Federation Of Planets; and Sujan Marrah and Kavan Fosset, of the Cardassian Union. Please state your names, for the record."

Caleb stood up and spoke clearly, “Commander Caleb Ryan.” He made eye contact with Pierce, giving his former commanding officer a tight smile, though no other sign of recognition, wondering how he had managed to pull off getting put on his tribunal. But then Pierce was a man known to make the Admiralty jump when he called. Pierce always did know where the skeletons buried their skeletons.

Qinee met Caleb’s eyes as well with an even and level stare before studiously straightening her gaudily colored dress and taking a sip of slime tea.

Dan stood next. "Lieutenant Daniel Rivera." By Ryan's order he was being cooperative, but the spiteful glare he shot at the Cardassians present in the room was obvious.

"Lieutenant Leonora Dell," she said quietly. Unlike Daniel she kept her eyes down, rather than provoke anyone.

Finally it was Mikaela's turn. "Lieutenant Mikaela Locke," she stated plainly and simply, masking the actual level of interest she was taking in the various tribunal members.

Speer nodded. "You are charged with the murder of one Cardassian minor, Relon Cetan and the kidnapping of another Cardassian minor, Bretav Dejak. Are you innocent or guilty of these crimes?"

“We are innocent, Your Excellency,” Caleb said firmly and clearly.

Speer nodded. "We begin with statements from the prosecution. Since this is a murder, Ambassador Turvan will represent the victims." She turned to the Cardassian. "You have five minutes to make opening arguments, then you may start with evidence and witnesses." She turned back to the Starfleet group. "After each piece, you have time to cross examine. Ambassador Turvan, please begin."

Ambassador Turvan nodded to Natima Tovall to proceed. The female Cardassian arose and looked at the Tribunal and began to speak. "May it please the Tribunal, my name is Natima Tovall, Chief Prosecutor for the 127th Tactical Wing of the Sixth Order. This tribunal was convened for two reasons: justice and accountability," she said as she rose.

"We are here to ensure that justice is delivered to the grieving family of Relon Cetan and Bretav Dejak, two innocent children who were playing in the field behind their home on Cardassia Prime in 2373. The evidence will show that the accused, through unknown and untested technology located on Pangaea, traveled through time to Cardassia and engaged in a firefight with Cardassian Security Forces," she stated.

"The evidence will show that the lead officer, Commander Caleb Ryan, participated in the firefight despite knowing that he was on sovereign territory of Cardassia, and even worse, knowing that defenseless children were present. The evidence will further show that one child managed to escape the Federation-provoked onslaught and will testify to Commander Caleb's direct contribution to the conflict. She will testify that her last words to Bretav before he was kidnapped was that she was afraid...and she wanted to go home," Tovall said solemnly.

"The evidence will show that Lieutenant Dell and Rivera, while not acting as leaders in the assault, still accepted their orders from Commander Ryan knowing that children were present and were in immediate danger," she continued forcefully.

"At the end of the Tribunal I will come before you again and ask for a verdict that speaks to the second purpose of this hearing: accountability. We will ask for a verdict that will hold these rogue Starfleet officers accountable for the destruction and sorrow that they wrought upon the innocent people of Cardassia at the hands of their reckless disregard for our sovereignty and our laws," she said as he cast her gaze from the accused back to the panel.

"We, the People of Cardassia, will ask for a verdict of guilty," she said directly. "Thank you." She took her seat.

Captain Pierce sat stoically listening to the Cardassian prosecutor’s opening statement, only glancing Caleb’s way occasionally.

Qinee sipped her tea as she listened, cupping it in her hands.

Caleb sat straight and quiet in his place in the dock, awaiting the prosecution's testimony. It was amazing how they could twist the facts up into something unrecognizable!

Speer nodded. "Commander, you and your people are not permitted to make a statement at this time. We will continue with the prosecution's witnesses. You will be allowed to cross examine." The Lissepian looked to Turvan again. "You may call your first witness, though your questions must be brief."

Caleb frowned a bit. What kind of trial was this that they didn’t get an opening statement as well? As he’d expected, this was an attempt to railroad them. The makeup of the tribunal made that clear. It was only slightly less obvious than a Cardassian trial would be.

Tovall stood. "The People of Cardassia calls Pra'teen Umar," she said.

Within moments, the designated security officer opened the doors and allowed an older, but stoic, Cardassian male to enter the room. He was directed towards the front of the court where the witness was to be seated.

Speer glanced at the Cardassian security officer. "Do you swear to serve justice and truth, or forfeit your hand and tongue?" When the Cardassian replied affirmatively, she indicated a space in the centre of the triangle formed by the tribunal bench and the tables for the prosecutions and defense.

"Please state your name and former position," Tovall stated.

"My name is Pra'teen Umar, formerly Gul Umar, of the Cardassian Empire's Fourth Order. I served as a part of the Planetary Home Guard," he stated.

"Where were you stationed on stardate 117159.7?" Tovall asked.

"I was stationed on the southern continent, near Grid 315-048," Umar responded. "My unit was tasked with preparing for an upcoming war games exercise when I received notification that enemy forces had been observed."

"What happened when you learned that enemy combatants had been observed?" Tovall asked.

"Security forces were dispatched to the area. However, I quickly learned that children were also located nearby. That obviously complicated the situation," he said with a slight show of concern.

"Why would it complicate the situation if security forces had been dispatched to respond to the threat?" the Prosecutor asked.

"Because it was a restricted area. The children had no business being in that location," he responded.

"Did you believe that they had been kidnapped?" Tovall asked.

"I did, especially once our forces reported that the intruders were using them as shields,” he said in a disgusted tone.

The Prosecutor activated a nearby console's audio function. "Your Honor, Prosecution submits into evidence an audio recording of the scene."

The Vorta's voice inquired over the comm, "First, what is your current position?"

"Grid 315-048, moving towards the enemy. We should be there soon. Can you estimate their number?"

"We estimate twenty to fifty. A small, reconnaissance-sized force. Some seem to have panicked and fled into the grass. We're diverting other elements to intercept them. The rest of the enemy force is falling back under cover fire."

"Understood." The Jem’Hadar paused, then added, "One more thing, Commander. There are children out here."

"Children? What do you mean?"

"Cardassian children. They were in contact with the Humans. We have one with us now. He's leading us back to them."

A stern Cardassian voice cut in. "This is a restricted military reservation. How could children be out here?"

The Jem’Hadar looked down at Relon, who was in front of their column, fearfully quick-stepping back in the direction from which he had run. "I wondered the same. When this is over you can ask them," he answered.

The Cardassian legate on the other end admonished him, "Make sure of your targets before you open fire. If the Humans are using children as shields then we must use caution."

To Be Continued

Cmdr Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security

Lt Mikaela Locke
Cheif Intelligence Officer

Lt JG Leonora Dell
Acting head of operations

Legate Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Ambassador


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