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Long Time No See!

Posted on Sat Oct 14, 2017 @ 1:44am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,681 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Sickbay, CMO's office
Timeline: TBA

It had been awhile since Liam had ventured into Sickbay and he was stunned at how much Amia's pregnancy had progressed. She now had a sizeable bump. Perhaps it was the Ba'ku half of her biology he reasoned.

"Mei mei, you are positively blooming," he said entering her office. He skin looked more radiant than he had ever seen it. Clearly being with child agreed with her.

"LIAM!!" Amia was thrilled to see her best friend and tried to leap towards him for a hug but managed only a bit of a waddle and a lunge, landing with her arms around his neck, squeaking reproaches about how long it had been and how was he?

"I so am NOT blooming!" she grumbled as she finally had to let go of him, her bulk pushing them back apart. "I'm fat and grumpy and this is being awkward!" she indicated her metaphasic balancer on the side of her neck with a disdainful gesture. "But YOU look great! Love suits you!" she guessed.

"Last time I saw you, you had just fallen in love... how is it going? When do I get to meet the lucky lady?" she asked.

"I haven't fallen in love. After Haku, I'm not ready to run head first in like I also seem to. I like Tera," Liam said. "Maybe one day I could fall in love with her. I just have a little issue liking someone else too. And I still don't know what to do for the best there."

"OOoh two love interests?" Amia chuckled affectionately. "DO tell?" she returned to hugging him again.

"No I don't have two love interests," Liam explained. "I have one that likes me back and one that .... well I have no idea. I like Noelle Bennett."

"Oh Leeeeeeeeammmmmmm!" Amia groaned. "Seriously? TWO women... one minute no-one serious, now two at once. What are you LIKE??" she teased and hugged him.

"Baby is a girl..... I'll have to warn her that you're a devil with any beautiful woman in skirt!" she teased and poked him in the belly gently.

"Vicious lies," Liam stated in hammed up mock annoyance. "And owww," he pretended that she had really hurt him.

"Enough about me, I am going to seek Cade's counsel anyway and then you can both have the chance to rip me to bits. Any news on your father? The last time we talked you were considering trying to track him down. Did that go anywhere?" he asked. "If not, I'm going to help you."

"Oh!" Amia pretended offence. "So Cade's Counsel is worth more than mine is it?" she folded her arms and glared at him but not for long as he smile crept back quickly. "..... and we would never rip you to bits... that's not our style and you know it!" she hugged him.

"My dad. I haven't thought of that adventure for a while. I've been busy getting fat and lazy" she smirked. "You know, with a grand daughter on the way, it would be quite a line of introduction, wouldn't it....... hello, I'm the daughter you never knew you had and this is the grand-daughter you didn't know you were expecting as a bonus!" she grinned widely.

"You're not fat and lazy," Liam informed her. "Your as beautiful as ever Amia and growing a very precious cargo, that's all. And I'm sure we can work on that introduction. What do we know?" he asked. "What's his name? Let's start from there."

Amia looked a little glassy eyed. "Mother was very cagey about that." she muttered. "She said we weren't to go chasing after him nor pushing ourselves on him. She said he was going to be a VERY important man one day and an unexpected event that he hadn't intended and never knew about was, although she always insisted at this point of the lecture that it was the best thing that ever happened to HER..., hadn't been in his destiny and we weren't to tip over his cart as it were. She said he'd come back to us if he wanted to."

She looked first sad and then a flash of what looked like anger, all wiped aside with the immediate falling blinds of the usual standard Medical training to shut all feelings away from being revealed to an observer/patient.

Amia was so accomplished at that blank canvas face mask that normally, she wouldn't have shown one, let alone two subsequent feelings, even for a split second, but clearly Liam had asked a question that ran deep and being a closely trusted friend of longer standing than most and definitely of closer affectionate bonding; he had been able to see something she would have guarded from almost anyone else.

"Amia," he put his arm round her and hugged her. "I know this stirs up a hell of a lot of emotions for you. If you want to talk about it I'm here okay. I'm sure your mother was protecting you from "something" or felt she should but you only know one side of the situation. The truth is it could go any way. If you still want to track him down I'll support you, whatever you need."

Amia hugged Liam tightly. "You're the best!" she said. "Where should we start though? Where would there be logs or records? When I left Ba'Ku I was so angry and lost, I didn't leave a lot of bridges unburnt!" she admitted sadly. "and what about the radiation? Can I go back there with this?" she indicated her metaphasic neutraliser on the back of her neck. "Will it affect the baby? What if there's no records there at all after all this time....?" her swing from excited hope to despair and back to a look of incredulity that they were even talking about this, almost made her feel dizzy. She couldn't imagine how it was affecting Liam with his Betazoid sensitivities.

"sorry.... " she said, trying to stop, calm down and level out.

"You never need to apologise to me Mei mei," Liam said softly. "Okay, records. We can get hold of information on any Starfleet ships that visited Baku round about the time you might have been conceived .... but that could be a lot of people. I don't know your planet. Would it of had private ships visiting? Because if that's the case, we have probably no chance of getting that information. Personally, if you don't want to risk the baby on the unknowns going back to request Baku records .... assuming they exist maybe the best option would be to directly ask your mother?" he suggested. "Explain to her that you want your child to know both their grandparents. What do you think?"

"She died" Amia said quietly. "Mother, died. It was something they could have avoided if they didn't reject modern medicine. In Starfleet she would have gotten simple treatment. It was such a waste of a wonderful woman's life". She swallowed and went on still softly. "That's why I left the planet. I was too angry with them all to stay. I didn't know I would find I needed a metaphasic radiation moderator" her had went to the device implanted in the side of her neck under her luxuriant hair. "A starbase I reached and then collapsed at, saved my life and I was so grateful I signed up. That was MANY years ago now but I never looked back at BaKu. I have no idea who my father was. I wonder if there are records of which starships visited 9mths before i was born though.... not that it narrows things down a lot, if there was a full crew of close on 1,000 crew on board"

"Is there no friends of your mother left, other family we can ask?" Liam suggested.

Amia gave that some thought. "I..... well....." she blushed. "I didn't leave on very good terms but it's a possibility... if I were to apologise for what I said to them..... I mean, can they hold a grudge against a grief stricken teenage orphan?" she looked up at Liam with sadness in her eyes. "I *did* say they were savages.... I remember that.... I thought it was monstrous that their primitive beliefs in only natural and basic medicine meant there were no simple antibiotics which could have saved my mother..... even at that age, I knew it was an unnecessary death, over a principle... one I disagreed with....hence my dedication to medicine in all its most advanced methods and developments. No-one should die like she did."

"Maybe cultural beliefs will have moved on now?" Liam suggested hopefully, "But if not I can help you dialogue with them. Personally I think you're right, you were a young teenager. Holding a grudge would be counterproductive. Are you okay?" he asked. "Those are not nice memories to have to dredge up."

"Oh yes hun, I relive them in my dreams over and over. It would be a very good purge for me to go back and see if I can't bury the hatchet and find some peace. And yes, perhaps there is someone there who might know something that would help me find my dad.... who knows? What can it hurt to ask?" she replied, looking brighter at the prospect.

"If you would come with me..... I'd be so grateful! You've always been such a good friend and I would value your judgement and support...... but aren't you too busy here?" she asked, hope glimmering at the idea she might not have to face her teenage demons alone.

"I'll make time for you Mei mei," Liam said simply.

Amia hugged him. "Thank you, sweetest friend!" she murmoured against his chest and tried not to wonder how it might have been if she had met him before Cade. Pushing the thought away as quickly as it came, she started talking about logistics for a trip to BaKu.

To be continued......
A JP Between:

Commander Amia Telamon

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds


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