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Women Advice

Posted on Thu Aug 10, 2017 @ 10:42am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,294 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Sunny Side Up Cafe, Promenade
Timeline: MD6 08:00


"I hope Amia didn't mind me stealing you for breakfast," Liam said to Cade. He had messaged him last night after leaving the house of Orchids on his trip with Noelle and Caleb. "How are you both? Well actually I should say how are all three of you? The baby's doing good?"

"Doing great," Cade said cheerfully as he looked over the menu. "And don't worry about Amia. She got an early start this morning. She was already gone by the time I woke up. There's a switch." He scoffed.

The server stopped at their table. "You guys ready?" she asked with her own measure of morning cheer.

"Betazed Eggs Benedict," Liam answered the waitress asking their order, "With extra Carlandian spinach please. Oh and very strong coffee. No Raktajino please. A large one."

Cade's head was still in the menu, but he was ready. "Let's see. How about this Ps'Cirran traditional breakfast. Make the eggs over easy, and I want the chynrus sauce over the top, not on the side. Oh, and could you put a bit of cinnamon and sugar on the stonecakes? They taste bland otherwise."

"Terran sugar?"


"No problem," the server replied. "And coffee for you, too?"

"Sure, that'll be fine," Cade said, closing the menu and looking up at her with a grin. After she went he continued the conversation. "How are things with you lately?"

Liam grinned at Cades order. "Hungry?" he asked. He wasn't sure if his friend knew just how big the plate was he had just ordered. That or Liam was about to witness something really special watching Cade put it away. "I have women troubles." He admitted finally.

Cade was formulating a snarky response about his menu selection when Liam switched gears to the subject of women. "Really? What's up?"

"The problem is I like Tera. I enjoy spending time with her. Really enjoy certain activities but .... I also like Noelle," He admitted. "And I keep telling myself its just a stupid crush but I can't get rid of it. I am going to have to request another counselor I think. I can't concentrate properly in sessions with her. I got jealous yesterday when Ryan had some feelings of attraction to her when we were in the Lotus Lounge. Mind you Ryan was attracted to pretty much every female in that place. What's your advice?"

"How did Counselor Bennett act around Ryan? Was she into him?" Cade wanted to give his friend the best advice possible, but first he had to get some more information. If Noelle and Caleb Ryan were developing a mutual attraction then it was probably best to encourage Liam to keep his distance.

"She made me promise not to read her emotions. I kept that promise," Liam said. "Ryan was a flash in the pan feeling I caught. Nothing constant. Like being surrounded by all Tianys beautiful staff made him suddenly realise Noelle was beautiful too. And believe me he was enjoying being around all the beautiful women. No one can blame him."

Cade only nodded. He couldn't picture Ryan at a place like that. Not that it was important. "She made you promise? You must hate that."

"Of course I hate it. And it makes me even more curious about her because I'm not allowed to read her. Perhaps its the forbidden fruit thing?" Liam mused. The waitress arrived with their food. Liam's Eggs Benedict was small in comparison to Cade's Ps'Cirran traditional breakfast. Even his stonecakes were huge.

"Those Ps'Cirranis don't fool around, eh?" Cade said to the server as she carefully set each plate down. The server only laughed. It was not unexpected. The average adult on Ps'Cirran VII was about 9 or 10 ft. tall and had a body metabolism that required twice the daily caloric intake of most other humanoids. They were hungry people.

"Anything else I can get for you gents?" the server asked.

"A bit more coffee, please? Bring the pot."

"Coming right up."

When she was gone Cade said, "No worries. I'm not planning to eat this all. We'd be here until lunchtime. I'll take some of it home to Amia."

"Did you know Amia was the 'One'" Liam asked, raising his Klingon coffee to his mouth and taking a sip.

The Trill put his fork down and thought about it. After a moment of contemplation he said, "She was the first person I thought of when I woke up every morning, and she was still on my mind at bedtime. She made everything better. I couldn't get enough of her. I couldn't wait to see her again. It's like we had, and still have, this connection that I can't get from anyone else. When I realized how empty my life would be without her, that's when I knew she was the one." He smiled and took a sip from his own cup. Then, with a faraway look in his eye, he added, "she's also just sexy as hell. The way she fills out her duty uniform...I mean...I still can't get over it. It's unreal. She also has this little number that she wears to bed that's like..." He raised his hands to describe the look and feel of it, then thought better and went back to his breakfast. "Anyway," he concluded with a mischievous grin.

"Yes," Liam put his hands up in surrender. "Do stop. I don't call her Mei mei for nothing. She is like a sister to me. That's ..... just too weird. But you didn't get together straight away when we all first knew each other on our other ship. So friendship and a professional relationship it grew into a romantic relationship, it wasn't instant that you knew she was the one until you started dating her." he rationalised.

"I was always attracted to her," Cade admitted, "but when we first met she was with that other guy, so things were always at arm's length...until the day came when everything fell into place." He shrugged. "Yeah, you're right."

"What should I do Cade?" Liam asked.

The Trill breathed out sharply. "I don't know, Liam. Noelle is a very attractive woman. She's got smarts. You two probably have a good rapport given that she's a counselor, like you. But it sounds to me like she's not interested in being too emotionally involved with you. Who knows if she ever will? I'm guessing it's because she's seen you in a professional capacity?"

He contemplated the other woman for a moment and went on. "Thereen Tera is also very attractive. She's also very accomplished. From where I stand you seem to enjoy each other's company very much. There's some potential there. If it were me and I were going by logic, then I'd go with Tera." He crossed his arms and leaned back. "But you're still torn, eh? What's your heart telling you?"

"It's telling me I have to be honest with Tera that I'm attracted to another woman and see what she says about that, and I do have to stop my counseling sessions with Noelle. It's too distracting and your probably right. She probably only sees me in a professional capacity. That sucks," he answered after a moment.

"Yeah, sucks," Cade echoed in agreement. He picked up his fork again and poked around his plate. "Just remember you've got plenty of admirers casting heartbroken glances at you too, Liam. There are always possibilities. The love of your life could be someone you haven't even noticed yet." He hoped that would make his friend feel a little better.

Liam nodded. He took another sip of his coffee not really hungry for his breakfast anymore. "Thanks, Cade."


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Cmdr. Caden Aldrex


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