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An enlightening tour

Posted on Wed Apr 12, 2017 @ 9:04pm by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,894 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Lower Promanade
Timeline: Md 05 - 1900

Melvyn Raddon was completely in his element. For the past two hours he had led a gathering of potential economic investors from various Federation colonies through the a tour of the Raddon Corporation. The group started by being given an all-access tour of the Raddon's headquarters located on the Starship Matthias. The vessel was state-of-the art in propulsion, navigation, and capable of handling itself in a tactical situation. Within the vessel it housed over 2,000 employees of the Raddon Corporation all striving to ensure that the company remained the leading provider of Dilithium to the Federation and aligned governments.

The tour itself had transitioned from the Matthias onto Explorer Station. Melvyn took the opportunity to host the visitors to a 5 course dinner onboard the station courtesy of Melvyn's high-class restaurant within the Dilithium Chamber. Raddon's staff had been instructed to pull out all the stops in providing for the guests so that they could feel as if they were back on Earth.

After the conclusion of dinner, the group was led from the Dilithium Chamber to the lower promenade where Melvyn was explaining to them the latest expansion plans for the company. Melvyn stood in front of the group as he indicated to the large facility to his left that was still under construction.

Yolanthe had been talking to her doorman, the enormous gorn called Harry when she saw the old man who ran the Dilithium Chamber emerge leading a group of people out of his establishment like a mother duck with a gaggle of ducklings. She frowned as she watched him direct them towards the entrance to the square mile. "I wonder what tge old goat is up to now?" She asked Harry wuho just strugged. She made a quick decision. Pelin and Layla and the others could manage the bar without her. She followed along behind into the lower decks away from the bustle of the main shopping and entertainment levels.

Melvyn continued to address the crowd. "...and once construction is complete, this facility will serve as the Research and Development Complex." He said. "Our accomplishments here will cement the Federation's future as the true leaders of the Alpha Quadrant." he smiled as the crowd applauded. His attention remained focused on the group before him, completely oblivious to his other watchful audience.

She kept back from the crowd, in the shadow of a support column, listening to Raddon talk. As he continued, her concerns grew. He was obviously delusional. The Federations grip on the alpha quadrant was already unquestionable. The Cardassians had tried and failed to improve their position and still hadn't recovered twenty years later. The Breen and Tholians were too isolationist and The Ferengi too cut throat to generate the cooperation needed to all push in the same direction.

And as for R&D. Pfff. Was this where all what Dominion tech was going? Medical research her purple arse. What would he be doing in there? Experimenting on aliens?

"Melvyn, this is all nice and and all, but why would we invest in a business venture when it seems the only publicity that comes from here is when someone dies?" An older woman in the group stated.

Melvyn smiled in response. He fully expected that his prospective investors would have certain hesitations about investing in Raddon's new facility.

"Marie. . .I fully understand your concerns. The recent spate of violence that has unfortunately taken place on this station is troubling. However, I can assure you that I have been in communication with station as well as Starfleet Security leadership in regards to these killings." He began. "More importantly, plans are in motion to deal with the source of the lawlessness on the station, the actual site where a defenseless boy was brutally murdered." he said carefully.

"The tragic death of that innocent boy and this station's failure to prosecute his killer still keeps me awake at night. However, I can assure you that the Raddon Corporation's Security Personnel have been fully briefed and trained on how to deal with the more uncivilized element that has infected the honest and law-abiding citizens of this station." He stated.

"Our business is safety, not just my safety, but the safety of every patron of the Dillithium Chamber as well as any employee of the Raddon Corporation." He said proudly.

"I can assure you, Marie, we will always take care of our own." he said sincerely.

Yolanthe watched with growing concern, her skin fading from violet to a dark gamboge. That 'innocent' boy had fallen, after breaking and entering. And 'plans' to deal with her? Take out the competition more like. She clenched her jaw to stop her fury. Old men like him were the least valued members of her society, and for a moment she had to dig her nails into her palm to remind herself that she couldn't just go and slap him back into his place.

But when the white heat cleared she knew that doing that would be exactly what he wanted. But she couldn't let the lies stand either. She stepped forward.

"And his idea of doing that involves inciting violence and telling you all lies."

Melvyn searched the gathering to find the source of the accusation. His eyes narrowed and his face grew tight as he focused his eyes on the alien woman before him. He would have loved to have his Security Personal dispose of her in a proper fashion. However, such a brazen act would not impress his potential investors.

Instead, he would have to rely upon a more passive method

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you one of the station's more colorful characters." He said, gesturing towards Yolanthe's natural ability to shift color and tone. The indication drew several chuckles from the crowd, obviously breaking the tension in the area.

"Yes madam, once our new facility is up and running, you too will have the opportunity to become a part of the Raddon Corporation Family within one of our many hospitality suites." He said with a generous smile. AS he was speaking he noticed Waylon moving across the crowd towards Yolanthe. With a subtle, and barely noticeable movement, Melvyn shook his head, indicating that he did not wish for the woman to be touched. . .at least not yet.

She noticed his slight movement. Let her eyes slide in the direction he'd given the tiniest glance to. One of his flunkies had been slithering towards her, and been called off. As if one of his little boys could possibly be a threat. She turned a slight shade of powder blue. "Why would I want to do that, Melvyn? Share air with the racists and fascists that you support. Or does associating with hate mongers and people causing riots on the prom not bother you and all your lovely friends here?"

Melvyn wanted to kill this creature right where she stood. However, he knew that was not the appropriate method of dealing with her. She was like a child starved for attention, looking to embarrass him.

"Dear child, I assure you that I am more than sympathetic to the current series of unfortunate events that have befallen your bar." He said. "If my establishment had been the scene of so many gruesome and callous murders I would be quite upset with those around me as well." He said in as genuine of a tone as he could muster.

"Perhaps you should bring your concerns to the station's current Commander. I'm certain that you or others like you would find a sympathetic ear from her." He said.

She knew he'd try and bring that up. "Well, that is the downside to having the most fashionable, popular and largest venue on the Prom." she allowed. "We are statistically more likely to attract a crazy, especially as given the prime location." She glanced around, trying to see if any of his audience was developing a conscience. Humans were so hard to read, just multiple shades of brown and beige with no clue to their feelings.

"Unfortunately, station command are as content to ignore me as they are smaller traders, and unlike your good self, I have neither talent for profiteering and graft, or the cronies in high places to run to. I'm limited to purely formal channels."

Melvyn smiled widely as he took a deep sigh. The sigh was one of frustration. His patience with this. . .alien had worn then.

"Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, have a good day." Melvyn said dismissively as he gave a nod towards Waylon.

"Everyone, if you'll follow me. . ." He said as he gestured the rest of the crowd to continue on to the remaining portion of the tour.

"Ma'am. . ." Waylon said firm and crisp as he gestured for her to go in the opposite direction. "Let's not make a scene." He said as looked directly into her eyes.

"I'd hate for there to be any. . .misunderstandings" He said as he loosened his shoulders and widened his stance.

Yolanthe looked at him, snorted, and went royal blue at the thought of the little boy trying anything. "One last question, Melvyn." Yolanthe called out as the human greybeard tried to move away. "What are you planning for those crates and crates full of Dominion tech stashed in your storage bay? I'm not sure I believe Dorian's medical research line any more."

Melvyn heard the woman and although he did not visibly show it, he was bristled by her comment. It was Dorian's failure that she was still breathing after observing the equipment stored within his facility. Now she was deliberately testing him to see how far she could push him.

He knew that he'd have to make an example for others that might wish to do the same.

Waylon squared his shoulders and looked directly into her eyes to get her attention. "Have a good day" He said in a terse and clipped tone, standing directly between her and Melvyn as the small crowd began to walk further away.

"I'm sure you know your way back to your. . .bar." He said, gesturing in a different direction.

The blue tones in her skin deepened to a bright clear azure. She knew he'd heard her. And he hadn't replied. Had she hit a nerve. She'd like to think so. And all his investors would have heard too. If that gave him a bad day, so much the better.

She looked at the henchman still standing in front of her, and smiled down at him, trying to look so big and dangerous. Bless. "I hope Rene got better," she told him. And she meant it, she hadn't seen the human since he'd been nearly crushed to death under the promenade, and as much as Raddon's employees were amusing, she'd only wish them real harm if they tried anything, and Rene hadn't done anything to her. "Tell him to stop by, let me know he's okay." She didn't expect it, given his employer, but it never hurt to ask. "You'd be welcome too, sweet cheeks."

And with that she turned on her heel and sauntered off, uncaring if the boy spluttered with indignation at the thought or not.

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corporation


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