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Horseback Riding, Part 3 (Conclusion)

Posted on Tue Mar 28, 2017 @ 1:57pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

851 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Holosuite 3
Timeline: MD 3 1400

They dozed in the afterglow for a bit and when Caleb awoke he looked down at Opal’s sleeping form curled against his naked body. He caressed her silken skin softly, not wishing to awaken her. Kissing her forehead, he gently eased the beautiful blonde onto the grass.

Caleb got up and pulled on his boxer briefs and jeans. He went over to the horses, stroking their soft coats, and found the canteen he had packed, taking a long drink. He stared back at the sleeping woman with concern. This was the first time Caleb had been with a woman since Mika’s death. Two years was a long time, and his body wanted more, but his heart was torn, guilt for betraying Mika’s love and his feelings for Opal warring within him. And then there was Aleczandra to consider. He hadn’t exactly told his daughter about his relationship with the beautiful civilian doctor. And could he trust Opal with Zandy’s secret? Did he want to put a woman he loved in that position?

Caleb looked back at Opal and then pulled out the blanket he had brought for the picnic from the saddle bags. He draped it lightly over the doctor to cover her nakedness.

Opal stirred and rolled over, wrapping herself deeper into the blanket. She looked up and saw Caleb there standing tall, and handsome, and hot. She smiled up at him. "Hey, Sexy," she purred and sat up, the blanket shifting itself as she twisted around. The spiral it ended up making of itself around her hugged closely to her slim figure, despite its chunky texture. She felt cuddly wrapped all round like this. "I didn't mean to doze off. Did I sleep long?" she asked tucking her legs underneath her.

Caleb’s eyes couldn’t leave the attractive doctor. He smiled at her. “Twenty minutes or so,” he said. “We both did. That was quite…vigorous,” he said, even blushing a bit. He came over to her and kissed her softly. “Ah didn’t mean ta wake ya,” he told her, caressing her blonde hair, gazing into her eyes.

Opal thought that perhaps she hadn't woken up yet and this was part of her dream, but she didn't want to spoil it, so she played along happily with the dream. "Caleb, that was the most amazing afternoon ever!" she sighed, holding his gaze with her own adoring one. "Could we do it again sometime?" she ventured. "Soon?" In for a penny, as the saying went.

Caleb smiled. “Ah would like that,” he admitted. A guilty look flitted across his features. “Ah didn’t plan for...this ta happen,” he told her. “For things ta move”

"I know you didn't. I didn't even daydream it could, but here we are and..." She was still looking at him dreamily until a doubt seemed to cross her features and draw in her brows. "Are...are you sad... sorry that we did that?” she asked, looking hurt and confused for a moment as that particular doubt plagued her happiness and cast up some distant clouds that threatened to approach from the far horizon.

Caleb reached out and cupped Opal’s cheek. He pulled her forward and kissed her softly. “Not sad,” he said. “Never that. You were -- are -- amazing, Opal. Ah am a very lucky man that ya would gift me with that part of you. It is just...faster than Ah am used to, especially since Ah’ve been out of the game for so long.” He sighed and pulled back. He didn’t want to burden her with his doubts, his feelings of betrayal for Mika. His wife was dead. It had been two years. Shouldn’t he move on?

It was clear to Opal that Caleb had something going on, and she wasn't sure how to ask for more details to help her understand or be of any assistance. She couldn't know that the problem he was working through wasn't something Opal could actively try to help him with, other than to just be patient and hope they could just keep going the way they had started and see how it worked out.

She helped him pack up the picnic and ready themselves for the ride back. She let him give her a leg up to mount back onto the lovely paint pony. "Do you think, perhaps...if it's not too much trouble, would you write in a sub-routine for a nice little mare of my own please? If you're happy for us to come back here, I'd love to find out more about your roots and to explore this fantastic landscape and farm. Could we do this again? Would you like to?"

Caleb smiled and mounted his stallion. It danced up to the paint’s side. “Ah would love to do this again, Opal,” he said, leaning down. He cupped her face and kissed her softly.

Opal returned his kiss, lost in deepest happiness.


Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Dr. Opal Oliver
(NPC Jools)


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