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Symbiosis (Part II)

Posted on Sun Mar 12, 2017 @ 3:07pm by Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,446 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Personal Quarters
Timeline: MD4 - 1440

Si'Lar Trellis stared at his screen quizzically as the terminal continued to alert him of an incoming subspace message. The emblem belonged to that of the Trill Symbiosis Commission. Just about every adult Trill was aware of the organization. What made the situation so odd was that he had no clue why the Commission would directly contact him.

"This is Si'Lar. . ." He said tentatively as he activated the communication link.

The face of Atris Peral, Head of the Symbiosis Commission, appeared on the screen. "Lieutenant Trellis, thank you for taking my call. I trust I'm not interrupting your duties." She smiled, but the look on her face was grim.

"Hello, Madam Commissioner," Si'Lar said respectfully. To him, the woman represented one of the most painful memories of his life: Being rejected from becoming a Joined Trill. It had been well over a decade since he had withdrawn his candidacy from the Trill Evaluation Board and was informed that he had not been selected to carry one of the highest honors within Trill Society.

"How can I help you?" He asked.

"I have a problem, and I was hoping you could help me," Peral replied. "You're an honorable man, devoted to your duties, and loyal to your home planet. You also happen to be in a position where you can perform a good deed. It won't be an easy thing, but if you agree to help then you will have made a very influential friend. Me. Are you interested?"

Si'Lar hesitated for several moments before he responded. At any other time in his life he would've jumped at the opportunity to perform some service for the Symbiosis Commission, regardless of the costs. However, his rejection had given him a more sobering view of the Commission as a whole, but part of him still longed for acceptance.

"'am, I'm confused." he began timidly. "Why contact me? Surely there are other members of this staff on board this station that could be of more effective service. Commander Aldrex for example, perhaps even the Trill Ambassador." He replied, still not certain why *he* had been chosen for this potential task.

"Commander Aldrex has helped to an extent, but he can do no more," Peral explained. "His hands are tied on this matter. And the Ambassador is in no position to help. Not like you are." She sighed and tilted her head. "I do apologize, Si'Lar. I don't mean to put you in a difficult spot, but I have thought about this, and I think you're the only one on Deep Space Five who can help me. But say the word and I will end this call now." She waited for his answer.

"N-no ma'am, I...." Si'Lar sighed outwardly, choosing his words carefully. "That won't be necessary ma'am. I'm here to serve and assist Trill in anyway possible." He affirmed.

Atris Peral smiled. "Thank you, Si'Lar. I will say this next part very carefully. Commander Aldrex has access to certain intelligence reports as executive officer of your station. As a security officer I'm guessing you have access to them, too. One of these reports speaks of a half-Trill teenage girl who may be in danger from members of a criminal organization. Aldrex wants to tell me her name but cannot because it is, as he says, an 'ongoing operation.'" She sighed, and her face took on a worried look. "This girl needs our help, Si'Lar. All I need is her name, and the name of the planet she's on. I don't need to see anything else from that report. Can you find out and tell me?"

Si'Lar's felt a cold chill run through his spots. It was a evolutionary mechanism that ancient Trillis had developed as an early warning system when they felt scared or confronted. Now, the Trill felt the same sensation as the woman before him revealed to him information that he thought had been known only to a select few.

It was obvious that she was aware of Commander Caleb's daughter's biological history. Why Commander Aldrex had not revealed her name was unclear, but it was certain that she was under some kind of danger. Si'Lar wondered whether that danger was as a result of her father being the head of Security or perhaps due to her symbiont's previous enemies.

"Ma'am, I do not believe that the term 'half-Trill' would be the most accurate phrase to describe her current situation." Si'Lar said. It was obvious from his tone that he did not think highly of non-qualified individuals serving as Hosts. But to have a Human carry a Symbiont was simply beyond the pale in Si'Lar's mind.

Still, he knew that the more important issue was not arguing over semantics, but in protecting the life of the Symbiont inside of the human girl. It was obvious the Commission Administrator was aware that the daughter belonged to Commander Caleb, otherwise she never would contacted one of the highest ranking Trills in the Security Department. However, he still had questions of his own.

"Ma'am, did Commander Aldrex explain to you how Commander Caleb's daughter became the target of a criminal organization, or at the very least which criminal organization is after her?

Peral frowned and tilted her head, betraying her momentary confusion. The name was unfamiliar to her but she knew that "Commander" was a Starfleet rank. More than that, Si'Lar and Aldrex seemed to know this Commander personally. "Pardon me? Commander who?" The other question about the criminal organization was overlooked. "Are you saying this girl is the daughter of a Starfleet officer?"

Now Si'Lar shared the look of confusion as well. "Why...yes ma'am, I thought Commander Aldrex would have told you that when he explained that there was a human girl that possessed a Symbiont." He said, not understanding the cause for confusion. Especially since she had contact him. "Didn't Commander Aldrex explain that the girl is the daughter of Commander Ryan Caleb, the current Chief of Security?" He asked.

Both of Peral's eyebrows went up, and she eased back slowly against her chair. "No, he didn't mention that part. Must have forgotten it." Things were coming into focus now, and the gears in her head were turning. "Commander Ryan Caleb, you say? And he and his daughter are present on the station as we speak?"

"Yes ma'am," Si'Lar said, still abit concerned by the Commissioner's response. "Did Commander Aldrex not explain this in his original conversation with you?" He asked. "I explained all of this to Commander Aldrex weeks ago when I first discovered it in my investigation of a related matter." He added.

Si'Lar was even more confused. Why hadn't Aldrex explained all of this to her in their conversation. Was he trying to hide something from the commission?

"I was a bit confused on some details," Peral lied, "but I understand now. You've done well, Si'Lar. Tell me, what's this girl's name? And do you know which symbiont she has joined to? I think I would like to come out and meet her."

"I believe Commander Aldrex said it was the Naqiis symbiont." Si'Lar informed her. "Commander Ryan's daughter is Aleczandra." He said as he sat up in his chair, no longer question his decision to speak with the Commission. Why would Commander Aldrex hide this information from the Symbiont Commission. This wasn't just a minor infraction, this was He felt that it was a violation of something that went ot the heart of Trill society: The connection between a Host and a Symbiont.

"Whatever the Commission believes is the best next step to take in this matter, I will support it." He said.

"I'll have a ship bring me out to your station," Peral said. "All I ask is that you not alert Commander Aldrex to my arrival. Nor this girl Aleczandra and her father. Can you do that for me?"

Si'Lar sigh outwardly as he contemplated what he was being asked. He was a Starfleet Officer, but more importantly he was a Trill. Being a Trill meant that he had an obligation to protect that which was sacred to his people. Moreover, he had an obligation as a Starfleet Officer to protect any and all beings that he believed were being harmed and/or exploited, and the Trill Symbiont inside of Commander Ryan's daughter definitely fit that description.

"Yes ma'am, I can" He said with finality.

"Thank you," Peral said. She ended the transmission. She directed her next question at the computer. "Computer, open the file on Mika Naqiis"


Atris Peral
Chairperson, Symbiosis Commission
(NPC Aldrex)

Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation Officer


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