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Noelle/Amia - Prenatal Checkup

Posted on Sun Sep 24, 2017 @ 6:04am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.

1,298 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Main infirmary, Deep Space Five

Noelle gently knocked on the door frame of the open office door, her smile and genuine excitement evident on her face. "Ready for someone to take care of you for a change?"

Amia was due for her regular prenatal appointment and she graciously allowed Noelle to oversee her care. Of course, given Noelle's additional medical training and specific expertise in obstetrics, it wasn't unusual or entirely unexpected, but still, it was a gesture of trust and friendship for her to agree. It wasn't something Bennett took lightly either, as given Amia was dealing with a complex pregnancy, she was going to require close supervision.

Still, Noelle was grateful for the opportunity to work in the infirmary when her counseling duties allowed, which, of late, had been its own challenge. Between her regular department responsibilities and providing assistance to the ongoing murder investigation, Bennett had been quite busy. Given recent dark events, however, that was all the more reason for Noelle to want to focus on positive event like a prenatal checkup, no matter how challenging it would be in its own right.

"I'm not really used to that but in the circumstances, baby and I would be glad of all the help we can get!" Amia smiled back. "Come in..... tea? Coffee?" she offered and went towards the replicator to fetch herself a sparkling water and whatever Noelle asked for.

Noelle smiled in return. "Lemonade, thank you," Bennett requested. "I appreciate any opportunity I can get to work on obstetrics cases. I can honestly say that area of medicine is still one of my passions and I'm determined to keep my skills sharp. As I said, however, I'm more than willing to coordinate with anyone else on your care team."

Amia's smile hid her nervousness. Given the complications she knew she was facing, the idea of a fully manned (or womanned) team was more than welcome.

"My metaphasic radiation balancer is a serious problem. It keeps me dosed with a trickle of the radiation I need and it's slowly weaning me off but I was told it would take 10 yrs to be completely finished. I don't have that long before my baby will need to leave the womb and then she will need a tiny metaphasic drip, similar to mine, because she has been growing inside a body that has exposed her to a small but significant amount of her own." Amia explained.

"Mai'ya Weston, from Starbase 80 has been looking into the Research done by her old Mentor and she is going to help me wean baby off, or if that isn't possible, then to provide her with a tiny, miniaturised version of her own delivering a small proportion of what I get and mimicking what is happening to me. She should be over and back to the same radiation balance as her father in about 2 years max, perhaps less if her half Trill DNA assists her to adapt. It's very complicated!"

"It's a challenge," Noelle added with a nod and smile, "but it's nothing we can't handle. It sounds like you've already done a great deal to prepare yourself for what's ahead concerning potential unique variables for this baby, and in the meantime, it's my job to make sure you enjoy this pregnancy and take care of yourself just as well. I know it's not going to be easy not to worry, but you don't have to carry that burden alone. Every member of your medical team is going to take very good care of you," she reassured. "Now, in the meantime, how are you feeling?" she asked with a grin.

Amia rolled her eyes. "Seriously?" she laughed. That was SUCH a Counsellor thing to ask. "I'm .... sick... nauseous, most of the time! But I'm drinking gallons of ginger beer, ginger wine and Terran Lemon and Ginger tea. It seems to be making it worse.... " she grinned lopsidedly. "Well, not so much worse, just a bit more gassy, although I feel less likely to throw up, so it's swings and roundabouts."

Noelle laughed. "It's also a very doctor thing to say," she replied with a grin. "I'm sorry you're feeling so nauseated," she added sympathetically. "Are you able to keep food down or is vomiting also an issue?" It went without saying that certain symptoms were to be expected, but they also weren't dismissed automatically out of hand either.

"No, I can eat once the nausea has cleared - which it does later in the day, but some things do set off a sudden attack of vomiting: strong smells, that sort of thing...." Amia answered.

"That's good to know," Noelle replied, feeling personally reassured. "All of that is normal, of course, as you know." She removed a tricorder from her pocket and said, "Mind if I take a look? I know it's a bit early yet, but the least I can do is check to make sure you're not anemic and that your hormone levels are where they should be, even with your unique circumstances. Please forgive the hovering," she added with a grin, not doubting Amia's own knowledge and skill.

"I don't know. It's just not right. I can't say why. Doctor's instinct? I .... " Amia trailed off and shrugged. "Sorry to be so unhelpful." she apologised.

"You're not being unhelpful," Noelle reassured, "You're just uncertain, and that's completely understandable given the added factors to consider. For the record, if you want to come in every hour on the hour to make sure you and the baby are okay, that would be okay with me. If that's what will help put your mind at ease, we can do that. In the meantime," she added, looking down at her tricorder which had been whirring away when she began her response, "radiation challenges aside, your hormone levels are exactly where they should be and I'm not seeing any sign of anemia or infection. You could benefit from plenty of rest and healthy food, and in the meantime, always feel free to come in if you have any cramping, bleeding, or anything off. I wonder, have you ever practiced any deep breathing exercises for relaxation?"

Amia shrugged "I tried all that, and Yoga as well." she said a little dismissively. "I'm just agitated. I guess it's all part of the condition. Hormones or whatever it is that tips pregnant women off their normal centre of comfort"

Pausing only briefly, Amia added. "...but thank you for all your wonderful support Noelle. You've been very kind and infinitely patient. I do appreciate all you've been doing. I'm sorry to be edgy."

"You're most welcome," Noelle replied warmly. "You're entitled to be edgy and you don't have to apologize for that given everything that's on your mind. Just as long as you don't shut the people out who care about you the most, myself included, we'll see you through this. In the meantime, how about we go ahead and set your next appointment?"

"I'll look forward to it." Amia said truthfully. She really hadn't been at all at ease at first but she warmed to the lovely Counsellor and genuine desire to help. Amia had made friends in the Sickbay on this station but she hardly knew anyone from any of the rest of the community. To be totally honest, she was lonely here. Her Sickbay friends were lovely but she was their boss and that made it a bit awkward to be totally at ease with most of them. Somehow, although Noelle was medical too, she wasn't the same as someone directly and totally answerable to Amia. It made it easier to be less formal, less cautious and well, just a bit more at her ease.

To Be Continued/...

Commander Amia Telamon


Lt (jg) Noelle Bennett M.D.


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